Hello everyone i've recently created two maps, in two days.. And i putted them in a bungie.net post.. Now i want to make more maps, but only have 6 slots :sadface: Is it possible to remove the map off my fileshare, and that it still stays avaible in the post for download? EXAMPLE IF i remove a map off my fileshare, will it still stay avaible for download http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=25597560 <--- there If so, it means i can create more than six maps, right? or do i need to update my fileshare?
Well the bad news is, is that you can not take a map off of your fileshare and still have it available for download, But you can always ask a friend who doesn't use their fileshare. Or if you can find anyone, I would be willing to give up my fileshare for a few slots if you need it.
Get Bungie pro there's no other way, if you delete if from your File Share you can't download it, that should be "common sense".