Heat Sink

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Cosmic Rick, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Heat Sink

    Figure 1: Symmetrical (left) and Asymmetrical (right) Heat Sink, second floor

    Download Link: Download Heat Sink

    Gametypes Supported:
    1-Flag, 2-Flag, 1-Bomb, Assault, Neutral Bomb, Slayer, Conquest, Territories, Oddball, King of the Hill

    Map Haiku

    Symmetry settings...
    Is this the same F*****g map?
    Yes. Watch the sink hole.

    Map Overview:

    Heat Sink is a casual map made to support all gametypes, both symmetrical and asymmetrical, in the spirit of Furious D 18's Duality of yore. Essentially, it's a 3-tiered map, where each floor has a different feel. The top floor is more of a safe zone. The middle floor is a pretty standard area, and the bottom floor can be pure madness at times. Essentially, what you're going to be doing is working your way around the map, always trying to stay one-step ahead of the enemies. FYI, it gets the name from the "sink hole" feature (discussed later) and the staircases runnins along the walls which have a high surface area (for 'sinking' heat). You'd know what I was talking about if you'd taken a heat transfer class, lol.

    Anyway, Heat Sink has a fairly high learning curve, so here's a diagram of the way the 3 floors of the map change depending on if you're in a symmetrical or non-symmetrical gametype. The biggest difference is that a wall spawns to separate the two sides of the map so you go side-to-side rather than top-down or bottom-up.

    Figure 2: The changing face of Heat Sink

    Gametypes Overview:

    ---Best with teams of 2-4 or 4-6 people FFA-style.
    Your best bet here is to know the map better than everybody else. If you can stay mobile, you'll probably win.

    ---Best with teams of 3-4
    Attackers Start down low and must get to the top level to grab the flag and return it to the floating bridge. The fastest way up is the basement elevator, but it's not the safest. I'd suggest 3-minute rounds here.

    ---Best with teams of 3-4
    Both teams start in the symmetrical bases (second floor, opposite sides of the wall) Use one of the many paths to get around. The fastest and least safe way is through the 3rd floor 'crouchway'. Destroy the grav-lifts to create a way over the center-wall.

    ---Best with teams of 2-4
    Attackers must make their way from the 3rd floor and plant the bomb above the sink hole. Safe pathways depend on the play-styles of the defenders. Don't let the bomb fall through the hold. Defenders should be sure to use the crates to block off attackers' pathways. I'd suggest 3-minute rounds here, too.

    ---Best with teams of 3-4
    Just like 2-flag, but backwards.

    ---Best with teams of 3-5
    Though this is nowhere near a traditional conquest map, I've decided to set it up for the gametype. Control all 3 floors and know your way around better than the next guy to win.

    -----Other Gametypes
    ---Keep it below 10 players, it's a highly-glitched map.
    This should work for everything except infection and objective-point-based Juggernaut/VIP. Also, be sure to know how to exploit the window panels in bomb and flag games.


    -----The Sink Hole:
    The sink hole is the small hole leading from the second floor to the bottom floor. This can be a quick and unexpected way to get to or escape from your opponents. It also plays a large role in a-bomb games. If the attacking team fails to get the bomb to the hole, but gets close, the stupid thing will roll right into the sink hole and disappear to the basement... so long as the defending team has destroyed the pallet blocking its path.
    Figure 3: The sink hole

    -----Multi-purpose Floating Crates
    These crates have different uses depending on the gametype being played. In asymmetrical games, the grav-lifts can be destroyed to drop the crates and block a main attacking passageway. In symmetrical games, they can be dropped to the ground to form a staircase that will let you easily get over the wall and into the opposition's base. Be sure to use these to your advantage.
    Figure 4: Floating Crates (overspawned on previous version)

    -----Pink Floyd's The Wall
    The wall that spans the map in symmetrical games is constructed of shield walls and fence walls. I hope you like it. More importantly, you can jump the thing at one place (indicated in Figure 2) and grab an overshield. Note that you can still crouch and use the sink hole in symmetric games.
    -No figure included.


