The Mechanar

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TNF, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    The Mechanar V2


    Made by TNF (D34DEYE) & Bl00D F1R3

    Today we proudly present to you the map " The Mechanar" The name was chosen from the dungeon from the MMO World Of Warcraft. As many of you know Bl00D likes to use names from WoW. Anyways The Mechanar is a a-symmetric map with a one sided objective shine to it. It packs great competitive gamplay with tons of differnt feels and play styles all over the map.

    The Building Process.
    TNF did most of the construction. I spent hours apon hours making this map the best that It can be. We made sure that every bump/jump are perfectly smooth, Also the merging that is done on this map is top notch, every single box is merged into the ground so that grenades can not go under and get stuck. There was a major set back during the construction of the map, the map had auto deleted and I had to go back to a older version and re-construct most of the map.
    The second time around I improved most things. Bl00D did most of the technical stuff, like spawns game type, layout ideas, etc.

    Th Layout.
    The map shines on a-symmetric games as we said. We strongly recommend trying out one flag. We used the reverse spawns technique so when you grab the flag when attacking the defenders will spawn in the attackers base so you need to battle trough them to cap the flag and score a point.
    The map has lots of different levels to it. You can be jumping from bridge to bridge and landing in different spots around the map, there is thousands of different paths around the map so watch out!

    All game types are supported, But we recommend trying out One Flag, Team Slayer, and One Bomb. The map is perfectly balanced, It takes both teams exactly 7 seconds to arrive at the over shield in the center of the map. There is a shot gun, and a sniper on the map.

    Like I stated above, I recommend that you use 2-6 players. The map dose support up to 16 but that's too crazy, again stick with 4v4/3v3 to get the most enjoyment.

    Everything on the map is built to perfection. We ensured that its all neat, The map features a excellent sniper post that was designed by JEEF. So credit goes to him for his excellent design. The map has tons of different/new structures fresh to forge. Lots of them of very original and stunning. The merges of them are flawless.

    Bl00D: I apologize for the long 4 Minuit black screen at the end. I accidentally added it in with vegas. The map video ends when everything goes black with no sound, so don't bee a fool and watch all 6 minuets. lol.









    Finally we thank you for taking the time to view our map and we hope we get your comment here and on bungie. Also, a big thanks to JEEF for helping give me some ideas for the map, including the sniper bridge idea, which will be added into his new map. Also, a new big thanks to Squidhands for helping out with the v2's spawns and game types. Check the description for other credits.

    The version two's changes: Since this is the version two of The Mechanar, I made some changes. First off, I geometry merged every object on the floor of Foundry on this map, into the ground. Secondly, I prevented players from escaping by geometry merging double walls, etc., into foundry's geometry. And some of the big changes were remade spawns and game types. The new game types added are Territories, King of the Hill (Team Crazy Style), and Infection. This version was tested on over twenty games to make sure the game types were perfected and the spawns were at their best. Hopefully you can enjoy, I personally prefer multi flag and team slayer 3v3s. Thanks.

    #1 TNF, Sep 2, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2008
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
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    very nicely made map, i especially like the side piece, and the place where the sniper spawns has cool side things to them.....wonderful.....Imma check out the vid in a sec!
  3. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    good job on this man i already told you how much i loved playing on this and i was glad to be apart of the testing.

    This map has such great qualities that i just have to post about the first thing i noticed right when i started playing was the perfect placement of every structure and just the skill of forging you had put into this map i could tell you gave it you all trying new things structures and different gaming variants when we were testing. But the thing that most stuck out to me in your map was the balance that the asthetics,structures and weapon placments played through out gameplay. the feel of the map was incredible and i honestly had a great time playing the map. i really love your map and i noticed you tried tons of different structures no body has ever seen before making it a different map to play on. the spawns,gameplay,asthetics and weaponplacement all plays its roll making this a Featurable map and im sure this will get the attention it diserves. Great job Deadeye and Great job Blood for spawns. awsome map i give it a professional 9/10. cause there is always room for change.

    EDIT: i recommend One Flag 3v3 i found it was the best game out of them all.
    #3 Camoflaug, Sep 2, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2008
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  4. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    From the first looks at the pics I was chocked. This is even cooler than any map any premium has ever built. You should've be a premium by now. At least this really deserves to be featured.

    The map is so awesome you start to think you're a hacker that modded forge so it lets you put and merge all those objects so perfectly. I like how you use many types of designs, that you put boxy structures with curvy ones etc. A really good design. And you also merged almost every object into the ground! That must've taken forever. This really deserves that last spot in my download list. I will try it out first when I get my xbox back.

