On my map we made a slide with double boxes, but you can jump where they meet. Here is a picture: In Version two we want to merge them, but even when we did we could still jump off where they merged. Is there any way to make it so that you can't jump?
Not sure what you mean but you could put the teleporters directly in the middle instead of hugging one side then the other.
You could interlock them at more of an angle, Or use bridges instead, allowing your map to be smaller in bulkeyness
The only sugestion I could give would be to have the upper box overlap the lower boxe just a little so they can't get a surface to jump off of. I don't know if it will work but I think it will. Love, Zachary9990
I was thinking of that, but I just wanted to make sure I couldn't do it any other way. Thank you. Also to Killerjoker11 the angle of the picture just makes them look that way.
Unfortunatley V2 will take some time to finish because of the precision that goes into the moving of the boxes ever so slightly. Also because some bosxes decided to magically disapear
They are in the middle. And thats a little off topic but i see what you were thinking. In that matter we are going to funnel the bottom into the teleporters.