Yukon Canyon

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Shock Theta, Aug 25, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. OK

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. NinjaKiwi621

    NinjaKiwi621 Ancient
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    this map looks randomly thrown together. it has some good things but a lot of bad. we'll have to see how we do in the tournament.
  2. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    *edited out*
    #142 NeverlessWonder, Sep 2, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2008
  3. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    If I were the map maker, I'd make sure to edit the top of the original post to make sure you make a comment of the stuff said in this thread. This might help prolong your sanity.
    #143 Norbert220, Sep 2, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2008
  4. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Actually, it's me who should edit my post. I went a little over the line there. Thanks to Rusty's -rep for keeping me in line. I'm editing that out. Sorry guys. I wasn't wanting to start flames or anything.

    No more arguments, k?
    rusty eagle likes this.
  5. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Um, this is the original thread. You meant the original post. I'm just being a jerk. I love to nit-pick.

    It was! I just loaded up Forge and randomly threw **** all over the place. I'm surprised it took anyone so long to notice. Good job with your astute observations! [/sarcasm]

    Looks can be deceiving. Please, play a game or two on it and then let me know how you think it plays. In the original post, I believe I said something about her not being much to look at.

    Wait, why am I replying? You probably won't read this post, because the average member here just looks at the pictures, and goes straight for the "Reply" button.

    I cannot edit the original post, but I probably wouldn't even if I could. I'm not in the mood to go to a lot of extra work after the huge blog I wrote.

    As for my sanity, thanks for the concern. But it is misplaced. I don't base my sanity on whether or not the community knows that escaping a map is cheating. Common sense, people! I suppose that if you're jaywalking and get run over by a bus, you'd try to sue the bus company for not spray painting "Jaywalking is illegal and dangersous" over all the roads. Take some responsibility and accountability for yourself. It's not my job.

    Was it worse than this? Lol. Oh, NeverlessWonder. If I had a nickel for every time.... But it's understandable. You're passionate about the maps you like, and are willing to defend them. That's honorable.

    I don't blame you for trying to improve the community, but perhaps you went about it the wrong way. As for me, I'm done holding everyone's hand. It's one hell of a great feeling!
  6. xbrokenxangelx

    xbrokenxangelx Ancient
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    this makes me hate school, because otherwise i would be playing this right now

    once again, great job
  7. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    Wow. This map is awful! How is this in the 2v2 tournament? It's terrible! the spawns suck, the bunker side of the map is never used unless it's territories, and it doesn't even have good gameplay. I can't believe FH let this map get featured and put in the tourny. I am disappointed.
    Vicious Vice likes this.
  8. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Video of the spawns sucking or GTFO. This map has been tested extensively, and if you're falling into some kind of spawn trap then it's most likely due to your team's own failings. From all your other posts, you seem to really enjoy bitching and complaining about how everything sucks, and give little thought to actual feedback. If you had any wit about you, perhaps you could leave some constructive criticism for a change.
  9. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Lol, let me respond to each comment.

    Well, you can't please everyone. There are bound to be people who don't like it.

    Well, I made some kick-ass maps in the past, so I was permitted to submit a map to the Event Staff for consideration in the Faceoff. We played a lot of games on it, and people generally liked the map. As always, there were some people who didn't like some things about the map, but overall it got approval.

    Explain "suck". Did you get spawn killed? If you read the thread, or even my blog post, you'll know that some of the irregular spawning was intentional, especially in One Flag, to discourage people from always taking the flag a certain route. And in Territories, it is possible to get pinned down by a skilled sniper, but there are a mongoose and an active camo to help you get out of that situation. Also, by capturing Territores, you will start to spawn elsewhere.

    What, you mean like it's inaccessible? [/sarcasm] If it isn't used, perhaps it's because no one wants to go over there. But there's a shotgun near there (which owns in the bunker, by the way), a brute shot, an active camo, and a deployable cover. Also, it's got more cover than anywhere else on the map, excluding the base. There are plenty of reasons to use that area. And it's a great place to sit for a moment and take stock of your situation.

