Paladation Hey Forgers... To keep the story short, the original map was (regrettably) based on the idea of maps from Forgehub legends, and I apologize... So I made changes, including renaming the map so it never get confused or caught up in this type of mess again... I've also learnt my lesson. After crying like a scolded child I manned up and this map shall be called... Paladation Anyway, this map is good for FFA slayer, team slayer, CTF, 1 flag, Assualt, Neutral Assualt, Oddball... I may later on make the map more suited for Infection etc. Its an asymetric map, where attackers begin at the tail end of the "P' and the defenders at the head, each team starts with a mongoose. after testing again and forging again I can now tell you the map contains: -Battle Rifle -Carbines -Magnums -SMG's -Spikers -Plasma Rifles -Sniper Rifle -Spartan Laser -Shotgun -Frag + Plasma Grenades - 2x Mongoose -Power drainer / bubble shield / regenerator Tail end Head end Sniper Cage (two way tele) Spartan Laser tower (two way tele) its possible to snipe this person from the Sniper Cage below Action shot, the Regenerator is indispensible in this map, use it to your advantage... and aim the carbine, I mean come on... Link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Keep on Forging the good Forge! Love, minimac XVII
first of all your pics dont work and second of all i think that its dumb that your taking the name from others peoples maps
Yeah I realise its kinda a copy... But I'm trying and I'm passionate bout forging, but thanks for the tips anyway. I shall remove post :'(
well keep forging just don't copy please! I like the map =) EDIT Thank you for renaming the map, I'm sorry everyone (including me) freaked out so much. I hope you continue to post maps on forgehub!
Thanks man, on the plus side (thanks to your advise) I got the pics up, I'll also rename the map, and leave the Alphabet Maps for the experts. I didn't base it on their maps so I'm sure if I changed the idea and any connection with their maps, it should be atleast half decent
well even though he his taking the project ideas from someone else it doesnt mean you have to be so hard on him for copying a map, i mean after all, project p was not made yet so he didnt steal any maps but i wouldve liked to see the abc crew make the map instead, no offense of course i mean this map is still pretty good
To rename your map, press the edit button, then "go advanced". From there you can change your name. The layout seem to be pretty fine, but i think turning the boxes up-side-down and interlocking them would make it smoother to walk on. The walls should also be interlocked to prevent random grenades bouncing off. Go check out the forging tutorials and learn interlocking, it vastly improves you maps! The layout seem to be pretty good too, but i don't like teleporters at all personally. Get rid of those, and put a deployable grav-lift somewhere on the map (If you want to prevent breakouts, use some stairs or a slanted wall).
You guys should shut the **** up, the ABCrew does not own project maps, there is no law against it, I'm sure Tex and Shad0w would agree. Onto the map. I really like the layout and weapon choice, nothing looks too overpowering. It does look rather sloppy and escapable, I would suggest replacing the splazor with rocks and sticking a ghost in there. Keep forging!
Regretably despite the recent news update talking about how much trash talk and all the negative comments on forgehub it doesn't seem to have sunk in yet to some. First things first, Im sure the ABCrew have no issues with new forgers taking inspiration from their maps, Infact they should be proud and pleased that people take an interest in the forging techniques and ideas. As for the map itself. Its nicely laid out with a good balance between High vantage points and low covered areas, There is no areas which are a focal point for the fighting kind of like the original foundry the fighting is widespread and varied, which in my opinion is nice. This map could be improved greatly by advanced forging techniques like Interlocking, and you could improve the overall look by going over and straightening some walls and overall polishing it untill you cannot polish it anymore, That is when its ready to be unleashed An overal 3/5, You say your passionate which is great and I honestly hope to see more maps from you. Also Congratulations on your first succesfully posted map on forgehub your already 10 steps ahead of many new comers to this community You also read your feedback and work with it which is fantastic. Welcome <3 Chicken Dippah
hey guys... I didn't mean for this to be quite a big deal. Guess my first impression to Forge hub is a bit bad, but thanks to Hotpokk, your suggestions really help, and I'll keep on forging, hopefully better maps... with ghosts on And thanks Chisken Dippah... I will be ceartain to take all of your suggestions... I think I've even downloaded your maps so I'm a fan. So to sum up thanks guys your the reason I find Halo 3 the best game in the world. cheers, have a good day!
First off, let me say that some people need to lighten up. A. it's just a game, B. ABCrew doesn't own it (although I love their maps), and C. he didn't steal the main map or anything like that. The idea for your map is actually pretty original in my book. The layout is pretty nice, but the actual forging of it could be done a little better. Try to make cleaner merges and maybe give the map a more aesthetically pleasing view to it. 3.5/5 in my book. Keep up the forging man!
no merging? i would think everyone here on forgehub would know how to do that! i mean, there's a whole tutorial about it here.
Kinda like a normal interlocked Foundry. Looks good, and cool name BTW. But to casual to mezzz. No DL(though no one should care)and rate 3.5/5
yea man, its like hotpokk said (a little more colorfully) 1. the ABC crew don't own the idea of making letter maps, so if you straight out decided to steal that idea, they'd pretty much just have to suck it up and deal with it. 2. That's not what you did anyway. you took inspiration from their maps and put it into yours, which is good. I'm sure they'd be flattered. the map itself seems like you got the layout down, and now you just need to work on execution. check out some of the tutorials on forgehub. you could learn lots of nice tricks to help yourself out and get your maps some better ratings. you say your passionate and i'll believe you, so just keep at it
Not every map needs interlocking. It will certainly improve the overall impression, but there isn't a rule saying that you have to interlock or else the thread will be deleted. Some great maps that people play often aren't interlocked, but people don't care about the looks as much as the gameplay. So if you play this map with some friends of urs and you find out it's a pretty fun map, then you won't care that much about his lack of interlocking. You just need to give this map a chance and see for yourself if the lack of interlocking makes the map terrible or good.
Yeah, it's true, they don't own project maps. If this user didn't know of the ABC crew, I guess it's not his fault. If he did know, it's not against the rules or anything, but still is kind of being rude, but who cares, it's not a big deal. Now, for a real post, from the looks of it, you haven't had one in a while. Yes, the map is sloppy, and being escapable is a huge take down on your map. Your weapons on forge SEEM to be pretty balanced, but I didn't see the use of correct spawn areas. You should add them, otherwise it's a unique idea, watch out when you name your maps things like project (letter), because the ABC crew makes project (letter) maps a lot and by doing this, it's not your fault, but you've gotta expect kids to flame you on it. 3/5. Fix up the suggestions and you've got an awesome map. EDIT: This is REALLY important to your map, and I used to not do this as a young forger. I would spend so much time on the map, and just want to get done with it and post it. Sometimes you've gotta go the extra mile and test it out for a few days or a week until the feedback is only honest and legit stuff. Making the map play good is way more important than how it looks, or is posted.
yea theres been a project z,u, etc think of a new name. but besides that i was kind of unimpressed because stuff was sloppy and i didnt notice any merging. altho some stuff looks fun. 3/5
i think the sniper cage and laser tower are a little unfair (unless these teleporters are in plain sight, of course)
this kinda fits under the status quo announcement from earlier i think it needs a crap load more of interlocking the basic layout is great but interlocking is very essential in all those great maps you see out there. also in your future posts please add more overview shots and give your post some flava'