    -The Basement
    This is where a lot of the action goes down in slayer games and 1-bomb games. Also, people new to the map tend to drop down here more often than necessary. You can find a sniper down here in asymmetrical games and a shotgun down here in symmetrical games. The man-cannons at the end of the basement send you straight to the 3rd floor. It's not easy to get out of the basement if you get cornered, so use your time down here wisely.
    Figure 5: The ominous basement

    -----Top Floor (asymmetric)
    This is the top floor, where the flag and bomb spawn in asymmetrical games. It's pretty open. The passageways on either side lead back to the exit of the basement-to-3rd-floor man-cannon tube. Use your height advantage to your.. advantage...
    Figure 6: The top floor (asymmetric view)

    -----Top Floor (symmetric)
    Here's the top floor in a symmetric game. As you can see, it's blocked off by an extension of the central wall. To get to the other side, you can either crouch down and crawl past some fusion coils or you can go around the U-shaped passage. That's if you only want to work with the top floor...
    Figure 7: The top floor (symmetric view)


    I'm not going to overwhelm everybody with a bunch of screenshots of this map. It won't make a lot of sense until you've studies the diagram AND taken a walk through the map in a custom game (if you go through it in forge, everything spawns at once and the map looks terrible). Go have a look, and I encourage everybody to make use of the symmetry options available to you in Forge, as I have. They're a powerful tool.

    I'd, of course, like to thank my many, many testers who have put up with not seeing the finished product of this map for a few months now.
    #1 Cosmic Rick, Sep 1, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2008
    TheDarkKnight05 likes this.
  2. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Well as you said theres not much so far, but If its a map by cosmic rick it will be good
    I do like your second picture (right side)
    The small slant and square drop looks pretty much perfect.
    I will try to keep updating this post as the pictures come.
  3. Critical Ghost

    Critical Ghost Ancient
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    I cant tell if this going to be a good map because ur pics dont show much. please post maps when u have all ur pic ready
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Yeah, no comments about missing pictures. I authorized it...

    I love this map, but a hint to the noobs: Use the crouchey area in between on Multi Flag! It's a really easy cap when the other team doesnt know what the hell their doing. Knowing this map will help you so much because of its confusion level, but once you get the hang of it, its a really fun map, sooo...

  5. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    I wish that I had the creative ingenuity to make a good Asymmetric/Symmetrical competitive map, but that never quite works out for me. It's great to see that some Forgers can manage something so complicated to me (it's like a friggin' foreign language) and I owe them respect, but many of them go unnoticed to the community. Good thing you're making this one, as anything by you is sure to get thousands of downloads. ; )

    *Awaits further postage on your part*
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I liked this map, even though I played it today for the first time. You should get more pictures up, those games where intense. This played great although I was retarded or something because I stole the flag brought it back to the capture point, and then brought it all the way back to where I stole it from. WTF. I was so confused. I also like how the layout and weapons change from symmetrical to asymmetrical but it may take some getting used to. Note to newer people, this map is confusing and I dont know why. I was the only person having trouble. PS, whats a heat sink?
  7. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Reserved, as i am going to give it a download, and get back to you....from the pix that are there, i can see extensive time spent on making the sink hole, and its a very very nice touch!
  8. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    phenomonal interlocking and design
    the map lokos like it just flows, in a multi level way
    is that a pallet at the bottom of the sink hole?
    i loev the use of bridge as an astetical touch, when sandwitched inbetween boxes/walls
  9. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I've been waiting to see this map for months! Finally! I'm surprised to see it in the casual section, but I can understand why. "Competitive" has a different connotation than it used to. And folks area bit less critical here.....perhaps we should all dwell here instead.

