I'm actually using it right now. You'll want to turn off the keystroke logger. Its there to record your strokes to recommend sites to you. To turn it off, click the wrench, then go click manage, then uncheck the box at the bottom. I think it works fairly well, I don't know if I'll use it instead of Firefox, I'm trying it for awhile.
There's no need to move this to Off-Topic. It's not '' forum games and random nonsense''. Fits better with this descrption ''This forum is dedicated to civilized discussion of matters of importance.'' It probably is. Why wouldn't it? It's made by google, so I'm guessing you can download it too. It's still in the BETA version, you should all know. I downloaded it, and I'll probably keep it, but I wouldn't use it over IE or Firefox. I mainly use Firefox though. I only use explorer for when I open some stuff like my hotmail email through MSN. Do any of you guys know how to report bugs to them, or, like, things that could be fixed, at least?
Google Chrome's about: Pages Some browser commands: • about:memory shows how much memory the browser--and any other Web browser--is using. Conveniently for Web developers, it also shows how much each Web site in a browser tab is using. • about:stats shows a wide range of internal measurements such as the time taken to initialize Chrome, load Gears, or perform various operations while running JavaScript programs with Chrome's V8 engine. The page also carries the amusing note, "Shhh! This page is secret!" • about:network tracks the detailed network activity of using a Web site. • about:version shows details of what version of Chrome is running, along with the user-agent text that the browser reports when identifying itself to Web sites. Why "Mozilla" is in this string is a mystery to me, though perhaps it has to do with the way Chrome can use Firefox plug-ins; why "Mozilla" is apparently in the iPhone's user-agent text is even more a mystery. • about:histograms graphs various performance measurements such as the time taken to autocomplete text users type into the browser. • about:crash crashes the active browser tab. If you type about:internets you will find an Easter Egg.