Good sir, I've been looking for that Theme, and I cant find it. Could you tell me what exactly it's called?
The visual style? Its called Nextlevel it can be found on deviantart, everything else is pretty much made by me and sadly is not for release.
Yea thats it, if you can't find it I will link you too it, just make sure you know what you are doing messing with themes and stuff.
I'm new to Themes and stuff. I use the deafult one, and I like it, but I thought that one was pretty cool. I kinda know how to change them (in the CP rite?). Only problem is, the one that's like yours, is just a pic, I'm guessing (didnt try downloading it, but it said preview), and the final version had a weird taskbar...
No dude not at all, changing themes requires patching critical system files, I would not mess with it since it doesn't appear that you have alot of experience in this.
im sorry i cant stand my task bar on any other side of the screen expect the bottem, its just weird anywhere else.
I moved mine up to the top one day just for shits and giggles and I never moved it back, now everyone gets pissed because when I use there computer the first thing I do is move that taskbar to the top
Then I shall not change my theme. I like my computer the way it is. Alive, and working, and without any viruses. heres mine please note that the halo MODDING TOOLS are for halo 1 not halo 3 . it is a copy right version and is meant to be played on a dedicated server
What Mac are you using? whats your display size? just curious because it looks massive compared to my 13" MacBook screen
I wasn't talking about the resolution nemi... I meant the physical size... 1024x640 isn't that many... But he could be running it on a 30' Cinema Display...