Are you looking to prove your skillz in forge, make your self well known? Well if you win this contest there is a good chance of you becoming alot more known. The Challenge of this contest is to make for me a rotating floor on foundry. Yes i know it sounds hard, but just think of the bragging rights! You will have created the next biggest thing in forge since interlocking! ***UPDATE: whoever makes the floor will forge the rest of the map with me that way it is our map not mine with your creation in it*** Prizes 1. + Rep (alot) 2. Very Awesome Bragging Rights! 3. Any Prize Of Your Choice! (as long as it isnt totaly rediculous) 4. Lots Of Credit When I Post Map Score /10 - How Well It Works /5 - How Big It Is (bigger is better, but it is way more important that it works well and its consistant than it being big) Rules 1. Must be on Foundry 2. See Rule 1 Thats all for now, even if you want to insult the **** out of me, please reply in the thread instead of me because i want this thread to be kept alive instead of shrinking back pages! Thx!
I'm a good forger, but damn idk if i can pull this one off, I'll try my best! :] hopefully it'll work! Ive gotz an ideer!!!
I don't know hwo to tel you thid bri, but if i ever made a rotating map, i wouldnt give it to you, but walls and bridges are immovable objecvts, so unless tis like palets, not possible right?
Well i made it a contest because forgehubbers are competitive little nerds (the awesome kind of nerd) and if its a contest title it attracts attention, and that means more people who are trying, besides im being fair with giving them credit and stuff
What do you mean by rotating floor though? Are you talking about making a big map that is like pallet parade?
no not a whole map just a small floor, whether its square, circle, whatever is up to you and long as its a small room that has a rotating floor
When you make your next contest you should try to see if its actually possible before you ask people how to do it. If you know how to do it (doubt full) then im sorry. This idea is defenitly cool but looks almsot impossible because of the lack of that many grav-lifts.
no one is gonna make this, and then give it to you, so what if you give credit, it isn't yours, but i am gonna make this, and do it myself.
ive tryed guys, its a waste of time. ive been trying for half an hour and no results but a bunch of flying crates/wire spools etc. etc...
i have a very simple idea of how to do this, without pallets, ofcourse, it would be extremely small and only able to fit 1 person... still that might be the best of everyone elses...
For the last 2 months Ive been trying to do this, to me its impossible, there is no way I can find that you can make a rotating map, but Id love to see it if others could do it.
There is no deadline, so dont rush ok this is what i was afraid would happen! I knew some ****ing dumb ass would steal the idea and try to keep it for themselves but i was hoping that no one would cuz i thought that most forgehubbers werent idea stealing seal rapists! Ok there is a change in the contest, whoever makes the floor will get to forge rest of the map map with me hopefully that will stop any body else from being dumb asses who have nothing better to do than go on forgehub and steal people's ideas
I think i figured this out, but it would have to be done with destructabe immovable objects, so you could fall through, and get messed up, I prob could fix tht too, but my xbox broke i think
thank you for being one of the only people who has a positive attitude about this contest, most other people wont stop complaining about how hard it is or they just steal the idea all together. + rep for you there are destructable immovable objects??? ok people, of course this is gunna be hard. I wouldnt have started a contest if i didnt know how hard this is. i tried and failed, a pro switch shop tried and failed, so i dont even know if its possible but if it is and someone participating in this contest accomplishes this, then this could be a way of them getting recognized, they will have created one of the coolest things in forge ever