Anyone Who Forges VERY WELL

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tydo, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    Hey, i just finished a map:happy:, well almost:(. its a symetrical map called PINNACLE and i cant seem to manage to make completely the same. I'm intrested in doing some geomerging which i am new too:embarassed:. And i need suggestions and criticsm on weapons, spaws ect... So please IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME FINISH please add me: Lanky Frank.
  2. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Im afraid this post is posted in the wrong section. I shall get a mod to move it to the correct section, which is Forge discussion under map testing. :) Not a problem though.

    And I'm sorry but I can't help :/
  3. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you sir, im new to the forums and couldnt seem to find the right placeto post it so i figured id try it here, again thanks
  4. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    It's no problem, it'll take some time to fully get use to the forums. Any other questions, feel free to PM me. :) cya round and good luck with your map XD
    Pegasi likes this.
  5. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    *Moved to Forge Discussion*
  6. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    Then why is it still here after you move it?
    No seriously why does the original thread stay where it was 
    posted instead of actually moving
  7. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Here is an guide which can be seen on the Forging 101 section too, I hope this helps for a bit.

    This time round we've got another more advanced forging technique that follows on from the interlocking objects forging 101.

    We'll start off by explaining how to push a double box into the ground - once that's explained it's a similar process to force any immovable objects into a wall or any other map geometry.

    As an example, the double box in the first screenshot was forced into the ground to leave it 3 walls high above the floor. To do this, lay 3 walls flat on top of each other and then place the double box on top. Delete the walls so you have a floating double box. Now set the floating box to 'Place on Start: No' and assign it a long respawn time to give yourself time to complete the next steps. Start a new round and the double box will not yet have spawned - however, it's small blue dot representing it's spawn location will still be visible. Looking directly down at the floor above the spawn location, place another double box and lower it onto the ground. Don't ever let go of this double box you are placing, or it will disappear in later steps. Press X twice to bring up the object menu and set the 'Run Time Minimum' for the double box to the 'Run Time Maximum'. This will cause the floating double box you placed earlier to instantly respawn and force the double box you are holding into the ground. Whilst still holding the double box, press start to bring up the menu, save, and then quit.

    Restart forge and the double box will be merged with the ground. Now all that is left is to delete the 'pushing' double box resting atop it, et viola!

    How far do you want the object in the ground/wall?

    It depends how high you float your 'pushing' object off the ground. The space between the ground and the 'pushing' object is how much of the 'pushed' object will be left visible above ground. The same process applies for pushing objects into walls, except you have to go through the procedure at 90° to the floor.

    The object comes out sideways or not straight, how do I make it straight?

    Simple, use double boxes to keep it straight. Put some on all sides so it will go into the ground/wall perfectly straight.

    The objects keep dissapearing when I let go!

    Dont let go of it, instead press start, save your map and quit, when you load up your map again the object will be in the ground/wall.

    Alternate Method: Using the Door
    Faster, easier and more precise

    Place the object you want to merge and secure it with other immovable objects like in the other method. Spawn a door and place it upside-down on top of the box. You'll see it sink into the box about a third of the way. Once it has settled, grab the box and let go right away. The door will now push the box down into the floor. If you want the box deeper in the floor, grab the door again and let it go and it'll sink back into the box.

    This method is much faster and easier than the save and quit method. You can also use the sides of the doors to make smaller adjustments. Use multiple doors at the same time to push objects evenly.
    EGP likes this.
  8. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    i don't think tydo wants to re-read a tutural, alienvsbon. I'll help you out if you want. I'm not the best on weapon placement but i'm very experienced in everything else. GT: Seaboro Kibbles
  9. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    wtf are you talking about, and why the hell did you use php tags?
  10. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    1) He was talking about the 'Moved Thread' Redirect icon left behind when you move a thread.
    2)Iunno, automatically coloured?
  11. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    Asking for someone who forges "VERY WELL" is a little rude to some of the less-fortunate forgers. And, sadly, I can not help you at the time. Too stocked up with things. But, I am pretty sure there are enough experienced forgers here who will willingly help you out.
  12. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks, ill send you a message, you don't have to worry about weapon and spawn placing I've done this already

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