Best win kills.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Willmatic, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    In conjuction with the fail thread, whats your best kill (or multi kill)? One time I got a tripple kill with the splaser. I was aiming at 1 person, 2nd one fell right next to him from the windmill, and the 3rd person JUST spawned. It was epic.
  2. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Well, this was one of my failure stories (the people who failed in the story were the zombies) I was playing Braaaains on Isolation and I was in the blue room. 5 zombies rushed the room and before they entered i decided to shoot a fusion coil. it blew up getting me a Killtacular. :] I have proof ^_^

    My File Share

    Download: Zombatcular
  3. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    i was playing snipers on high ground right? i was lining up a headshot on a sniper down by the water, when a guy in a mongoose started driving up... you with me so far right?? well i had a headshot lined up on the guy on the beach so i fired, right as the guy in the mongoose was driving up... the bullet passed through the snipers head like planned, but it also went through the head of the mongoose driver before it hit the sniper... pure epicness.

    and another:

    once again i was playing snipers, this time on last resort. 2 people on my team quit, so it was 4 against 2... then with about 4 minutes left, my other teammate lags out, so im along against the other team, im behind by 4 points. well as soon as the black screen gos away (from my friend laggin out) i look to the left and see almost the enire other team there. they dont know where i am so i immediately start giving away headshots. in 20 seconds, i had 2 double kills and a sniper spree... with a total of 6 kills. for some reason, because they're whole team was over there, they spawned there, so i got 2 spawn kills in their as well. i immediately go and hide... wait the next 3 and a half minutes in a hiding spot, and win the game. it was
  4. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    I got another, this one my friend did, but he doesn't go on Forgehub so I'll post in his honor (it's so worth it). He was playing a snipers match on Last Resort. He and basically his whole team were on the big stairs next to the sniper tower/three power towers. He was at the top of the stairs with a loaded sniper clip. The whole opposing team was standing next to the mongooses. Nobody but he got kills, the best part was same clip, all heads, whole team annihilated. One epic Overkill. Video is in his fileshare titled OVAKILL 4 HEADS.
  5. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    I like where you got the idea from ;)

    But just in general, I have about 5 where I sniped a fully invisible guy in the head for a headshot.
  6. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    One day I was playing on Last Resort, Big Team battle by the way. I was playing with some of my HLG buddies, because HLG is just that epic.

    Anyways, game is going not so well, we are losing by one with plenty of time, but we need to get the lead by one to hide. So my buddy kills a guy tying it for us and you won't believe what happens next.

    I Out Ar'ed a guy!

    That's right.
  7. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    ehemmm.... if you could please ellaborate...
  8. theshf

    theshf Ancient
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    this is a pretty good ftw moment. its on my file share as well. its called the big save.
    4v4 on mlg narrows multiflag CTF. We get a capture, they get one, and the pattern repeats. until the very end where we are both gunning to get that last flag. so i go on their base and wait. our flag is taken, so is theirs. they (3 people) come through the man cannon and run to their flag cap. i run up behind the flag carrier, assassinate him, and ar a guy down while the other runs away, just in time for our guy to cap their flag, with 1 second left.

    oh it was intense. again its on my file share. my gamertag is The Shf. check it.
  9. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    I'm sorry, what do you mean?
  10. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    lol, what does OUT AR'ED mean? i know ar stands for assault rifle... but...
  11. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    The player in question (Gamer720) used his AR (assault rifle) with a greater amount of skill than the opposing player.
  12. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Assault Rifle? Skill? Where do I hear such words in the same sentence? This cannot be! :p
  13. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Well this story didnt win me the game but it was the opening kill if I recall correctly.
    This would've happened about a couple months ago. Twas either Team Snipers or Shotty Snipes on The Pit. Both teams spawned, I'd actually expected a chestshot with sniper and then to pick them up with the frag. But what happened next made me drop my jaw... I'd lined up my shot faily quickly, and just pulled the trigger. Boom Headshot! x 2.
    For the first time in MM I'd pulled of a double snipe, no scoped. I was like Holy Crap! I immediately began brag. yeah, go me.