    This map deserves a feature and a five star rating. Great work!
    TNF likes this.
  5. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    ok the map looks amazing, i love the different ramps and the tower like structures. I had alot of fun playing 4v4 ctf, it seemed like everyone keep moving and there was action everywhere, i also used the sniper ledge a few times, verynice touch. I love the large scale to the map, great job guys!
    The Hudacris likes this.
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    ive already written this a few times, but ill do it again.

    I really really like the innovative structures here. The sniper spawn is amazing, and i am jealous of it very much. the triangle bridge is so sexy, i dont know what to do when i see it. everything looks very beautifully merged, and i can see that you spent FOREVER geomerging everything... a habit i must pickup. the map looks as if it plays really well, and the merging at red flag spawn is so nice and neat.

    My only concern is i see a few "signature trademarks" here from a few other users, and im getting tired of seeing clones now. Somethings i just dont think should be mass-produced and copied. I'll leave it to you to decipher which things im referring to though. its only a minor opinion of mine. like i said, take that with a grain of salt.

    The weapons list is the only thing i request. I need to see a weapons list to know that i want to keep this map. Weapons so easily ruin maps for me.
    Mace and TNF like this.
  7. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Yeah, I don't know if I used other signature map pieces other than the star shaped single boxes, I didn't try to clone, I actually tried to put as many ideas of my own in this map as possible, the sniper tower, the b sign pipe coming out of the wall, the wall doubles morphed into the ground. But, yeah sorry if I did copy other people, I didn't mean to. And yes, I'll edit in a weapon list. This map mainly consists of basic weapons, and the weapons are balanced very well. 3v3 CTF is my favorite variant on the map, future posters should try it out. Thanks for your good post silence.
  8. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    Wow looks like an amazing map from the pictures. The geomerging and the interlocking look great. One thing that stands out to me is the double walls where the flags are. The geomerging there is just amazing and the interlocking looks very clean. Very good idea there. So i download it and check it out on xbox. Then i will write a review for you.

    Okay i was true to my word and here is your review.

    Map Creativity 4.8/5
    The map was very well forged and very original. The "b" signs interlocked with the double box was just great. That really added some nice scenery. Though i did deduct .2 points for having some things that are really over used like the fence walls being the catwalk thing. One thing that did catch my eye though was the sniper spawn. Great, Great job on that because that is the really first time i have seen that and i was completely satisfied due to the great interlocking and aesthetics.

    Map Quality 5/5
    Well this one was a no-brainer. While I was playing on the map, the fantastic interlocking and geomerging stood out to me in a second. Everything is just perfect in this section.

    Weapon Layout 5/5
    This one to is also great. The sniper spawn as I said earlier and had fantastic aesthetics as also as location. The place seemed easy to reach and I thought was a key part for gameplay. Everything else is placed out perfectly.

    Weapon Choice 4.5/5
    It would be much easier if you had a weapon list but when i was playing this map. I saw a normal choice of weapons. The brute shot, the sniper, the shotgun, the BRs. Nothing really stood out as a interesting weapon. An example would be maybe a flamethrower, a fuel rod gun, or something like a beam rifle. But thats only my opinion.

    Gameplay Creativity/Quality 4.6/5
    This one I thought was okay. The CTF on this map was just awesome. Was very intense and very sweet. Team Slayer, also pretty good. For some reason it just didn't really appeal to me. Nothing against you, i just didn't really care for it.

    Overall 4.67/5
    The aesthetics were good, especially the sniper spawn. The creativity was really good. To be honest, I thought it was butt-kickin good. The geomerging was great with the boxes and doubles walls, the interlocking was good with the bridges being connected with the boxes and the map was clean and well balanced as you said. Each team had a equal chance at the overshield and the shotgun. The Gameplay, like I said was okay, CTF was great but TS was just alright. The weapon layout was great. The weapon choice as I said had its ups and downs.

    Well thats all for the review, I give the map an A- (4.67 overall)

    Great Job and I hope you keep making some for butt-kickin maps!
    #8 TheDarkKnight05, Sep 2, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2008
    Metallic Snake and TNF like this.
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I'm pretty disappointed in the apparent lack of interest in this map. I normally don't like to comment on anything without at least doing a forgethrough, but I feel this warrants a little more attention than it's getting. I'm really loving how this looks so far, and I will definitely be back with a more detailed critique after I've had a chance to hop around on it.
  10. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
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    The sniper tower was designed by Jeef. thanks him for his awesome desing

    Yeah we recomened 3v3 one flag. Were going back into forge today to fix some smaller issues while its still fresh on the fourms.

