Checkpoints ____________________________________________ The facility has been infiltrated and you and your team must hold back the enemy and slowly work your way through the areas or be killed. There is a small safe house at the other end of the facility but unfortunately there is a security timer on it and it will close and be safelocked if the rendevous time is not met. If the team can work their way through the facility and get to it there may be a chance they can hold out until help arrives. The beginning Managing to hold out Awaiting the bridge to be activated. Probably not the best idea... The core is taken out Look out! Almost there Someone missed the rendevous time... Can they hold out? I guess not lol This is one of my first maps and I believe it is pretty well built and definitely delivers a fun and unique infection experience. I incorporated some interlocking but like I said it was one of my first maps so not everything is perfect. It isn't your average infection game and I think people will figure that out pretty quickly after playing just a few rounds of this. It takes a lot of team work and a little bit of experience but I've gotten nothing but positive reviews from friends so I decided I would share this with the community. There is motivation to move from room to room and a good amount and balance in weaponry. *Edit: A more in-depth look By request I will add more information about the map. Playing as a human: You start out with an Assault Rifle (no grenades) in a tall room with many boxes and a few barriers. These boxes and barriers provide invaluable cover in tight situations. Within these boxes weapons such as SMG's, battle rifles, a trip mine, and a sniper rifle can be found. Unfortunately these weapons are somewhat low on ammo and will take quite a while to respawn. The main objective here will be to keep the zombies out of the facility using your numbers and weapons. In addition to the weapons a pair of fire grenades spawn in almost exactly in between the zombies and humans. Smarter players will make a rush to these grenades for quick kills and to avoid the zombies from getting them but rushing these grenades can be dangerous. After 45 seconds a man cannon will appear allowing you and your team mates to enter the next room. The next room is the power core. The power core is a tall circular room with 3 entrances into this area. You will enter on the top where you can view the other 2 entrances. The one nearly directly across from you will lead to the next area but unfortunately the bridge has not yet been activated. If you try to jump across where there is no bridge yet you will fall down to a large area that leads to the 3rd entrance on the bottom of the power core. This area contains 1 BR, 1 AR, 1 Bubble Shield, and 1 turret all of which do NOT respawn so use them wisely. Players will usually attempt to hold out down here until the bridge spawns in. The bottom of the core is also a very dangerous place because it is lined with fusion coils. Just destroying 1 of these fusion coils will eliminate any enemy threats at the bottom of the core. This is a very useful advantage for the humans. The turret can also be very useful for guarding the entrance but it is also very dangerous to attempt to man the turret under heavy fire. At the 8:00 mark the bridge will spawn in and you can climb the circular stair case up to it and move on. However, at this 8:00 mark the rocket launcher will also spawn in in the large area underneath the bridge. These rockets can be great help later on but it can also be risky taking the time to go get them with oncoming enemies and the door on the safe house coming to a close. After you cross the bridge you enter a long slanted tunnel leaving the facility. Some humans will attempt to make a stand here but it usually ends in failure. Once you leave the facility you come up to the safe house. The safe house contains 2 plasma grenades, 2 BR's, 1 Sniper rifle, 1 regenerator, 1 frag grenade, and 1 shotgun. All these weapons have a decent amount of ammo and should suffice for a final stand. The main door will remain open until 7:00 then immediately close. If you are caught outside when it closes and you will have to manually open it whether you are a human or zombie. Unfortunately, Often times while attempting to manually open the door the poor soul will be killed but allowing his team mates to enter. With good team work and a little skill the humans should be able to rack up some kills in this final base, and they deserve it too, it is no easy task making it to the safe house. Playing as a Zombie: These aren't your normal zombies. Alpha Zombies start out with a battle rifle and normal zombies start out with an SMG instead of a sword to give the game a twist and in my opinion, make it much more fun. The Alpha Zombies additionally have 110% damage and enhanced radar. All zombies are also able to pick up weapons. As a zombie you will spawn in a mostly open area right outside the facility. A good zombie will make a quick dash for the fire grenades and try to get a person or 2 infected. This rush can be just as dangerous if not more for the zombies than the humans. Zombies respawn with a 3 second invincibility. This is just enough to not get camped but will go away before they make it into the facility. Every 20 seconds (but not at the start) a spike grenade will also spawn in the zombie spawn just for a little extra help if needed. If the zombies have not killed everyone by the first room they will proceed to the power core where the remaining humans will be. If the humans forgot to pick up the low ammo sniper or any grenades from the first area it would be a good idea to pick them up yourself and use them against the humans, especially if there is one on the turret. It is not a good idea for the zombies to jump straight to the bottom and go on an all out assault because of the extremely hazardous fusion coil lining at the bottom. Instead they can jump across, onto the circular stairs and plan their attack from there. They can either proceed up the stairs and come behind the humans if the bridge has not yet spawned in or drop right infront of them. Often, zombies will do both in order to come from all directions on the humans. If the zombies still have not killed all the humans they will cross the bridge to the tunnel leading out of the facility to finish off the last humans. It would be a good idea to check if any of the humans picked up the rocket launcher because if not it would be a great advantage for the zombies. After exiting the tunnel the zombies do not have a whole lot of cover leading up to the safe house but enough to suffice. There are also 2 barriers for cover which contain 1 frag grenade and 1 BR for weaponry against the humans. Zombies can either attempt to attack the humans through the main window or go around and enter the base. Chances are by the time the zombies get to the safe house the door has shut and they will have to manually open the other entrance. As stated before this will often result in 1 or more deaths but does not have to if the zombie is careful. It is a good idea to have 1 zombie open the door then have the rest rush in and finish off the humans. If the zombies are having troubles killing the humans remember to check back for rockets because they respawn every 120 seconds but it definitely is possible nay probable to kill the remaining humans. The game plays best with a larger party of 8-16 players but works pretty well with a smaller party as well. The Rendevous gametype is highly recommended. Download the Checkpoints map variant HERE Download the Rendevous game variant HERE *Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions.
