???, It does have a tail to the helicopter.. you didn't DL did ya? you are just commenting on the pictures... Please comment on the Map after your DL, and not on what you see in the pictures. Thanks
yea, I just wish I could go back with what I know now and with the ideas I just came up with and remake this map to play better and look better. Maybe someday Ill go back and make it look INSANE! But Im sure everyone who had download it can make it look better than what I did with it. Thanks for the feedback.
well this map is very cool but the only thing i have wrong with it is that it is very open underneath. p.s. if it was possible in halo 3 those things you photoshoped in was pretty cool
cool, I didnt even know I finally got a map to be featured. I wish I would have me notified, and I wish one of my better maps would have been featured, true this is a good map... but Ive made better ones.
No the writing does not appear in gameplay, I think he photoshopped it, and ty for not smoking, have a nice day.
The text is Photoshoped in the Screens, Im sorry for the confusion... but Im sure youll still enjoy the Aesthetic look of the map reguardless of the lack of text on the Chopper.
Thanks for your comment but becareful about what you post... this is look at as SPAM and some people my "infraction" you for it. I know your new, so Im just saying... Plus... even though this is my map, it really doesnt PWN.. I do not like it at all... I made it for just Aesthetics so my friends and I can film movies... but if you like it, power to ya. If I were you I would look at my signature and check out the maps listed there, thoughs are my best maps... youll love em.