They also said that the chainsaw, king, and necromancer was supposed to be a future DLC that was leaked. So that will be awesome.
If only they could fix the online, then CC would be the most awesomest game EVAR. Blue knight rules btw.
Then why post here... anyways. this game is ****en awesome, I started off with Alien Hominid as my knight, he's level 30 right now barely, im having trouble kicking medusas ass. Also, i never seem to find players. idk if its just bad internet connection, or just the game itself, but i never find any games during quickmatches, and if i got to custom match, it will give me a list of people, but as soon as I the game gets started it sends me to the title screen. also, theres that problem with the syncing duirng xbl games with friends...
Castle crashers is amazing! It is well worth 1200 MS points! Buy buy buy! My Fiancee plays it with me. I guess I'm addicted to side scrolling games.
First castle crashers dlc details divulged: Two new characters the King and the Necromancer. A new weapon,a chainsaw. Castle Crashers - Development Blog Blog Archive Chainsaw massacre !!!
Yeah this game is freakin amazing. I lost all my data though. I took my HDD to my buddy's house and boom gone. Don't take out the HDD and take it some where else!!! I had all the weapons, all the pets but the ones you buy, and lvl34 orange knight/lvl 24 ninja/lvl 23 dragon knight/lvl 20 red knight. So anyone wanna play tonight? Help me get some stuff back?