Lol, I have so many different GT's...most are random words I say though, and stupid phrases. Lol your a fraes.
Well, mine is very complex. Okay, long ago, I made an AOL Email address, my name is Keenan Nakagawa (I'm ASIAN!!!!), so I put keenannakagawa @ aol. com, but that was taken so I looked for suggestions and there it was, KeebobBobagawa @ aol. com. I guess they got it from changing keeNAN NAKagawa to BOB, so it's KeeBOB BOBagawa, so since then the name sort of stuck.
Hmm, originally I used Jpat419, which was Jimmy Patterson from Medal of Honour, and 419 for Foehammer from combat evolved. Than later was changed to Jsten419, first initial first name first four letters of my last name. Not that it matters or something, =D
My GT used to be JoeDirt111 because my cousin was helping me connect my ancient router to work for XBOX Live and we happend to be watching JoeDirt at the time (one of our favorite movies) but eventually I got bored of the name so I changed it to the nickname that most kids at my highschool refer to me by, Big Daddy V, because I'm a f***** giant (6'8" 235lbs and only 15 years old) and my last initial is a V so yea.
BooM Krootal1ty (capital m) BooM = BooM ClaN Krootal1ty = diff form of krootalus... thus BooM Krootal1ty was born
Well I got mine out of a book a long time ago. The numbers 866 (If you ever text, you'd understand) represent Tom, my middle name being Thomas.
I was in a rush to play halo 2 and that was all I thought I would play (Idiot) so I used my weird name and gave myself a gun. For some utterly strange reason the name stuck and I don't feel like changing it.
one day i was playing halo combat evolved on the xbox then when i went to check my mail my friend sent me a email that said "Hey Check It Out You Can Play As Aliens On Halo 2!!" i watched the gameplay and asked him "who do you play as?" he said the arbiter so i wanted to change my gamertag to arbiter but it was taken so i put in random numbers the wola " arbiter2735 " those are the numbers
well back when i was like in 5th grade (6 yrs ago) and played runescape i was known as Raiseduwoof. Then when i started playin halo 2 (3 yrs ago) i was still known as that but w/ all caps. then my subscrip ran out. then i got another on it was DUWOOFIZONFIRE(that ran out about a yr ago). so then i finaly i got a 360, I got xbl w/ it and name my self HALO UNSC (i know its gay but i coulndnt find nething better) Then about 6 months ago i changed it to xFr1ct10nx named after the machinima that im trying to make but i still need a capture card. so thats basically it. srry for it being so long lol
uhh hydra sounded cool but it was taken and puting numbers infront or behind your name looks ******* stupid so i put dx in front of hydra so DxHydra
My parents call me zander. My real name is Alexander (people call me Alex) so they took the back half of it and made it my nickname. My brother's gamertag is tinman5364, and his gamertag is also a nickname given to him by our parents. Austin is his real name, so they took tin and put man behind it. My other brother, he doesn't have a nickname, so I was laughing at him and pointing that out when he was making his gamertag. The 1994 at the end is my birthday. My brother's 5364 is for SEGA which he really liked until they ****ed everything up.
Uh, Hai. Coolant came from about 5 years ago when I first got AIM. I was looking for a name and a commercial for Coolant came up on the TV. So yeah, just kinda wrote it down and never looked back. People still call it Cool Ant, or Coolent, and it annoys the flaming dogs outta me.
The Godfather is one of my favourite movies, and I've always been 'overly' protective of my family especially my little sister. So my mates started calling me Sonny, and it seemed perfect to take online. Had the same tag since the very beginning of xbox live.
Hahaha, your guy's gamertag sucks to mine. I r sooper 1337 wit m-i-ne. Cause Roni66701 is teh best. Joke for all the people who misunderstood me.
No flaming, and don't type like that cause its not funny, and we can't understand you. (It's only funny when Master Chief does it does it.)
Nah, it was only friendly. I didn't mean to flame anyone, and I typed like that to help people understand that my post was a joke. Oh yea, stay on-topic. Well, I didn't make my gamertag. It was made for me.
You guys should really stay on the topic. My gamertag is King Coolbeans and it's origin is from the greatest movie ever made, which is also known as Hot Rod. Coolbeans was already taken so I couldn't use that. I also wanted something original (no numbers, no messed up capitalization, and descent spelling). Knowing that I am awesome I thought to myself what would be an appropraite name for someone as cool as me and I thought self a King. And BooM my new life was born. The End. King= I should be king of the world (if bush could be president how hard can it be to be king of Earth) Cool=I am cool Beans= I eat beans every day.