    Well, that's a matter of opinion. Obviously, anyone who sucks balls with the BR is gonna hate this map. But like I said earlier, it got approval.

    Thanks squidhands. And yes, constructive criticism is better than bitching. So far, I haven't heard a single constructive comment from the malcontents.
  10. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I just had to repost this epic match here. This map has truly grown on me, and holds a special place in my hard drive

    I have never played a greater series of matches in my life! Just when I thought we had a win in our pocket Team Overshield comes in and makes it a whole new game. So here are our results:

    We started off the first slayer game very strongly, and it carried through the rest of the game. One thing was for certain, Orange was on his game tonight, I have never seen him play so well...he certainly kicked my ass all through the night...luckily ModernDuke was there to pick up my slack.

    Orange dominating with the Sniper Rifle

    Game 1 - 25-18 Team Edge wins

    The second game's tone was much different than the first, Team Overshield was not going down without a fight. Both teams played exceptionally well, but the moment began to swing toward team OS. They were up 1 flag capture to none, and we only had a minute left in the game. We had the flag and they were waiting for us. What happens next is nothing short of a miracle:

    Orange appears from his invis and surprise attacks me while I have the flag. I throw a grenade as I'm dieing and manage to stick the barrel of his gun. Now all that was left was a duel between Duke and Shock. Shock peppers Modernduke and drops his shields. Shock throws down a bubble shield and steps just outside of it. Duke guns down Shock with his sniper rifle and just barely returns the flag for a tie game.
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Game 2 - Tie 1-1


    Territories was a game dominated by Team Overshield. We didn't stand a chance. They bunkered down, worked as a team and owned the map. At our first offensive turn, they held us to 1 territory. It hurt badly, and we knew there was no coming back from this one. We could only hope to win another slayer match in the final round.

    Game 3: 7-4 Team Overshield wins

    And that brings us to our final match, possibly the closest, most epic battle I have ever experienced. No one could have guessed the outcome of this match.

    The game started off rough, with both teams spawning on top of one another. Team Overshield took advantage and pulled into the lead. The next 10-12 kills were back and forth between both teams. One team would pull ahead, the other would catch up. It was a never ending game of cat and mouse.

    Around the 17-18 kill mark team Overshield began pulling ahead, and it started to look as though the game was over for Team Edge. The score was 21-18 Overshield with one minute remaining in the game. We stepped up our game and managed to tie the game up at 22 kills a team. There were 10 seconds left in the game, and the next kill would determine the winner.

    Modern Duke had just finished killing Shock tieing the game up...when orange attacked. With Duke's shields dropping quickly, he threw down a shield regenerator. With the help from me, we luckily took down Orange. 23-22 Team Edge


    But we still had to run to safety....with only 5 seconds left all we had to do was run...but Overshied was right behind us.

    With our shields depleted, the timer ran up....making us the winners of this epic match.
    Game 4: 23-22 Team Edge Wins!

    The Edge Wins!
    #150 Draw the Line, Sep 5, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2008
  11. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    ****ing Win.

    I don't know why people complain about gameplay when they haven't even played the map, and if they had, the majority of the time it would probably be because they lost...
  12. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    Well, I think the map is pretty well done, but I have some problems with it. For one, spawns on 1 Flag suck ass. I can see giving the Defenders a chance to stop the flag when it is being carried, but spawning them pretty much on the flag return point? That's fail. Spawning them by rockets or the opposite side of rockets would be much better.

    Slayer works fine, with the occasional adjacent spawn but that happens in matchmaking all the time, so no big deal.

    5 Plots works good as well, the only problem being with the gametype, which forces you to stand on the flag in order to capture the territory. Not the mapmakers fault again, but I personally would have liked if the territories weren't pretty much in the open.
  13. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    No, I mean 4 times in a row dying literally in less than five seconds after spawning in the slayer gametype while my teammate spawns on the other side of the map. That's what I mean by "suck". I spawn getting shot at WAY too much, intentional or not.

