I used Scarfac3d map as inspiration. I used some of the techniques that he used. Here is the link for the DL. http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=51672889 I dont feel like typing much, so here are the pics. ****NEW UPDATED DL LINK***** http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=51730241 Overview. A little jump. Little conjoined box/halfpipe/quarterpipe. Spine. Kicker box.
This map is really cool, It must have taken you long to get everything so perfect and lined together, I will download and see for myself on how it goes....4/5, I will rate it on later on when I have played it. EDIT: Download link is'nt working!! Nooooooo!! Please fix it so people can download.
The map is a little blank so I would consider adding buildings and shops for an aesthetic touch but the ramps you have already made are great. This map has a lot of potential so consider making a V2!
I will DEFINITLY DL. This looks A LITTLE better then Scar fased's. I will MAKE my friends DL too. 5/5 rating also.
You based it off of my maps? =0 *feels special* Other than that it is pretty good, I might add a bit more, even just as Hazza said for aesthetic touch. Hope to see more maps from you ITF.
Oh yeah, when you DL, and play it in forge, start a new round. For some reason some of the walls dont load. They load in slayer, though.
Rofl! This map is based on your skate park 2! The layout is very similar somewhat, and you interlocked very smooth. I think you should make a Version two, with double boxes to increase the urban feel. 4.8/5, keep up the good work!
Cool! I like the interlocked ramps a lot! But yes, it needs more senery, like a truck\forklift and maybe crates and dumpsters would really make this map! Downloading 5\5 Good Job!
I think that has to do with "place at start" that we all know from interlocking. He probably did not set the boxes back to place at start, but this is really insignificant to the map overall. I love the quarterpipe in the hog, that is my favorite. Good job.
Maybe the walls not spawining is due to the symmetrical/asymmetrical option being changed? I dunno just an idea.
I think I figured it out. I set pretty much all the walls to not place a start, and the run on max to the highest number, so they would instantly spawn. Its kinda funny, it only happens in forge. If any of you need anything, hit me up on XBL or AIM. XBL - G2 Diesel M37 AIM - BACON Lulz
holy cow dude that is some impressiv interlocking 5/5 just for the interlocking 9/10 because there is a lot of empty space.
Whao! Thanks for all the nice comments guys! If anyone plays this, take some pics! Share them, if you wanna. Im thinking about making some buildings, and some more grinding rails. Oh yeah, maybe Ill push a car into the ground, so you can grind on it?
Ah, you re-named it, great idea, I would like to apologize, i thought the testing was gonna be another day, I had people over last night, then went out for a bit. I'll Dl your map, and give you a better review later.
This is really cool. It's fun to just mess around on with your friends. The interlocking is extremely smooth. The only thing was when you're going from the foundry ground onto a ramp, there was always a bump and sometimes threw you off completely sending you in some random direction. If you geomerge then this will truly be flawless. You should consider making some big racetracks cause you have really good interlocking.
I modified it a little bit. On the side of the double wall quarter pipe, I made a single wall quarter pipe. its kinda crappy, so you all can delete if you don't like it. Just wanted to use up all the walls.