You get Radiants Master Review today (RAR) So lets see what you have here. Ok from what I see I can already tell the camping issues. Unless the weapons only spawn once I can already tell that there will be serious camping in this map. So you need to add a bit of detail weather or not there is weapon respawn. OK The map has partly any interlocking at all, but that's not something to cry about, I would say that you should try interlocking as it would definably increase Aesthetics and Downloads. The game play looks fun and I give you two thumbs, and considering that this is your first map I won't say much about the interlocking, hopefully you will imply this on your next map and there won't be a big issue. So what's next. Oh yes your Thread, I would suggest you go more into depth on your thread. Ex. Tell us the statistics of your game type, display more diverse pictures. Weapon list would be helpul and other info would create a much easier to understand game/map. All I saw in your pictures were Camping spots, and everyone will usually judge your maps on pictures. So try to spice it up a little in that category. Go more in-depth with your game type. How strong or weak are the zombies, what are there speed and gravity. This can help people understand the game play and would make it easier to tell if they should download. Look around Forgehub there are interlocking tutorials all over. Overall I give your map a 3/5. I lowered one point due to lack of interlocking and another point due to thread info. Don't let my opinion change anything about you, don't interlock if you don't want to. My opinions are opinions. -Love RadiantRain
Ok first off thanks for taking the time to review my map. I'll be sure to take many of those things in consideration in the future. Two quick things I want to reply about your post though. -First I know there is not a lot of interlocking in my map but there is some such as in the power core area. I was just pointing this out because you said there was none. -Next I will adress the weapons and camping issue. Many of the weapons do NOT respawn or take a LONG time to respawn even in the last safe house area. There is some camping but this is due to the objective of trying to hold out an area until the next becomes available. Still, usually there is not a whole lot of camping because the zomies do not have swords and can pick up weapons.
It seems as if you addressed the usual stupid Infection gametypes pretty well! You ACTUALLY made zombies have something other than those loser energy swords! Finally someone with some infection taste!!!! This looks pretty good. While I don't like infection maps such as Fat Kid, this actually looks kinda fun. Normally I'd stick with infection on a normal kind of map, but i might just try this baby out. Good work!
Ok, sorry for the interlocking... I will edit that shortly. And Make sure to add that info on to your thread... Seriously, post it where everyone can see it and maybe in another color. Don't post it below where no one looks, post it where all can see. And this is why you must describe the game type a bit more, to avoid complaints like mine. I suggest you do this now.
I love it! Unfortunatlly (mis spell) my que is full :'(! However my friends and i play an infection variant like this. It has a slayer feel and truly tests your skills! (or your ability to hide and camp) This map is great and your interlocking where you used it is superb! You may get flamed later due to some of your bumps in the power core area but i don't really care, nor look for those. As i said earlier "I love it!" 4.5/5 (Rounded and rated up to 5 on FH home page) Keep Forging!
sweet map,but i agree with Rain, there is camping issues., but overall i like it it interlocked too, so i give it 4/5
Good map. I like how there is a dead line and it makes the game more urgebt and fast paced. Also it looks like the zombies still have a fair chance even though the humans are provided a safehouse making gameplay fun for both sides. 4/5
I feel it is nessasary to ask you to include the time the safe house closes because your picture implies it is at 3 minutes in my opinion.
Thanks for the feedback guys. By the request of many I have included a GREAT amount of additional information.
well you definantly put a hell load of detail in your thread 0.o i love games that stand out and have original ideas. This is one of them. i will shurly download this map and play it next time i have a big party. 5/5 and keep em coming
Yeah by the "bumps" I think you mean the hook sort of getting in the way of the circular stairs. There was basically nothing I could do about that. I wish you could just get rid of those annoying hooks. Thanks for the feedback though man.