    Haha thanks! I hope you enjoy it.

    We recomend 3v3 for best results. Try that :p Anyways yeah I hope you liked it.

    I know TNF replied to this but i'm just going to give my option on the matter.

    I know that people have "Signature Trademarks" But who really made a law that others can't use them. Like its a box layed on the ground at a certan angle belong to somone so one one eles can use it? If this was how forge was then its just a matter of of time before no more maps can be made because everything is going to be taken up and used. Maps would become limited and it would be like a repate of a map from each user of and over. Forge is about building your ultimate map, who cares if you use something similar to someones eles map, it just makes your map better. I know what your saying but like I would call copying where somone steals an entire base but like a bridge going in batween two boxes, common.
    TheDarkKnight05 likes this.
  11. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    This is a very nicely made map. The interlocking and geomerging is beautiful, I really like the walls where the flag is. The sniper spawn is also very cool. The lights from the teles are a nice touch. The layout is unique and is executed nicely. That map has some great features and almost no open spaces. I like the map, the only thing is the black font on the new skin is kind of hard to read. Nicely made map though, good job.
  12. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    The Mechanar by TNF and Bl00D F1R3

    The map is beautiful to look at. It is in no way conventional with a variety of different structures that whilst being so different seem to complement each other asethetically. The interlocking and merging is also top notch so i am not gonig to even stop to talk about this. Its all excellent and thats all that needs to be said. You would be hard pushed to find any bumps at all, let alone bumps which would actually affect your aim in a game.

    The gametypes recommended are slayer and one objective games. The reason for this it appears to be that defender start area is more substantial than the attacker start area. In games of CTF where both teams have flags then the advantage appears to lie with Red team.

    Again in slayer games the advantage appears to lie with red team in having fast access to the sniper and a commanding position with which to watch the shotgun and prevent blue team grabbing it easily. Although the distance to the Overshield may be even the initial Power weapon grabs certainly appear to favour red team and it is up to blue team to therefore take the fight to red team. A co-ordinated blue team i am sure would be able to overcome this initial deficit by spreading out quickly to obtain the regenerator and superiority in the number of BR's.

    The Mechanar offers long lines of sight in numerous places and with all the well placed cover and varying heights the map is both BR heaven and a map where the AR/Dual wield user can certainly stand up to the BR. So in this sense the map is well balanced towards using a variety of weapons dependant on circumstance rather than a BR fits all map.

    On the subject of weapons i do have one small problem which is largely a personal thing. A Shotgun does not need a spare clip, especially when it is that close to the overshield. I feel that the Shotgun is a bit too much in its current setup and the spare clip should be removed to prevent close combat being dominated by it. Seems even more important to remove the shotguns spare clip when the Sniper Rifle has been taken down to 1 spare clip also.

    The two "star" boxes connected by a bridge look awesome but i felt that area was the weakest of the whole map (to be honest its not even that weak i just think it could maybe be made better). When compared to the rest of the map it feels incredibley flat. There needs to be something above it, even if it only something minimal. An idea looking at what objects you have left might be to attempt some form of curved walkway between Shotgun box and the 3 box structure connected to Overshield platform. Just an idea though.

    Overall an excellent map. Really beautiful to look at. The map has great form dispite its rather random appearance which is something to be highly credited for. Its very difficult to make abstract work in a competitive environment but you have made it work.

    I SeNTiNeL I
  13. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Agreed. This map looks like it has wonderful gameplay potential, and after reading Sentinel's wonderful review you better believe I'm going to take a good look at it. It's reviews like his that needed to be seen here more on the forums. That includes me stepping up my game as well. Nice work again Blood and TNF, and I'm absolutely in love with the sniper bridge. Expect that to be copied many times in other maps.

    I think this map would be getting more attention if it was posted by BloodFire, which is a sad fact, but at the same time is good because spammy comments are avoided.
  14. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    To the both of you. I am seeing more emphasis put on the "trademark" part of my post than I'd like to see. I dont mean that you copied anyone, i am saying that the use of more familiar and popular structures takes away from my attention to new and exciting things you've done, which are literally all over the map. im not saying theres a law that prohibits you from using some technique someone else has used.

    Some things are literally required to be used by all. However, Other parts, in my own and single personal opinion, are better off not being used by every single person in the community. I'm never gonna win this debate, because its all based off of Opinion, and i dont have any real valid point to it. i was just stating that i would've rather have seen you continue making really unique structures and ideas, instead of filling the remainder of your wonderful map with ideas i already know from other popular maps. If you were to create something entirely new and groundbreaking, id have my hat off to both of you in praise.

