Castle v.3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by BAMFthesenior, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
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    CASTLE v.3
    This is version 3 of my wonder ful castle series. This version however is based for infection, but for team based gametype that includes: CTF(Capture The Flag), VIP, Team Slayer, and Neutral Assault. I'll base some rules for u forgers, CTF is simple, capture the enemies flag and return it, however to do so u must break down the enemy castles gate destroy barriers protecting the flag get the back to your base and score. VIP is a bit complex, because the VIP is your king and he dies you lose the game... That not easy on both sides because the VIP wont die asily and anyone standing 10 meters from him will be stronger, they're like personal nights. Neutral Assault is easily explained, get the bomb breach the opposing teams gate and destroy the protection around the score zone and plant the bomb. Team Slayer is last, but not least, its simply team slayer to 100. on all those gametypes you start with a BR and sword. The is symetrical and has catapults in them, the color of the custom is the color of your team; BLUE=Defenders, RED=Attackers.

    Weapons include: Snipers, SMGs, BRs, Turrets, Rockets, Shotguns, Trip mines, Regens, Power Drains, and Power ups(team wise).

    Defender overview
    Attacker overview
    Front gate(symetrical)
    Protection for Flag or Bomb score.
    Shoot fusion coils to break down

    Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    CTF: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    Neutral Assault: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    VIP: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    Team Slayer: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing


  2. I Pink Mist I

    I Pink Mist I Ancient
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    At least there's some interlocking...
    But dude, your post blows. I dunno about the map, it looks completely unoriginal, and there's definitely better ones out there. 2/5, nice try. Too much but not enough.
  3. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    So it'z finally up!

    Not bad for a castle type map. The post wasn't bad, Pink Mist, it was actually pretty good for a brand new member.

    I like how you made an actual castle-looking thing, instead of just a bunch of lumpz. Thankz for interlocking. Try making more stuff in the open, or else people will tell you to do that in like 5 secondz. Overall, not bad for a beginning forgehubber!

    EDIT: BTW, you can breach the wallz by doing a simple nade jump. I'd fix that az soon az possible.
  4. charliezulublue

    charliezulublue Ancient
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    cool u should have switchs that shoot fusion coils itd be like a pirate ship arrg lol good job
  5. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    Pretty cool. Good idea to block flag out, good interlocking. 4/5 and a DL and an idea. Though this isn't very origninal.
  6. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Umm.. Hello you must be new like me... But honestly no one on this site would want to hear someone say their map "blows". You'll probably get negative rep for that..

    On to the review! Your map looks quite well made and your post is up to standards which is nice. It looks like you spent the time to interlock which makes me :), but for a v4 you may want to add a lot more cover. It looks like deadmans field from base to base. Also i can't tell from the pics if you have but you may want to cut off the back part of foundry so people don't hide over there. Your map is great but add more cover for v4 and maybe rename it. Castle the name is overly used. So maybe change the name and add more cover and it looks like it'll be a really cool map. I'd have to rate, mm... 4/5

    Keep Forging!
  7. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
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    v.4 has already been made and its post is coming
  8. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    This map looks decent. I like that you did some interlocking but you could have done more. I also like explosions so those fusion coils look tasty like pie!

    The map is a little too open so you should add some cover. The main thing this map lacks is some scenery that sets it apart from hundreds of similar maps.

    People will give you a higher rating on your map if you do some difficult geomerging and interlocking and add some awesome scenery. You should make an improved version of this map because it really has potential!

    3/5 for now...

    EDIT: I see you have made a v4, I look forward to seeing improvements!

    Yeah, pink mist, you shouldn't say someones map "BLOWS". I said someones map looked like **** because it did but I got a lot of **** for it. I'll probobly get some **** for this post too but I dont give a ****. People don't like it when you say words such as ****, ****, ****, ****, DAMN, etc.
    Norbert220 likes this.
  9. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    That's a classic line, although you really shouldn't have said that. BTW, thanks Bass Forger for the backup of him. Anyway, If I were you I'd try and make a switch to enter the castle.
    #9 Norbert220, Sep 3, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2008
  10. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Seriously, rusty eagle just gave me bad rep for that post. classic =D
  11. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
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    I know its too open, but I cant really change that, because I have already used all the money in the map, sorry.

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