No Parking Zone

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by DimmestBread, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    No Parking Zone
    Created By DimmestBread
    Download No parking zone here
    Download drive carefully here

    View Danger Zone Thread

    No Parking zone is my sequal map to Danger zone. In danger zone, the idea was to push the ball through obstacles to the very end and use it to get to the oddball. In No parking zone, You must drive a mongoose through the obstacles and to the end, and drive through the teleporters to get the oddball. This map is meant for one player, but you can have any amount and just compete for the best time, take turns, or else just watch each other. There are 11 obstacles. They all range from difficulties of easy to very hard. The 11th obstacle is more of a fun thing to do and it isn't hard at all.

    Supported Gametypes:
    Drive Carefully-
    *Players are Invulnerable
    *Primary weapon is sword
    *Vehicles are indestructable.
    *No grenades

    *Those are the settings for the gametype if anyone is to lazy to download the gametype or doesn't have room for it.*

    Here are some pics, and I will give you a walkthrough of what you have to do.

    The start - This is where you spawn. You have to grab one of the four mongooses and proceed up the ramp to begin.

    Angled stairs - Next, you must drive across a group of stairs that go down at different angles

    The transition - On the last stairs you must manuever your mongoose so you go onto the 3 double walls. Then proceed to the double box in the upper left hand corner and find a way onto the double box.

    Leap of faith - Next, use the grav lift to propel yourself and land on the double box at the end of the second corner wall, but don't go to far or to short.

    Broken Bridge - Next, carefully go across the window panel bridge and arrive on the double box.

    Wall rider - Proceed to go up and around the grav lift and onto the double box. Slide across the double wall and find your way around another corner like before.

    Precision jump - Use precision jumping to jump across the shield doors and land each set of wheels on a double wall and make it to the stack of single walls.

    Downward mess - Go up the ramp and carefully manuever yourself down the other side while avoiding the mancannons.

    Slanted Bridges - Drive up the next ramp and use your fast driving skills to navigate the slanted bridges and land on the double box.

    The fun jump - Use the trip mine to blast yourself to the default base and go through the teleporters to get to the ball.

    None of my testers wanted to test this map out because they were still pissed off at me from danger zone, so I spent a good week or two testing to make sure there were no flaws and each obstacle was possible. If you enjoy this map, try out danger zone, which is easier, and leave a comment. Constructive critisism is nice and please leave comments. If you download, come back and comment on what you think of it. Enjoy!
    #1 DimmestBread, Aug 20, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2008
    M.Jelleh likes this.
  2. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    This is really creative and sweet very original I like this

  3. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    Hmmm, very interesting. It is like a mongoose racetrack and a obstacle/puzzle map put together. I think something like it has been done, I'm not sure. I will have to check this out, overall, since I think this idea has been used, 4/5.
  4. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    looks really fun and well made. I like that you put so different jumps and hills in your racing map that i dont really see in other peoples maps. I think the stairs look really cool in the beginning. Great Job.
  5. DxHydra

    DxHydra Ancient
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    i have a feeling im going to get mad at this map...
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Oh you will. I do. But for some reason I keep doing it until I get it right.
  7. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    This is the most insane race type awesome trick map I have ever seen. This is godly awesome. Your maps are so funny Dimmest bread. I saw Push a spool and I just thought that was awesome. Congrats. You are so leet. +rep 4 u
  8. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    yay i loved the danger zone map this is definately dl'd 4/5 good job you get rep
  9. Jono36

    Jono36 Ancient
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    I would have thought on first impresion that it was a race but good anyway!
  10. Safturento

    Safturento Ancient
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    I love these kinds of maps because they piss me off to the point that I end up spending months trying to complete them, and I'm insanely satisfied at the end.

    5/5 on both maps.
  11. Iron Matzah

    Iron Matzah Ancient
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    I've been waiting for a course to hone in on my mongoose skills and this is absolutely perfect! Suggestion: do the same thing for a warthog.

    EDIT: you should move the receiver node that you have to block because you can cheat it with two people. Instead just move it to an unreachable place so that you have to drive on the mongoose through the sender nodes to get to the oddball.
    #11 Iron Matzah, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  12. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    i love the broken bridge and the stairs. VERY neat idea and creative. 5/5
  13. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    yeah I know you can cheat, but if someone downloads the map, I doubt that they will want to cheat. They will probobly want to try the course out. But in due time, if I make another like this, I will take that into account.
  14. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
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    Wow, this looks prety difficult. YOu said they god harder, and I was shaking at the first two. No but seriousley, it looks fun and well made. I'm just wondering what happens if you fall/fail. Do you just go to the beginning, or is there something you do? Anyway, good job.
  15. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    I absolutely love these types of maps, and never have seen one where you ride on mongooses. That is the most innovative puzzle map idea ive ever seen.
  16. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    If you fall you can drive the mongoose back to the beginning or just walk back and get a new one. It gets harder but the hardest is the shield door jump. then they get slightly easier and the last is just for fun. its really easy.

    Thanks and you can bet you will see another like this once I get some ideas.
  17. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Great idea haven't played yet. But once I have I'll get back to you with a more in depth review. Looks like a winner though.
  18. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    I like this, it looks fun and interesting to play with buddies when were screwing around
    4/5 and downloaded.
  19. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    This map should probably be moved to race maps. This is minin games. Other then that this map looks pretty good for a race map with one person. I usuly dont like race mpa but this looks nice. I really Like the stair idea. Some of the parts look a little confusing though. I've seen a skill race map like this once but it was realyl messy. THatnks for making a clean one.
  20. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Thanks, can't wait for the review.

    It is very fun for that very occasion. Thats why I made it. To screw around with buddies and when you are bored and by yourself, you have something to do.

    This isn't a race map. You aren't racing at all. You are just trying to get the oddball at the end. Its more of a puzzle. I guess you could race your friends if you wanted to though.

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