I saw this on halotricks too. I actually made a crappy death machine before that video, but it wasn't as well done.
im gonna be really honest, i dont understand how anyone likes this, its pretty much the exact thing, except you get killed by a spool, or a dumpster, whoopy, not fun at all. 1/5, and the one is just for neatness
Nice. One problem, though. You wasted two great mancannons on more dumpsters instead of my personal favorite: (takes a while to perfect it though) "the mad trucker". Fun type of map. 4/5
This looks like a great switch map. I especially like the fact that it's totally closed in. Not many switch maps do that. It seems simple... but so is dropping a tank on yourself. And that is good for hours of fun. Definitely gonna' dl and show this to a few people.
This map doesn't meet Map Standards. Please create a topic on Bungie.net for your map instead of linking to your fileshare.
lol That is hilarious, I've never thought of doing something like that before, kudos to your creativity.
Do switch maps belong in the aesthetics category? Just wondering b/c i see a bunch of them. I just thought they would fit better into the casual games section. Or maybe make a switch maps section. Well I've seen many of these, especially some saw games, and there is nothing funnier than setting a trap off on a friend, or even better, several friends. Hahahahahah. This map sounds like good fun. Sometimes you gotta take a break from those serious matchmaking games or even serious custom games.