Personally, would love to see in a way what happened to Halo CE for the PC. There was a free update released called custom edition. Essentially allowed people to build maps from the ground up, make their own weapons, etc. Plus, the after all that time only the more dedicated players remain maintaining the games great reputation. Now, Halo 4, I am not sure how it would work out but we will see. Considering the changes from Hal0 2 to 3 I am hoping for some BIG changes in gameplay modes.
I think we should have the ability to change the "look" of objects in Forge so they don't always look boring. :/
True Yeah I had an idea of being able to swap out different styles of the object on the same object. But supposedly the more art (Detail) the artists make into a map, the less forge items you can put on there. Bungie's solution: give players a hollow, big, gray box the size of blood gulch to forge in lol.
if "forge" wasn't a forge anymore. it was more like.."make" it would be cool. also changing elevations, a 90 degree turning tool, more misc. objects; i.e., trees, weather changes, radio towers and etc. oh and if the defined the elite's headshot range on swat. that would be nice.
Umm, yeah they are. Have you looked at the Bungie site lately and looked at projects. I talked to a Bungie Employee myself in chat and he said they started on it and may not release it. It will be out eventually though.
be able to erase part of object that is sticking out of another object um new vehicals more cool human vehicals a new not a gay melee weapon some kinda gernade a more lethal tripmine
I would like to see a halo RPG like world of warcraft but for the xbox. That would be cool. I would love to be able to be a marine / grunt / jackal / brute / etc if this was created. If this wan't created I think that a better way to customize your armor would be nice.
First of all they probably wont make a "Halo 4" however i think i read sumthin about Halo Chronicles. i think it will have mutiplayer but im not sure any ways u guys mean if they make halo chronicles it should have: an acual way to make your own map not jus putting things in a bungie map (sorta like halo 2 pc version) better character customizations (able to be brutes, marines, grunts maybe that'd be kool, also leg customization) better game type customizations (nuteural CTF, etc..) of course new wepons, vehicles (possibly some from upcoming Halo Wars.) also the ability to make a turret detachable/undetachable (mainly for tower of power, my fav gametype in halo 2) thats it 4 now!
Forge mode exactly the same with the same items, but with a placeable eiffel tower. Or maybe just a whole map IN FRANCE!
Did you get that off of the far cry 2 map editor video? I want a longer, twice as epic (If even possible) campaign mode, and a more powerful forge. Texture tools, map geometry editing raise lower this or that etc. No Flood only campaign levels, and boss fight with the Gravemind, but most importantly, to me, an armor perm creator (I'd go nuts with that!)
See you got the right would be awesome if they just gave you an unlimited budget and gave you a blank piece of land for a map maker!maybe even a platform over water!
actually change bungie favorites, more weapons, no crappy maps like isolation,new species of covenant (atleast 3 ) and boss battles.
-All maps from previous halo games and more -No scope medal -Remove Elites from matchmaking -More weapons like a "Rail gun" or a "BFG" -Remove the AR -Plasma Rifle/Handgun remade like Halo CE -Br speed and spread from Halo 2 -Proximity mines -Adjustable length of how long equipment stays active(like a bubble shield that pops after 1 min. instead of 30 secs or even perminent) -Fully adjustable sizing on boxes/walls -No gravity option per item to float easier -Interlocking/geomerging option per item -Large flat open blank map for forging -No budget and no item limit -Bigger item list Dreaming is so nice sometimes.
-a map editor -new weapons/equipment/vehicles -water based vehicles -apc(armored personal carrier) -c4 and other explosives -ability to have a silencer on human guns -add AI spawns -new mines(anti-tank, bury into ground, a laser trip wire mine, able to attach to walls) -more airborne vehicles -new armor -new covenant species, vehicles, and weapons -interlocking/Geo-merging option -no budget or item limit -remake previous halo ce and halo 2 maps -better campaign that's all i can think of for now and yes i know some of the stuff in my list has been stated but i want those also
the ability to alter your spartans obessity. thatd be cool. and maybe the ability to design landscape as well as alter colors, characters, pelican drivability. bungie knows what we want. we want fat spartans!! "This is spartan couch potato 117, can anyone hear me? over-"