They never specifically said that. They said "all of the objects in the singleplayer are available in the multiplayer" A waterfall isn't an object. It's made as an effect, Again, im not saying its not, im just saying its very unlikely. Do your research.
i dont know as much as you guys, but perhaps, there is some sort of water generator, im not putin my hopes up for waterfalls, but maybe. or maybe theres some sort of way to pull the ground water up to a cliff, and allow it to fall
You can only set one height for water on your entire map.. A waterfall would require 2 water heights, and for the water to flow, which it doesn't,
Shaddup. We get what you mean. Your last few posts are meaningless gabber continuing a unwanted discussion of a mild snag. Anyway, how many textures are given on release?
That interview is about the map editor, which is multiplayer. Don't compare singleplayer with multiplayer, they are built completely different. Quite a few, i have seen atleast 10, but i'd go for a number around 20-30. There are savana, jungle, mountain and desert, each with their own pack of textures for grass, rock and sand.
if you can read properly he said *We touched a bit on the water controls also. Clint explained the reason we cannot set multiple water levels for different sectors is related to light reflections. The developers have the same problem in single player. He said there will never be a section in single player where 2 bodies of water at different levels will be seen at the same time because their engine wasn't designed for it. Leaving the option in the editor would cause severe issues.* owned yes you were
The waterfall is big enough for the top and bottom to be seperate sections. The map is a free roam game, if bodies of water are different heights then they have to meet somewhere, wherever they meet could be a waterfall. He means that you can't see 2 the top of 2 bodies of water at once. Get off me,
to me it looks like the waterfall hits rocks at the bottom of the pic but w/e but aparently there are no waterfalls(from what they say)if you dont know what im trying to say im saying that they say that there is no waterfalls altogether but i found a pic of a waterfall so are they lying to us or what? he said never be a section in single player where 2 bodies of water at different levels will be seen i honestly dont understand what you were trying to say in you last sentance
Suddenly, a thought popped up: Are the texture packs restricted for one per map, or can you change and make a forest fade into a desert?
Yeah, like a grassland into the arctic? That would be pretty cool. But, i dont think you can use every texture on one map.