the title is pretty self-explanitory if you need a more in depth description here it is the amazing(amazing graphic,gameplay,story...ect)games that everyone else likes but you hate it no matter how much you disagree with some one dont flame them its there opinion not yours! mine are(and plz if you can say why you hate it do) COD4(thats right i hate it) GTA4 MGS4(played for 3 hours watched cutscenes for 10) ES4 Oblivion(wierd how the top 4 are all 4's right?) WOW Guitar hero all of them (rock band is better in everyway) orangebox(dont ask i dont even know why i hate it) ResistanceFOM now your turn
Its not that I hate WOW, because I don't. I just don't want anything to do with it. Its simply not my kind of game and I have a hard time understanding how others spend so much money on a single game (monthly subscription fees are much greater than xbox live). But it has its own community as well as its own following, so to each his own. I'll stick to Halo.
i never really like GoW it was always lame for me i always got pitted aganst the people who could roll around with sniper and kill you
Halo 3. I know this is the wrong website (lol) to post it, but screw you! The topic said I could! Its not so much that I hate the game itself. Its decent. Nothing special. Maybe a bargain bin buy. I hate how its ridiculously hyped up to the point where prepubescent things are foaming at the mouth to get the next title, which isn't all that different from the first. After playing through Halo 3 once (on Normal), I had no interest in ever touching it again. Why? Theres no replay value, unless you're the kinda of achivement-***** who needs to geet ASOL or whatever its called. The story (theres one?) never seemed to make sense unless you've played the last 2 games and read half the book series. Seriously, making you move really slow so that some lady can talk into your ear? Why couldn't they just let you walk at your own pace, and pay attention if you really want. The multiplayer is ok. Too many screaming people for my likes. Ventrilo FTW. The real thing that bugs me is that Halo didn't bring anything new to the field. It just didn't screw anything up. Also, it had XBL (pay for playing?) which was coming anyway. I'd love to argue with someone agout this. Leave me a comment.
I agree campain never really was anygood. Also i end up muting more than half my team for being who make **** comments or whos voices are so my ears bleed. I'd like to
CoD4 and GoW. Those are IMHO the worst games ever. GoW is a game where its either you are lucky and get some kills, play all of the time and always win, or only played for 2 months and get destroyed. Its also a horrible story, and I really dont want 2 to come out. CoD4 took so many people from halo. When I got the game, EVERYONE on my friends list and everyone in the world was on. And I got it and it sucked. It also took no skill, all you had to do was run around with the shotgun, have the juggernaut perk on, extra whatever and martyrdom, so no matter what you get a kill. And shooting through walls, please. The only fun part in that whole game was shooting the guys arm off.
Gta4. I was so excited for the game for it to have a great story, lots of destructive weapons, destructive vehicles, good customization, FUN, good multiplayer, ect. Guess what? NO! Apparently realism = game. At least SR2 will have all that listed above.
that rolling sniper headshot guy, was me. Sorry, hmmm games I he, how about the elder scrols oblivion errrrrr rock band ev thgh I love guitar hero, thats about it, I like good games thats what maks them good.
LOL. You haven't played many games, have you? Trust me. Those games are epic-awesomesauce compared to some others.... ... So you hate CoD because people stopped play Halo (lol?), because its realistic, and because there are cheap weapons that can kill people in one hit without using much skill....
OK. I better not get flamed for this...but I have to say it. I really didn't care for Half-Life 2. I enjoyed Halo 3's campaign (to a certain extent) even though it was **** compared to many other games, including the earlier titles in the series.
Oblivion. This game got hyped us as the best RPG ever and it blows. The first person sword fighting is just awkward and is extremely repetitive. It's EXTREMELY easy imo from what I have seen and played. The story isn't that compelling and the close up of the characters face makes it so they have almost no movement and makes it very boring. And, from what I played, the AI is a joke.
I love all of those exept Ressistance and Oblivian. But thats me. I don't know what I hatezz. I will edit when I think!
I agree with you to an extent. They didn't expand that greatly upon what was already in Halo 2, but what they did was solidify that experience. We've all wanted to share some amazing moment in halo that we've had and halo 3 allows us to explore an entire map during gameplay. Most games will only allow certain camera angles, if any at all. They gave us a lot of freedom there. And of course they gave us forge. I could talk about this a while, but the fact that we're here on this website shows how great this feature is. This game brought the community closer together than it used to be....which is a different expansion than what we're used to seeing in a game. So while we may not have been "wowed" by new gameplay features, we certainly have been given a lot of new toys to play with. I'd expect the next game to expand upon gameplay more than this game.
I really hate the guitar hero series cause it is really frustrating and I always throw the guitar on the ground in anger. Also, the idea of Xbox live on it? Come on, that is really gay and has no point. NOBODY PLAYS ON IT!!!!!!!!
im pretty sure that i clearly stated that there was no flaming in my first post thats his opinion NOT yours just because someone hates a game that you love dosent mean you have to insult him
yes the topic did say that you can post this im just going to correct you on some things i agree with you all the way up till you said *The real thing that bugs me is that Halo didn't bring anything new to the field.* im sorry to say but forge,films,screenshots,fileshare(never been done before),online sharing.....these are the reasons why H3 won the 08edge award for most inovative for adding new things that other games havent before no i do not what this thread to turn into an argument between you and me so well leave it at this