    Nice Interlocking, but it could look better 3/5

    ;-) lolz
  10. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Best use of the symmetry options since... since... well, probably the best ever. Duality used it well, but I think you've topped it. Games here are always super intense, and usually come down to the wire, which I like a lot. Great close-quarters map, and Im a big fan of the windw panel viewing area in asymmetrical matches. I also love mowing down noobs trying to score the flag through a fence wall with an AR over and over. Another great addition to the Cosmic collection, Im looking forward to many more games here.
  11. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Like all your maps, it looks extremely well made, with an amazing layout. The sinkwhole is absolutely ridiculous and the aesthenics are some of the best, I downloaded, and just go a game in, I see why this is in casual, because this is a confusing map haha. The interlocking, as expected with your maps, is perfect and it has an extremely unique layout, 5/5 is deffinatelydeserved.
    #11 Bloumbas, Sep 1, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2008
  12. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    OK. The post is done. Now you can say bad things about the formatting and lack of screenshots, lol.

    Anyway, thanks for the warm (and rapid) response. I know a lot of guys have liked and hated this map in the process of my making it, and I hope I've shifted the balance toward the former.

    DtL: Yeah, I feel like the games play a little too unpredictably to be in the competitive section. If everyone in a party REALLY knows the map, it might be 'competitive-worthy'.

    Dimmest: It's not just you. Everybody has a hard time (particularly with the flag-variants) when they're new to the map. Once you get the feel of it, though, it's pretty fun.
  13. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    This map looks wonderful! Great ideas, 5/5!
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Ah, it's been far too long since we've had a map from good ole Cosmic. I really enjoyed this when I played it a while back, even though it took me a few games to get oriented. Did you ever try out Conquest on this? Seems like it wouldn't work too well, but that's just me. I often don't know what I'm talking about, lol.
  15. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Nope. I actually never tested out conquest. It was added in as a sort of afterthought. But I feel like I have a good handle on the gametype, and have it set up properly for the map. The many ways to get around completely ruin the linearity, but I think it'd be quite the interesting game.
  16. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    This is a good map, although unconventional. It isn't my favorite of your maps. But then again, you've set the bar so freaking high that you have no one to blame but yourself. In some respects, it seems like you took a novel idea and tried to build a map around it. And while it works really well in some cases, it falls short in others.

    Specifically, I don't really care for symmetrical objective games here, although I never played Conquest. And Slayer isn't that great.

    But One Flag and One Bomb are great here. Disarming the bomb is probably more difficult on this map than any map I've played. But that makes the rest of the round even more intense, because you know you have to keep attackers away from the heat sink. And by the way, when they get almost there but die and then the bomb rolls down that hole, that's like the greatest feeling in the world. Enjoy the heat sink, A-holes!

    So although this isn't my favorite map that you've made, it is a nice feather in your already-full-cap. While Kentucky Tango and Elation will sit on my hard drive forever, this map is more like The Lobbies: I'll enjoy playing it from time to time when I pass party leadership to you.

    But to the rest of the community: don't let that keep you from downloading. Load up a game of One Bomb and roll that bomb down the heat sink, you won't regret it.

    We used to be friends.
  17. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    How is this map not getting more attention?! It's Cosmic Rick for crying out loud!

    Well, I got the privilege to play this map with you before you posted it. At the beginning I was totally lost, but as I played it more, the liking for this map grew. Here is my extensive review and bump for this map ;)

    LAYOUT - 3/5

    What I liked:

    Alright, lets start off on a positive note. This map is practically 2 maps in one, with asymmetric and symmetric changes. It totally changes gameplay, the look, and feel of the map. Also, I was always like "OMG I found a new room/spot" The intricacy of this map is phenomenal.