    That being said, the map is perfectly fine the way it is. It works well, and its all built to perfection. The weapons are perfectly placed and thought out, i have no complaints with your selection either. My only real advice is that you may need to work on your spawning system, its a little rough. Other than that, you guys built a magnificent map, and itll be on my box for many many months to come.

    also, i think you'd get better reactions if you added some action shots/
  15. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    wow great interlocking... interesting ideas
    ill dl
  16. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Don't worry I understand your point. and for a few other posters, maybe it's the screenshots I got that aren't attracting many posts. Sometimes it seems people go completely by the first screenshot, maybe it doesn't appeal to them. I spent a lot of time on the map, mainly because 95% + of the objects on the ground and wall, including the boundaries, are interlocked into the ground to make better looks and game play. And yes, the map is made for Attacker/ Defender games, yet it still was made with multi bomb/flag in mind, and works well with it. A main reason people might not be posting at the moment is that a lot of users could still be at school?
    And blood, I edited the post so that JEEF gets a thankyou credit for the bridge idea, and he deserves it, even though he did cuss me out for not giving map building credit to him. Thanks everyone, I haven't seen ANY spam yet, and that's really good, keep it up good posters.
  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    So I had the oppurtunity to do a Forge through. I apologize that I did not get to play it, yet. Anyways I'll leave you with my thoughts until I do.

    I love a lot of the geometry that has been put into the map, but I feel that it is geometry and not one whole level. Nevertheless it looks quite cool. Parts of the map seem disconected while others feel apart of the whole. I would like the map to feel as one and not seperate entities. Again I really loved a lot of the new ideas you've introduced. I also love the multilevel factor which should spice up gameplay.

    The one thing I really did not like at all was the lack of ramps. There was only one ramp on the whole map that led from the bottom level on upwards. I don't mind jumping, but making succesful jumps a necesity in regular gameplay is bad for business so to speak. Also the blue flag base was sparse in comparison to the fortress of red base. Kinda like David and Goliath.

    Vehicles? I noticed that they weren't in the budget glitch. Did you try them out?

    I was able to exploit but not completely break the map. From brute shot a simple jump got me on top of the crane. The brute shot allowed me on top of sniper. Also the brute shot or grenade jump allows players to get on top of the cranny in the wall above red flag's spawn.

    So if you get the chance, please put in ramps, they make the whole map more fluid.

    The map is really cool, I enjoyed my forge through session thoroughly.
  18. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Alright, that post was smaller than most great posts but, still contained everything that I wanted in a post, good questions. I'll answer by their numbers.

    1. I'm not sure about what you meant here. Maybe that the geometry adds cover, but not a second level to the map, which it does truly lack. If that's what you mean, I hit the item limit, which I guess could be considered an excuse, but adding a second level does help game play, but that wasn't my objective on this map.

    2. Yes, true, one reason is because there is only one "true" base, mainly because when I made the map I had attackers/defender in mind. I added ramps in the attacker's BR tower, the sneak path to the defender's base, and the fencewall ramp to the oversheild walkway. But yes, I do understand what you're saying, more ramps would be nice for easier game play, if I had more items left :(. I just sometimes don't think about this type of stuff, I'm a no life on halo and jumping is NP for me :p.

    3. I'm really glad you brought this one up rusty eagle, and yes, I had a full infinite budget glitch map, with every item. I tried a ghost in the map and it wasn't over powering, but it didn't really do anything in the game. It was hard to get around in and got jacked and stuck so constantly, that no one used it or got near it :p. But yeah, a ghost or mongoose would have worked.

    4. Yeah, I added another box on top of the second tower so that you couldn't make it from the crane to there, but the crane single box is actually part of the map. I would have blocked it off more or raised the geo merging a little higher if I didn't want people on there.

    Thanks for all the great questions, those are the kinds of posts that I really want, thanks Rusty Eagle. Hopefully this will help future posters. Most of these flaws are caused by, hitting the item limit, opinions, and misunderstandings, including my own :).
  19. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    Also, a big thanks to JEEF for helping give me some ideas for the map, including the sniper bridge idea, which will be added into his new map.
    thank you this is all i wanted i just want it so people wont think i copied your map although 90% of the people didnt see that i get a lot of spamed posts saying i copied. i helped test one game but i hvent played on the newest version so i guess gamplay hasnt really changed but as rusty said the jumps are some times hard and can get frustrating. like when brett had the flag he couldnt jump up i would reccomend putting it on the singlebox in the ground
    TNF likes this.
  20. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    It looks like a very solid map. Unlike you, I did the favor of actually reading the description, and I will DL.

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