Seriously? What the F*ck... Here's the story. FORREST CITY, AR – Police say a Forrest City, Arkansas man has been charged with raping his 8 day-old baby. According to a police report, officers were called to the Forrest City Medical Center, September 1, 2008, about a baby that had been sexually assaulted. Forrest City police say the baby also had a skull fracture and had to be transferred to the Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock because of the severity of the injuries. Investigators say the father attacked the infant during a visit at her 15 year-old mother's house. Police say other people were at the home at the time of the assault. Police say Davis had no criminal record since turning 18, but could not say whether Davis had a juvy wrap-sheet. The information could not be released under Arkansas state law, said investigators. Police say the infant’s father, 18 year-old Reginald Davis, has been charged with Rape and Second-Degree Battery. The case is still under investigation and it is unknown if any other arrests will be made, said Forrest City Police. Davis is being held on a $100,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in circuit court on September 17.
There were 5 asterisks. FOOL! Just kidding, but seriously, if this guy gets life, it is too good for him.
If he gets death its too good for him. We must invent something much worse. No Halo for a week Mr. Rapist!
Take him out of the jail cell and have him dissapear allong with the cops missplacing their guns while walking down the dirt road in the woods at night.
Life in prison would actually be worse than death for this guy. Apparently, even ex- cons hate child (baby) molesters. And they need "release"... A lifetime of butthurt seems fitting.
They could hang him upside down, and ever now and again give him food and he will die eventually. Also that is messed up.
Everyone in prison will absolutely hate this dude for what he did and make his life hell. Even cons have some idea of what is too far..
WTF? This guy is as messed up as a wall covered in jello and horse crap. I know wtf? But seriously this guy deserves life.
Wow that is beyond sick. why not just go back to the 15 year old? did he figure "well that would be rape now that i'm 18"... seriously thats so screwed up in so many ways. who can actually see a BABY and be sexually attracted. its beyond sick. its just horrid. where is the world headed these days.
He reminds me of someone from my school. Shocking how any age has sick baby molesters. look at his face and think what possibly is under the photo...not to be a perv but it is kinda relavent and creepy
i saw this on sxephil and that is gross that is not really even possible unless he has a small peepee his prison term is going to suck ass they treat pedophioles like **** imagine what is going to happen to him