Rekball feild

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Reklats, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. Reklats

    Reklats Ancient
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    Map Title: Rekball
    Speed past your enemies.

    Download Map
    Download Gametype


    This map draws many inspirations from both rollerball movies and griffball.
    As you may have already seen parts of the map are not as smooth or aesthetic as most maps here the reason for this is that I do not want to work any more hours on a map and gametype that may not be liked so any future updates depend on the response. With that said do not believe that the map is not playable it has been tested and I have not found any major problems with game play.
    I would type a longer description or a back story but I currently have a headache expect that some time later this week possibly tomorrow.

    Screen shots:

    Bomb spawn

    Action shots.
    Bomb plant.
    Time to push through

    How to play:

    The game is set to a 8 minute limit there is no score limit who ever has the most point at the end of the game will win.
    The goal of the game is to get the bomb/ball and plant it in your enemies base to score a point the game continues from here there are no rounds.

    I would like to thank the random testers who I met today through the infection play list for playing the game today allowing me to take actions shots and further test the gameplay.

    The secondary gametype for this would be normal rekball but swapping out hammers with swords I prefer not to use both but that is up to you.
  2. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
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    This looks very interesting and it looks like it could be a fun alternative to grifball. I like that there are mongeese on this map and am very interested to see how the gameplay will work out. I definetly will download, get some friends to play, and give it a full review! Also since this is your first post, Welcome to ForgeHub!

    What I liked: I like the idea of incorporating the mongoose and the brute chopper to encourage teamwork in the gameplay. Weapon choice of plasma pistol and hammer, good mix up. The map is well designed for core gameplay and is fully playable. You used the unlimited budget glitch. Aesthetics of the arena are very impressive for a first time post. It's fast-paced, fun to play with friends, and has a lot of potential.

    What I didn't like: The map is easily cheatable by standing on top of one of the mongeese or choppers and hammer jumping, grenade, or buddy jumping (You obviously already knew that because you placed teleporters outside of the map). Weapons have limited ammo and since the round doesn't end, once you run out you can't get more. You have starting grenades. The ball (or bomb) could be tossed out of the arena and therefore inhibit gameplay. In addition to throwing the ball out, you could jump over the wall and camp and keep the ball away from the other team. You didn't use the unlimited budget glitch to completely close up the arena and therefore keep cheaters from cheating.

    Things I was Iffy about: Once the other team scores, your team's vehicles are destroyed for a time. Some places in the incline of the team spawns needed to be interlocked more carefully as it flipped the mongoose over when I tried to leave the spawn. Since the round doesn't end when you score, other players may be able to camp at the ball spawn and wait til their teammate scores, then just pick up the ball and repeat the process.

    Suggestions: Fix the wall along both team's spawn by making it taller ( I checked your inventory on forge, you have enough boxes/fences to do it so no excuses :p) that way no one can cheat and get out of the map. Interlock or realign the fences that are used as ramps at both team's spawns. Either give the players infinite ammo or make a new round each time one team scores. TAKE OFF STARTING GRENADES (big no no for close contact sports games)!!! Take the time to add more detail and description in your posts, also take the time to smooth out those certain spots in your map. It may not seem like it, but taking time to do both of these things can make the difference between someone not wanting to even bother with your map, and getting downloads and feedback that will help you in the future. Lastly and most importantly, keep on forging! You're doing a great job and I hope to see more maps from you in the future!

    + Good concept and originality
    + Vehicles are a nice touch
    - Gametype needs to be reworked
    - Map is easily cheatable
    Overall Score: 4/5 Stars [Good]
    #2 B3NJ4M1N08, Aug 31, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2008
    Psycho, Shock Theta and TexturedSun like this.
  3. Ocean Man

    Ocean Man Ancient
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    Where do those holes send you?
    sexy dude likes this.
  4. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    dude sweet interlocking and geomerging. The interlocking bridges and walls for the floor is expertly done. The gameplay seems like it would be fun and addicting. I reminds me of grifball.

    Good Job 5/5
  5. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    Woah this is your first post. This is a nice first post, but you should definately check out forge 101 if you haven't already. It tells you how to do some cool and usefull tecniques like geomerging Looks fun but im not sure that ill use the mongooses, (mongeese?) that seems like your asking to be killed. I'll dl but i think you should always put all your effort into maps whether you think people will like them or not. Chances are more people will like it if its forged well. cool map not super original but still new. 7.5/10
  6. Reklats

    Reklats Ancient
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    Each one contains a gravity lift which gives you a small boost I found that more interesting than having a solid plain there.

    The gravity is set slightly higher in the gametype between 150-200 I believe. This makes it hard to even got onto the two platforms much less get out side the map the speed is also slightly higher to resemble skates but the difference is not that noticeable.

    Thank you all for the replies I did not expect many positive reviews.

    The gametype has higher health which means that when someone gets hammered, correct term?, while on a moongoose they are merely knocked off or if they are skilled enough or just have plain luck will just be thrown away and land on their wheels allowing them to speed off or be hammered again for the kill.

    The main purpose of this version is the concept future updates will have some sort of aesthetics and better symmetry since there are a few spots that are clearly not symmetrical to the opposing side.
    #6 Reklats, Aug 31, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2008
  7. Ocean Man

    Ocean Man Ancient
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    That is really cool, and your map is very clean and creative of course you'll get good reviews! =]
  8. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    Looks like a fun alternative to griff ball, as of late griff ball has not been interesting. worth a try? probably, it looks like its worth a download download :)
  9. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Holy sh!@ this is cool!

    The entire structure is mindblowing. Primarily the slanted walls on the side are what grab my attention. Everything else is excellent too, and unique. I'm very frustrated though because I can't download this now!(I am on vacation). But when I return tomorrow, I'll give this puppy a whirl.

    Good job on this :)
  10. GrabThaTech420

    GrabThaTech420 Ancient
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    Nice, looks like it could be way fun. Not too sure bout the mongooses thought, seems somewhat pointless. but the idea of the game seems extremely cool. Def a DL for me, have to try this out. Very nice, keep up the great forging work =)

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    nostalgic vibe comin.........grifball. except with a twist. i like it good interlocking and the bases were a cool idea. the mongoose is a good addition. by the way wtf are the holes for

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