No comprende mucho espanol pero, gracias amigo por el realimentación! Mi casa en california...muchos espanol interlocutor en mi ciudad! =) =) =)
Nice map here zebu. This is feature worthy. That hole in the ground is interesting too. I bet it is fun to just drop down there and pick up the oddball. And the incendiary grenades are a bunch of fun too I bet. Lol nice map zebu.
Forge Nitpickers Review After reviewing this map fully, we have established a better opinion: Claustrophobic?: This map is much smaller than it seems. It was played in parties with 4-8 players. Even with only 4 players it still gave the crowded feeling. Thief's Heaven: There was so much kill stealing that many people either whined til they were muted or just quit. This is related to the cramming of the map. 'Nade Maid Needed: Setting grenades in pairs (we feel) encourages players to just kinda toss them out there. Setting them alone makes the player hesitate using his only grenade (of that type) and wait for the ideal situation (or even desperation) to use it. Basically, grenade whores will love this map. The location of the sniper was a decent camp spot. It was easy to frag the camper out but if I good no-scoper got up there, they completely dominated the are, and the game completely. Best Feature: Interlocking and the Hole on the upper level Map Killer: Grenades and Map Size Overall Map Rating: 8/10 Our review is intended to help you further develop your map. Receiving our review means that we believe your map has great potential. Please do not take the comments as insults. If something has not been mentioned then that means that we found nothing wrong with it. We wish you luck on your future maps!
Kill stealing is a stupid way of explaining why you did not get a point for a kill, whoever kills someone gets the point. I do not believe in kill stealing as a valid excuse, it is more of something an eight year old british kid says after you get twice as many kills as him. I did not set the grenades in pairs, I have no idea what you are talking about unless you accidentally downloaded v2 instead of v3. I have played about 30-40 games on this map and have noticed that in only about 5-10 of the games people actually used the sniper spot. If I make it even harder for snipers nobody will use the snipe spot. The gameplay will get stale. Its easy to frag the sniper and if the sniper is sooo good at no scoping and you cant frag him then he deserves to win =) DOMINATE! I will raise the spawn times for grenades so this isn't a grenade whores wet dream.... Unfortunately with the amount of interlocking and the lack of funds it was impossible to make the map bigger. I might make a larger version of this map that uses the foundry floor hmmmmmm..... Thanks for the critisism, I think I've addressed everything you've mentioned. I appreciated the more detailed feedback. Keep On FORGIN!!!!!
Thank you for your understanding and explanations. Everyone has different, yet respectable, opinions on the kill stealing. We played on v3, or at least it said so. Maybe there was some sort of glitch? And grenades were set in pairs and that is (as we FN members believe) a universal forging weakness. The map size is understandable because a low budget is the true map killer. We are not fans of the no-scoping mostly because even in close quarters, a no-scoping sniper can defeat a relentless shotgun wielder. The sniper has become multifunctional. As for using the Foundry floor, that is all a personal choice. We have no idea if people would prefer to give up that extra beauty for some extra space.
I'm gonna do some more forging and make sure the grenades aren't in pairs. Maybe I just keep updating the map and forgetting to update my post on will continue testing on this map and v3.5 will be released with more gametypes and improved gameplay. Thank You! =) I really do appreciate the time you took to give a detailed review.
I'm glad you like the map and think it's feature worthy, It was a lot of work! Oddball is very fun because you can drop down to the lower level. I love incendiaries too =D Enjoy the map, let me know about any improvements you can think of after you play some games. Obama Yo Mama!!!
The map looks very clean and well put together. I especially like the river/pool area. The post, however turned me off. If you were using MS paint try using a skinnier "Brush" and the line tool instead of the pencil. For those of us who haven't seen the original map, you should add some more pictures of things that weren't changed.
My really crappy sketch will be replaced with a readable overhead drawing. I just wanted to get that sketch out there for the short term because people had no idea of the layout of the map because I couldn't get an overview shot. I made it with the photobucket editing thingie, I wont do that again. It was a pain and it looks bad. I will take some more shots.
This map is very well interlocked and planned out. The only problem is if you are going to make a camping spot, I wouldn't place a shotgun on the map. For this can make gameplay a bit unfair. This map is well forged tho, gameplay could be nice
The shotgun is very important on this map. One side has a sniper and one side has a shotgun. The camp spot is important because it is the only protection that the shotgun guy gets from the sniper guy. Otherwise the sniper side of the map would dominate. The back of the camping spot is open so it's easy to frag the shotgun guy out while he is still protected from the sniper. Please play some games on the map and get back to me...
I still say the sword overpowers this map. =\ Played a few games and that seemed to really just ruin gameplay. Also in a 2v2 the spawns were a bit off. Try using respawn areas.
I'll get rid of the sword... I don't want to but I have to. I'll put respawn areas. Thanks for the help!!
Nice design dude I really like the pool and well everything else love it. I would download but its hard for me to get more map space.
Definitely, I will research respawn areas. I have added them for capture the flag, just not for slayer. What should I replace the sword with?
I'd say maybe the hammer. Kind of like a Gaurdian weapon layout. Making it on the same spawn time as the shotgun. If that seems to still overpower, try pushing the spawn time up. If you want, send me an inv. and I'll help with the spawns. I'll be on later though, I'm about to post my map and eat dinner.