    This one game on Snowbound(Lone Wolves) I whored the Shotty like no other, it was actually where I picked up my overkilll achievement. Well there were 3 people left in the game, this one guy was really shitted off with my antics and was yelling into his mic. He was behind the sheild door, I'm on 24 and he's on like 22 so no matter what he does he wont win with his next kill. It became sort of a standoff, it was clear to him I was holding the shotgun. In all his glory he decides to be brave and steps through the sheild door... *Bang* "Game Over"
    I got him with the shotty, then proceeded to teabag him for his stupidity. I normally dont ***** the shotgun or teabage but I was in one of those moods. After the game he's bitching about it, I just say that I was taking advantage of my environment... He leaves the lobby, I lol.
  14. NymBomer

    NymBomer Ancient
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    Guardian Team Slayer. 4v4. We are Red. I go for snipe (default spawn of course). As the animation finishes for equipping the weapon I see a Blue head poke out Bottom Gold. I fire a bullet straight at his head and also hit a guy right behind him in the body. Aim at the second guys head and headshot him while another blue pokes his head around the corner. The 3rd guy is in my sights and even before I put the reticule on his head I knew that he was going down. So I get a triple kill within 10 seconds of the game starting. EPIC (IMO)
  15. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    My best is when I got the overkill achievement. It was swords on Guardian. I wasn't doing bad, but I was in third. One person in the game was just dominating everyone. I have 18 kills and he has 22 or 23. I'm running over top mid towards top gold where there is a group of people. Run over to camo, pick a kill while they were clashing, clash with another guy, almost missing him with my melee. Get the triple from a guy that just came over the mancannon. The, while not even facing the the mancannon, the same guy who was winning didn't see me or something and just walked in front of me after landing. Assassination for the overkill, killtacular from the guy that just came from bottom gold, killtrocity on the guy that jumped from top blue to top gold, and one clash too many for a killamanjaro, but got the win. I was hyped up.
  16. DxHydra

    DxHydra Ancient
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    social slayer on construct 5 on 5 wrong 2 people on my team left so it was me 2AFK guys vs 5 (LONG EPIC BATTLE!!)my 2 AFK teammates come back and there like *wut we miss duuuudddeeeee*(im prettysure they were stoned out of there mind)
    anyway the score is 49 to 49 me with 30 kills my teamates with a combo of 19 kills
    i wanted to kill the last guy because my teammates are so stupid that they dont no what dam color they are and would oviously die
    i see a enemy on the oposite purple lift area he sees me we run at each other him with an AR me with a BR he meleed at me but somehow he missed all of a sudden i was behind him and i assassinated him for the win less then a second later both my teammates die from a sticky so final score my team 50(i got 31)and them 49
    and i rubbed it in there face
    proof if you need it
  17. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    Well i was playing a game with snipers on the pit.I was the cause of this win.Well i was up in the highest room.The score was 49 to 49.Well i went to the edge of the room.i was aiming for this guy's head,but my teamate hit me which made me jump and shoot.The bullet hit the wall and ricocheted off that wall bakc to me hit my face and my teamate who had hit me was right behind me and the bullet had hit him but he was still alive.Now at that same instant someone chucked a nade up the and killed my teamate.
  18. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Okay so i'm on the Pit, this is insane, and im sitting on the tower above sniper spawn, with the sniper. Some guy comes up the grav lift with sword so I throw a stick at him and miss, as he lunges I shoot once and get a bull-true headshot, and a half a second later I get a stick and a double kill. I went into theater and saw that my sticky missed, went into the grav lift and stuck soimone walking up the side, pure insanity.
  19. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Another win game was when me and 3 frends from my school were playing hardcore neutral bomb on narrows. We went against a team of 50s and knew we werent going to win so one of my friends grabbed the oddball and hid on that little hole to the right of THEIR enemy base, they couldent see him. While he was hiding, throughout the game the score is 0-0 and they were raping us in kills. When it came to sudden death my friend went and planted the bomb and we all started to bombard the base with everything we got and won the game 1-0. OMG you should've heard them at the post game lobby 1 kid was actually crying and another yelling rascist ****.

    If you are wondering about the hole i was talking about, its across the twin spikers.
  20. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    I was Sniping on Foundry, and peeking around the corner trying to get a HeadShot on this random dude, when I accidentally shot the corner of the wall rather than the guys face, and the bullet bounced off the wall and into this guy sneaking up behind me, giving me a headshot.(spelling?)


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