Good bridge slanted making and nice interlocking. The trapped truck in the middle is random though lol I would remove the grav lift though. It has no use. And the sniper also has no use for it looks like a small map.
Are you serious? The grav lifts take you from the bottom level in the tunnels, to the top level by the stairs! Silly boy.
I hate this. I've looked through everything on the post, and I really can't see anything to be critical on. Well, okay, if I had to be nitpicky, I'd say you could have used better pencil crayons for the sketch , and MAYBE another weapon or two on the actual map. But seriously, everything flows smoothly and looks lovely. The opening pic is drenched in awesomesauce too.
This map looks really clean and smooth. The interlocking is almost perfect. I can't wait to download and play this one.
hey master. Great map. the interlocking is superb and the gameplay looks epic. there is a couple places where you could have interlocked better, namely the signs, no big deal though.I am, however, concerned about the interlocked stairs. I've tried it and all it does is make player movement awkward, no matter how cool or awesome it map look.
I seriously had one of the greatest/funnest game I have ever play on a foundry map. I love everything about this map, from the layout to the absolutly great gameplay. The weapon placement, the highground vs lowground factor, the close quarters, and also the extensive across the mapbattle to. My favorite feature aestheticly wise, is the bridge pillar with the truck within. I'm CaMOfo and I approve of this map to the highest degree.
Great googly moogly! This map is beautiful! This looks like a great 2v2 map. I say it should be used in the 2v2 tournament. But no one cares about my opinion. Anyway, this map looks great. I'll download so I can forge around and complete my analysis. Good job.
Haha the truck in the bridges made me laugh But about the map: This map looks pretty nice, the layout is something newer (along with your picture)(hand drawn) lawl But you did do a good job of interlocking, I can see in alot of your pictures everything is just barely touching, and the walls are straight up. thats always a plus. I also see a picture of your bridge, i'm still confused as to how there are two random poles sticking out of it, and i can think of nothing in the Foundry pallet that has those, unless its a movable object merged into it. I think this map was to prove to others your true forging abilities, Now you have to go out there and be creative, think of something totally original, and i dont see why anyone wouldn't like your maps. As for gameplay this seems pretty legit, Its equal on both sides, and nothing overpowering. Good job, i like the work.
ha ha =) your crappy diagram sketch is great. Reminds me of the even crappier one I drew, oh the memories... sigh
Playing this with you today was fun, even with only 3 people in FFA. It is a simple looking map, but I always seemed to respawn at the bottom of the stairs... or is that how it's supposed to be? Anyway, its a really cool map! 5/5
Lol thanks man. Yeah, you tend to spawn there because it's probably the safest spot on the entire map. So I guess it's supposed to be like that.
I reckon this looks like a beautiful arena map. Open, with some enclosed spaces, and I really like the truck and how the exhaust pipes stick through the bridges. I haven't seen a layout like this before, which is always a good thing. I'll talk to you more about it after I download and get a better look.
Really beautiful. I'm surprised that you have that many bridges. I think perhaps the best functional part of your map is the bridge between the two bases. I notice that no one seems to be using it much, but I think there would be a lot of situations where a player could jump between the ramp side and the barrier side with ease. Also, I like how there's a quick transition between closed, tight spaces and a big open arena.
I just had a pretty fun game of 3-way FFA on Tapestry. Pretty cool. Loved how you could be fighting someone, and when they try to retreat, you could cut them off to continue the fight if you know the map. Spawns were good as well. Never in combat but close enough to get to it quickly if we wanted to. Score was something like 25-22-21. All in all a great job.
Okay, here we go... THis map is good, 5/5. Kthanxbye. I won't be judgemental about how some areas aren't super merged or incredibly clean as I know you'll probably brush it off. That isn't your style of forging. You sir are quite good at making symmetrical maps with solid gameplay. As it was with sanction it's the same with this; its like one of those cars that's doesn't look good but it drives like a beast. Might I say that your sketch of the layout at the bottom is very... cute, if that's the right word. It actually helps me understand it and get a better grasp on the layout. Even though I've already been on it and had a run around and a game on. The post itself is very nice, it's elegant, informative and is wonderful. So good job on the post, it's like the trailer to your movie or the cover to your DVD or book. Well this cover has enticed me to read the blurb and read it over and over again; it has gotten me to check the back and see how long it goes for and all its special features and it has gotten me to watch it over and over again. Twas an analogy that this is a great map and that I look forward to playing it multiple times over. The truck in with the bridges, I didn't notice during the game or my forgethrough. But it was a beautiful little touch. It's so you, just a truck sitting on a bridge being awesome. Mastar is a truck(like optimus prime) who just spends his days sitting on bridges being awesome. ^^^ You can quote me on that. Oh and one more thing about the truck... lol, kinda reminds me a certain reproductive organ. Gameplay was great. Very diverse gameplay for such a snug style of map. The top area and the middle, each spot offers a its own different style of gameplay. It is very hard to do so but I feel this map actually complements the Assault Rifle, so I applaud you for that. After reading your post, I see what I did wrong when playing, I was going about using the weapons in not so great of a spot. I can't wait to play some more games on this and get used its flow of gameplay. Which it does, it flows very well. It was also very complementing towards grenades, I loved to hurl grenades to see where they'd go and to try and pick up that extra kill which I think I did a few times. I loved to hide behind the corners in the back area with the tunnels. And I dreaded misjudging my jump and leaving myself vulnerable to attackers. The sniper spawn, that little strip was great for gameplay it was great to shoot across, I felt so... right when on that spot. When playing on this for the first time, it was also the first time I was ever in the same party as Rusty Eagle, so that was a bit of a sign that this was going to be good. Layout was great very diverse and brings a unique and solid style of gameplay. The choice of weapons was perfect, not too varied to ruin its feel and not too bland to render it a very repetitive map. The placement of the grav lifts was nice too, no problems with it. Nice ledges and nice jumping opportunities, nice solid gameplay another great map. Gameplay resembles that of a successor to Sanction. Layout doesn't though other than the fact its a symmetrical map. Its a different style to Sanction whereas that was more open and suiting for TS and CTF Tapestry caters to small winded FFA and team games. The fact that everything is super merged and all is another one of its strong suits, believe it or not. It gives it sort of like an underdog feel where you feel well I you doubt it then it impresses you and proves you wrong. So Mastar, good job on another solid map. I can't wait get some more games in on this. In a nutshell; if you'd like to know how I feel about this map then just look at your avatar.
Holy **** Linu, you are amazing AMAZING! I don't know how you do it.. You are a God. lol contrast your post...with the post below yours :'D Meh... I found that they work fine.. They are interlocked slightly into the double boxes so that makes them a bit smoother, and only the slightest bit at the bottom of each stairs is interlocked