Okay, I see that these suck a little, or a lot but these are my first SIGs. Enjoy! Hitman(My Fav, For some reason its not working.) Spoiler Sonic Spoiler My first one, Halo Sparkle Spoiler Hope you enjoy, and if you want one(other than hitman)tell me!
Nice sigs but keep it up & you can be very ______ around these forums & people would want to make sigs with you more often Popular ______
Um... 1) These are not sigs, cause they cannot fit in your signature (without spoiler) 2) What did you even do to edit these, short of adding text? ( especially the sonic and hit man one..)
Okay to be completely honest with a bit of sugar-coating, these aren't good. Hitman, how can you be proud of it? YOu did close to nothing to it. I searchd "hitman" into Google images and came up with this. It's not yours, you didnt touch it. Other than putting in some ill-fitting text. And anyway, its too big to be a sig. So since I cant have that one, I'll make my own... that's actually within size limit. Your sonic one is also way too big and would get you infracted if you were to use it. That one also really does not appeal to me. It's just a picture of sonic with an overused, overrated, awkward filter added. THe last one wouldn't get you infracted. THe text on it is an awful choice, it doesnt flow well and is incredibly sharp. The rest of it is pretty good, but I think you should've used an orange spartan instead of the cheif.
You tell him Linubidix! Okay now that Linubidix played the bad guy I am gonna sugar coat it for you... These aren't up to your full potential and with some time and tuts you could drastically improve. I would suggest doing tuts and experimenting more and creating different effects other than text... Sorry but these just aren't very good since you didn't do anything to them so yeah...
You didn't even do anything with the last one, someone made that for you, didn't they? I believe this is small scale ripping? My?
tut tut tut... In all the meanings that tut inplies... Also what program r u using. And to resize use the Marquee tool and then go to Edit>Transform>Scale.
well the hitman and sonic are clearly way to big to be sigs but the hitman is the better of them. p.s. i liked ur remake of mile high club although it coulda been better
I don't think I can add much to what the others said apart from some suggestions. You should definably check out some tutorials for the program your using (what is it anyway?) and/or just mess around with the program, explore with new effects and try to create something more original.
The tuts on planetrenders are very helpful in my opinion and also you need to google it. Also I posted a DBZ tut that helps with smudging and C4d use.