Only 12 Forgers on forgehub?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Something., Aug 31, 2008.

  1. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Now, I haven't been around on Forgehub very long, but it seems to me that only the top level of the community gets any real attention.

    I was lurking around and I noticed in a thread asking people to name their 3 favourite forgers, it was the same 6 or so names recycled over, plus another 6 occasionally thrown in.

    In a thread archiving the featured maps by author, I noticed, again, it was pretty much 6 names that had most maps accredited to them, and another 6 with maybe a couple.

    I'm positive there are more than just a half dozen people in the forgehub community that have created feature worthy maps, or should be known for making great forgeries. It feels like the map forums are just there to throw the "wannabe's" a few bones of "Nice interloks 5/5" (Or, to flame them mercilessly), and focus on the few names that have featured maps.

    If I'm ignorant of something here, please tell me.

    *grabs asbestos suit*
  2. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    This is how a lot of people feel. However, the more features you get, the more likely the community will look at your new maps. And a lot of people make great maps, but there is just something wrong with it that keeps it from getting featured
  3. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    i feel this way all the time, there are the higher forgers, who's maps are always considered amazing
    and then there are the unkowners, whose maps may be as good or better as the upperclassmen, but dont get the credit they deserve. its unfair, but its life.
  4. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    But it seems the featured maps section is like a glass ceiling. You can look and hope to get there, but unless you're already up there, you can't get to it. So how can you get publicity for your maps if you can't break into the featured section in the first place?
  5. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Actually, i has a theory....

    Recently it is the aim of FH to get around 3 featured maps a week. Now, this is fine and well, but if you consider that... that is alot of maps fast, and alot of premiums would be handed out in time. Now, premium still means something, there is no need to take anything away from that title. So the only way now to avoid giving out premiums unless you truly deserve it, is to feature premium maps.

    Don't get me wrong, premiums make GREAT maps, I play alot of them, but sometimes they get a feature, but don't deserve it. However, FH has reason to do so, cause they do not want to give premium to just anybody, but to a person who REALLY deserves it. Yes, some maps that aren't featured have (imo) been just as good as recent featured maps, however, for a non premium to get their map featured, it has to EXCELLENT, and exceeding.

    My thoughts
    evan12075 likes this.
  6. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    I agree with everyone who has posted in this so far. And this has inspired me to make a map tonight and see how it goes. Thank you. =]
  7. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Well, if the issue is the giving away of premium member status, why not make a certain number of features give you it?

    That way the featured maps section will allow any up and coming forger to get their maps more publicity than just some kids giving the classic 5/5 comment, while seasoned vets who have made quality work for some time will still have the bonus of being a premium member. And since it would require , say, 3 features, you would definitely know they know their stuff.
  8. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    there is a certain number, its 2. two features equals an eternity of premium
  9. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    premium already requires 2 features and yes i agree but it shouldnt be one good map and your in the top and everyone else has to do extremely good to be up with you
  10. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Well then, maybe it should be 3 or 4. Then FH won't have to worry about degrading the value of premium memberships, while helping out the littles trying to get somewhere with their maps.

    I can imagine an army of premiums right now *shudders*
  11. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    If you really think somethings better than what we have, send it to me in a Visitor or Private Message. We honestly go through tons of maps, and most of the ones you think are 'really great' have little problems, like absense of objective points, respawn areas, whatever, that keep them from being Featured.
  12. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    If what you say is true, then why is vertebraille featured?

    That one is very easy to spawn camp in. I'm not dissing the quality of it or anything, but it seems that that flaw in it should have kept it from being featured, according to you.
  13. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    there are many great maps, but just because it has a 5, doesnt mean itll get featured, if there was an accurate scale for a definant feature, then it would be about an 8. there are many people who are good, but only the best of the best get featured, and only the best of the best are favored. your not ignorant. its just, people who are better than others, will be the much more prefered, and the much more lilked. thats why there the ones who get featured, and the ones who are considered "favorites".
  14. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Just because you have never had a featured map, or been a moderator does not mean that you are not well known. If you post frequently and they are GOOD posts, you can become one of the "people" of forgehub fairly easily over time. If you spam, you can become one of those people that no one likes though, which still everybody talks about, but not in a good way.
    There are different classes of hubbers in my mind.

