Looks amazing. Love the idea, it's been pulled off really well. The interlocking and general object placement is superb. Now to just see how well it will hold up in actual games and whether I can find someway to escape it. Though to be fair, it is a casual map. Nice post layout and pics btw, that's what made me download it.
I appreciate your response but I and the rest of the community would benefit from some indepth detail about the pros and cons of the map. It will help me improve future maps.
Holy crap thats amazing. Best map Ive ever seen. It has amazing interlocking. You made the water look as real as its gonna get. Great idea now to see how it plays. 5/5
i like this map. great interlocking and visually appealing. 5/5 ive seen it before and now it is back on the front page of casual games where it belongs. and i understand there is an infection gametype for it. can you specify on the gametype and what the settings are? i have yet to play on this map even though ive downloaded and seen it.
Well it makes for a difficult Infection Game, Originally there is only one "infected" player at the beginning of the Round and he is invicible, basically a Predator map. All the other uninfected players have to try to survive. The goal is to just be Last Man Standing. Recently I have gone back and Cleared my maps of Everything, from Spawn Points and weapons... I made BARRICADE, RESERVOIR, PORT CANAVERAL and SALVATION the way it was intended. Each have fixed spawn points... gametypes that play perfect for the map it was designed for.. and a few tweeks to remove any chances of idiots trying to get out of the map. I would download the maps and check them out, but honestly you should check out the updates later this week, TRUST ME... youll want those versions.
Whoops, I hate myself whenever I forget to post a response and a more in-depth review and then I spot it in my subscribed threads days later. I've had a chance to play it now. I did actually find a break in the map. You can use the mongoose to clip out through a gap in the wall surrounding the map. You just park up the mongoose next to the gap and hop off, it will push you outside the map. To fix it you could either get rid of the mongoose or interlock all the walls around the map so there are no gaps. I'm not great at actual gameplay reviews because I don't play enough customs, but if ever there is a break in the map then I'm the guy to find it for you, that's my job!
Well how about that, you are correct about the mongoose does allow you to pass through the tiny seperation in the fence wall... shhhh lets keep this to ourselves. the map is still amazing with the minor flaw.
Wow this is mutha fuggin crazy! I love how you angled the dam part on the outside, and the water looks much better than most I have seen. The only thing I would say is that it might be a little not neat in some areas, but that doesn't matter because this map looks so Effing awesome I am about to assplode.
It cant be perfect, I suppose to be a Enviromental Map, the Green Boxes are represented as Grass and everyone knows the earth is not perfectly flat... there are hills, rocks, cliffs, depressions, and the imperfections were on purpose. If it looked "neat" then it would look boring... Thanks for the feedback.