    Just the same. I kill a lot of people right when they spawn. I take the kill, I'm happy for it, but I don't think it's very fun.
    I'm talking about the bunker itself, not the area around the bunker like you are (for the most part). I have only been in a fight around that area once or twice during a game that WASN'T territories in the many times I've played that map. I get that there's reason to go over there, but no one really does, or they just don't get a chance because they get picked off after they spawn by the sniper that owns nearly all the map.

    I just don't get why I can spawn at rockets with the other team instead of spawning at the bunker.
    You're blaming me disliking how the map plays for the most part on my BR skills? Are you serious? I'm not bad with a BR. Even when my friend and I are RAPING I usually am not having fun on this map.
    I have played the map, I didn't find it fun at all, even when I was winning. Which has been most of the games I've played on the map.
    So the fact that I get spawn killed is my fault, not the map's fault? You're wrong. It's not that I'm spawn trapped, I'm just spawning in the open. Not that spawning in the open is a problem, but spawning in the open where they can see me the moment I spawn is. I know the map has been tested, I just think that FH failed at it.

    As for me complaining that things suck, that's what I do. I am not good at making maps and such, just pointing out things that I don't like. I don't have a solution for a problem I notice, so the problem doesn't exist? That's really what it seems like you're trying to say. So perhaps instead of pushing negative comments aside, you can actually think of ways to fix the problems that I bring up instead of blaming me and assuming that I'm the only one who has thought this. I have played with 7 other people on this map in 2v2 games, and every single one complained about the spawns a lot. The vast majority of them simply did not like the map. I'm sorry that people disagree with you, but their opinions are still valid.
    G043R likes this.
  14. nicjgoat

    nicjgoat Ancient
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    the plots are ridiculously small and open and the mancannon to sniper spawn isn't consistant (thats already frustrating the hell out of me).

    regardless of it having that 'thrown together' look i had fun playing slayer on it.
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    That's what I'm talking about. That's more of constructive criticism than "spawns suck". I could care less if you liked the map or not, and that was not the reason behind my earlier post to you. What I'm trying to say is, that if you believe you opinion is relevant enough to post here about it (again, no judgment), then for god's sake give some examples like you just did without us having to drag it out of you.
  16. NinjaKiwi621

    NinjaKiwi621 Ancient
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    i really don't like this map. it looks like someone didn't even take the time to try and make a good map. it looks really random. i don't want to complain too much so i'll leave it at that.
  17. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Sharpestt, I'm one of the common defenders of this map, and I'd like to comment that you haven't had a single map made or featured. Do you know what it feels like to work on a map for 60+ hours, feel that great joy and satisfaction when you post it, Jump for joy when it's featured, and then be enraged when some idiot calls it awful? Think about how you'd feel.

    I mean really, you said that you never made a map before. Maybe if you start making maps instead of joining Forgehub to criticize you'll realize that making maps is HARD. And you really appreciate help and kindess. OMG! kindness, you say? WTF is that? Well, it's when you actually help people instead of spazzing on them because you don't have the same tastes as they do. Please think before you post. Thinking must be an issue for you, as you don't seem to do it much.
    #157 Norbert220, Sep 8, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008
  18. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    In every test game of Slayer that I did, the spawns were spread out a lot. Every spawn point on the map was used at least once, and people never spawned near an enemy. And, no particular spawn point was used over and over again. So I didn't place respawn areas.

    I never said opinions were invalid. I just asked people to form opinions on their map experience, not just the pictures in the post.

    Fair enough. But in the future, I'd suggest being a little nicer when you post. The map creator is much more likely to listen to your comments and try to improve the map if you say, "the enemies knew where I was when I spawned, so I often got killed before I could do anything." Don't say, "Wow. This map is awful! It's terrible!" When you start your post like that, the creator immediately gets defensive, and probably won't listen to your concerns.
  19. Vycious159

    Vycious159 Ancient
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    Wow I Enjoyed this teamwork seemed pretty important
  20. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    When I saw this map at first, it didnt impress that much. But when I saw Matty's montage,which conatined one clip of yukon canyon, I saw that this map looks very enjoyable and has a nice idea. So here's my advice to all people: Put vids in your maps if possible, it makes that map look better.
    Norbert220 likes this.

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