    There is the noobs. They are basically the 150 or less posts people who fill up the newest maps section the most. I use posts to decipher them because it shows activity, not time. No offense to those in this category, but usually they quit the site after a month or two, and seem to give short posts, question threads and good reviews to maps that have been done a couple hundred too many times.
    Then from there up to about 500 posts, you get the REALLY active users who go on the site everyday and help people with pictures, questions, and just post on every map in the newest maps section. Usually the posts are good, but some spam. They are like lower middle class. They usually start making friends at this stage and start to slow down as they reach 500 posts. Most of the people here will not be quiting the site anytime soon.
    Once people are at 500-1000 posts, they are like the middle class that all know each other, but the noobs and "people" have no clue who they are. They post frequently, but mostly in the newest posts section and off topic such as the how well known is the user above you thread. Sometimes these users can become friends of the "people" by posting a really good thread, and catching the "people's" attention. Then they get a crap load of rep, and a little more well known.
    From 1000 or more posts, you are what I consider the "people" because by then noobs won't argue with you, and you just get rep for being you. It's also a given to become friends with other "people" at this point. They post random threads that have nothing to do with anything, or only post in important threads. They also have HUGE conversations in their user profiles, some when they aren't even there.

    That's my analysis of forgehub's classes.
    evan12075 and LOL zombie like this.
  15. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    OK. Here is what I say. Sure, premiums get a lot of featured maps, but that is because Forgehub looks at what will be awesome for the community. Don't tell me that these maps aren't good because they are. Now I have noticed a lot more premiums lately and a lot of them are newer members. So, actually new members just need to make some really awesome maps and they will get noticed. Unless you are like me, I just post here everyday, but not post any maps. I'm still working on that. So some people know me just because I am around a lot.

    OK so in all that jumbley jumble, my points are:
    1. Well known members get featured more often.
    2. New members can get featured, but they have to work hard.
    3. I am addicted to love baby.
    NeverlessWonder likes this.
  16. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    Yes but if only the forgers whos names are known get recongnized then what about possibly great forgers/maps that are there getting ignored because no one has heard of the author?

    or the title is ****
  17. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Some people have great maps they posted, and somehow they reach about 6 posts, that might be all the same nice interlocking 5/5 comments.
    Though this happens alot we COULD do something about it.
    Like mods, or loyals check every map and tell it through some other people, to let it get some comments.
    If you want to have a featured map, wait until you get a great idea have alot of inspiration, I also think that making a assymetrical map gives you the most change of getting a feature.
  18. ScarFac3d

    ScarFac3d Ancient
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    Not neccesarily true..My first map post, Skate Park, was considered for being featured, but then they took away aesthetic map packs.
  19. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    One thing to keep in mind is the sheer scale of Forgehub. Its pretty massive in size. Very hard for the loyals/staff and premiums to look at every single map. Atm im logging on and doing a forgethrough of a map each day because i enjoy it. This is around 1-2pm GMT that i will post the forgethrough. By 6-7pm GMT that map is already off the first page because of the sheer number of posts.
    Being a big name will certaintly help draw attention to your map but it is not the be all and end all of Forgehub. My friend Pegasi Delta was a nobody when he first joined like the rest of us. He posted well and is a good forger. After making some changes to his map and drawing attention to himself through good posting he was noticed by staff members and promoted to loyal. He also had his first map featured. He is now a Journalist.
    What im trying to demonstrate is that although the big names might be repeated over and over again Forgehub has hundreds of active and good members who make positive contributions to the site.
    Look at each section and look for guys who post well and often. They might not be noticed straight away but they will be noticed if they continue to post well. Often many people look at the group they consider to be "elitist" and consider them above and out of reach. They are just human like the rest of us.
    "Promotion" so to speak in Forgehub is not always going to come quickly but it does come to those who show a commitment to the site.

    Anyway, thats the thoughts of another random nobody.
    NeverlessWonder and evan12075 like this.
  20. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    you sorted the featured maps list by author? those arent the map creators. Those are the Journalists who wrote the feature up and posted it. And all those Premiums... they were just regular members that came here, improved their game, and garnered themselves 2 features. We have a pretty good amount of Premiums now, most of which were just regular users only a couple months ago

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