    Damn those window panels, they taunted me XD However, even though you did not mean it, they were a great tactical asset in assault. Also, the man cannon is decietful, but a nice addition to gameplay, allowing you to get from top to bottom levels very fast, without really putting you in a strong position. Then there is the "drainage" hole, which I thouroghly enjoyed, though not that affective for gameplay, it was a nice addition (not to mention the ledges it made in the basement made for nice shotgun camping ;) which, might not be a good thing, but it wasn't bad. )

    What I didn't like:

    This map has a STEEP learning curve. It takes awhile to get used to it, so if you are new to the map, you are likely to get discouraged, and leave the game (which seems to have happened). The fact that the map changes drastically from asymmetric to symmetric does not help. However, once you got used to it, it was great. Also, the sniper rifle I felt was a bit overpowering in assymetric games, being located on top where you can look down into the defenders base (however, you might have changed this already).


    Very, very original. The assymetric/symmetric part has been done before, but I think you effectively pulled it off (even though it made it harder to understand). Also, I have never see the "drainage" idea used before, and that was quite cool.

    Aesthetics - 3/5

    Although this map had great aesthetics, some parts felt a little sloppy, especailly in the basement. This map isn't as visually pleasing as your other ones, however, I think you made best with the idea and layout you had, because I don't think they allowed for great Aesthetics.

    - 4/5

    AH, the final nail in the coffin ;) not really

    What I didn't like:

    Oo, flip-flopped. Anyways... The steep learning curve really affected the gameplay of this map. I found that it took awhile to learn your way around, but even longer to learn to play it to your full potential. Also, some parts movement felt limited, which ruined flow (mostly in the basement) and the fact that there was only really 2 ways out of the basement, both of which invovled going to the far end side if you dropped down through the hole by the sniper spawn.

    What I did like:

    Once you did get the hang of the map, it really started getting fun. Not only was this competetive, but it had that great casual feel to it, resulting in many laughs (yes, I know it is put under casual, but I still consider it partially (competetive). Tactics were also well implemented in gameplay (however primarilly in assualt, by far my favorite gametype on this map) I also had no spawning issues. For some reason, though I cannot really describe why, or even know for that matter, this was great fun. It just was. It took me awhile to get to that point, but I did, and it was worth it ;)

    OVERALL - 14/20

    I enjoyed this map, but it isn't your best. It seemd to be lacking in some areas, from Aesthetics to Layout (both of which are mostly connected), causing issues for this map. Part of the reason I got so hard on the fac that this map has a steep learning curve, is because when most people play a map, they are not patient enough to really learn it. If they do not get it after the first game, they throw their hands up in the air. And, shoudl they get through the first game, but have that asymmetric/symetric swap, they are again likely to give up. However, if you were patient, and stuck witht this map, it payed off, and was worth those moments of frustration. I still have this map on my harddrive, and plan to keep it there for some time ;)
    Cosmic Rick likes this.
  18. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Thanks for the well-thought-out review.

    I did indeed change the sniper spawn at your behest (switched with shotgun for asymmetrical games).

    And you're right about the flow of the map and aesthetics. My original design had a long staircase on either side of the map that led from the window panels on the top floor to a door near the shield doors on the middle floor, to the back of the basement. It would have opened up the game a lot more. Also, I was hoping for about 2 more walls worth of depth to the map (longer going from flag plant to flag spawn).

    Unfortunately, I didn't have the building materials left to make the staircases work (though their design did make it into another, soon-to-be-released map of mine) properly. And then the price of having the whole map change as much as it does is sacrifices in the aesthetics department. (Item limit, dontcha know?)
  19. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I'm charging royalties now so yeah, Furious, that's a dollar you owe me.

    I'm to the point now where I can really tell the forging styles of lots of people, and this map helps me come to that conclusion. If I was seeing this for the first time and I had no idea who made this, I would have probably guessed Cosmic Rick. It's got your fingerprints on it, man.

    This is a really great technical map you got here. It looses points for intuitiveness, but makes those up and then some for execution. The symmetry options make it versatile and the construction makes it... awesome.
  20. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I said the EXACT same thing about another one of Cosmic's maps! Some of the new up and coming forgers haven't defined their style just yet, but you certainly have.

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