Guess what's here? Version 2 of my original map, Insurrection! Using constructive criticism thoughtfully left by several members of this forum, I have redesigned most of the entire map! If you downloaded and played it before, then you'll find that this version expands on the positive experiences of the first one and fixes many of the negative ones. Here is the link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Some pictures of the map: ^The redesigned blue base. ^The new center platform. ^Originally the Grav Lift corner, this has been redesigned and changed to purple corner. ^The redesigned Red Base, distinguishing factor has been changed from a blocked teleporter to an untakeable overshield. ^Originally Fusion Coil corner, this has also been redesigned and the fusion coil has been replaced with an unreachable custom powerup. Major changes: >Flipped all pre-existing boxes and bridges. >Straightened bridge walkways around the outside of the map. >Changed and/or moved distinguishing factor for all four corners of the map. >Added and moved cover along the floor of the map, and straightened cover on the walkways. >Changed the entryways into the bases from a crack in the boxes to a tunnel made of an open single box (these four single boxes are the only non-upside down boxes on the map) >By flipping the boxes in the center of the map, cover has changed and is now slightly more defending but also more prone to grenades and slightly harder to get into. Grenades are still present in each of the four rooms. The fence walls have been replaced by window panels, making it easier to shoot and throw grenades at people who are on the center platform. I've already begun coming up with ideas for V3, and it looks like it's gonna be great. In the meantime, satisfy your hunger for a map that has excellent gameplay abilities with this great map. NOTE: Altogether, building and testing of this map has taken over 20 hours. Weapon list and respawn times: 9 Br's at 10 secs 10 Carbines at 30 secs 2 Snipers at 120 secs 1 Mauler at 150 secs
Slightly too open, add some cover. The floor of the bases looks a little bumpy, try and put a merged fenc wall on top of the open boxes to make the surface smooth to walk on.
Any suggestions of what type of cover and where I should add it? And by "open boxes", you refer to the ones that make the tunnels into each base?