there is no half pipe in this map, just saying so you know in the future. heres one way to look at it. a pipe is a complete circle. a half pipe is half of a circle. a quarter pipe, is a quarter of a circle. anyway, good job with this, clean and well made.
Looks pretty awesome. I'm glad you added a little bit of your own touch to the Ramps (making them longer) instead of just copying him directly. You got some competition ScarFac3d!
i would of addeed more bits to the map cause scarefaces 1 one was nearlly full of stuff but this one loooks like big spaces were not forged so when doing the 2 one i would add more stuff to it but it is a nice map well done
The QP in the middle looks exactly like Scarfac3d's. If you did steal even part of the map, that is frowned upon and can result in an infraction/ban. As of now, I will talk to Scar and see if he approves. If not, then you probably stole it and I will report this to a mod.
Ok Mr. Poor reading skills/wanna be mod. I did not take anything from his map. Here is proof. Note the location of the yellow center line.
He is right, If you look at his in forge, you can tell he uses a very similar, yet different technique, his are longer and less "moon shaped" also, the Double wall lines on mine line up perfectly, his do not (not trying to be mean). He uses some things that I do in my map like a QP, rails, and a spine, but what would a Skate Park be without those things? I talked te the OP and he said he did get inspiration from my map, which I take as a compliment, then I talked to him to see if he could include that and he did so without question. Please do not give the OP anymore trouble with this thread, by saying that he is stealing you are saying that someone that steals is helping me with my third Skate Park, which I do not appreciate =).
Not too original (as everybody has already said) but you gave credit to Scar so it's okay. I say it's a pretty good analog to skate park. the ramps are nice and straight and you even used the pallet method of helping a mongoose up onto a wall. 4/5
How is this not original? How many Skate Parks do you see these days? So far I've only seen three. So you're saying that once it's been done, it's no longer original? As far as I'm concerned, it's not original if there are thousands of the same type of map floating around, like Cops and Robbers maps, or Space Ships in Avalanche. Right now I only say three, so I have no idea how this isn't original.
Im glad you spent some quality time working hard on those ramps to make sure they are perfect. Good Job, also you could practice sniping people out of mongooses on this map by shooting them in mid air and such.
What I dont understand is why do people put pallets? You can just Geo Merge a Wall or Fence Wall so that its a perfect ramp. Also big deal if someone uses the same ramp technique. Its not copyrighted and many people use it now but for some reason no one gets how to allign it perfectly by using the item spawn points.