Gears of war 2! I loved the first one and i totally can't wait for the second! Hopefully its less glitchy!
I would probably reserve mercenaries 2. IT COMES OUT TOMORROW!!!!! I HAVE RESERVED IT TOO!!!!!!! OMG I CANT WAIT!!!!!!
Have to argee with Draw the Line. Far Cry two is definately worth a reserve based on that map editor alone. The game also looks fantastic. Gears of War 2 and Fable 2 are also likely reserves for me, dependant on how rich i am feeling!!
Best game I've ever played, I have it reserved and when it comes out I'm thinking about selling all my games but cod4 halo and gta4
Well, the majority here would say Gears of War 2. We fell in love with the over-the-top bloody, gore raging, dominance shouting palooza that it was. The campaign was nice but the multiplayer was, eh (IMO). I just hope they have a better multiplayer.
definitely farcry 2 just because of the map editor. im gonna make a bunch of stuff on that, get tired of it after 2 weeks, and get back to halo
Really, I thought the multyplayer was the best part, I played it enough haha, when I stopped playing gears you didnt wanna see me on the opposite side God I played sooo amny games haha.
Hmm... well obviously, GoW 2 is there, but if I wanted to pick something totally awesome coming out, I'd pick the cool new FPS called Legendary. About the opening of pandoras box... looks sick from the gameplay vids and pics XD
I'm probably gonna pre-order Afro Samurai and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 as soon as they come available. FFXIII too.
Far Cry's just so are amazing, map editor is uber pro. Fable 2 is right under that. BEST RPG, evar. Other than that, Halo Wars, Gears 2, and COD5...if it comes out this year...