New versions of Epitaph, Sandtrap, The Pit, and Snowbound are coming out which are called Epilogue, Sandtarp, Pit Stop, and Boundless respectively. Here are some Halowikia articles: EDIT: AU2 Stands for Auto Update 2.
Ehhh I absolutely hate the pit stop, why would they block the top room off? If you were smart enough, you would throw grenades at them campers.
I think the update is good, no shield door camping, makes the game a little more fair and 'skill taking'. But what I do not understand: Do we need to DL those maps from XBL marketplace?
Yeah I know it's idiotic, but it's not going to replace The Pit, it's just going to be another version.
I'm glad that most of the shield doors are getting removed. I hated the shield door campers. I don't think we will have to download them...
Wait, so you will be able to go anywhere on Boundless? Is it referring to out past the guardian turrets?
I don't think those quotes are from Halowiki, those are from the Weekly Update located, HERE.
This is improved alot. Even though it doesn't change much, its better. No more noobz camping with rockets and shotguns. Sandtap without elephants isn't so great, kinda boring after, I liked the elephants, they were fun. So everything is great except the "Sandtarp" one!
I am glad people can't camp with shield doors anymore and team oddball on Pit Stop will be better thanks to no Hive
Well for one, I love that Epilogue will come out, cause Epitaph was the worst map ever. And I also think Sandtarp will be boring without Elephants.
I think that the maps were fine the way they were. There were always ways to stop the campers, and I took it as a challenge. It was always fun to beat them when they though they were invincible, and there are better ways to stop camping than to change the maps from the ways they were originally intended to be. Those shield doors ARE there for a purpose after all.
My thoughts exactly. This may be a good improvement for MM, and I can't wait to see how they turn out. But still, taking out Elephants is a bad idea.
Sandtarp: Sandtarp IMO will be better. There will be no more elephant stealing or elephant idiocy in MM. They usually take away from they main objective in BTS. "Hey guys let's go in the elephant!" They all die, I get pissed. You also forgot to add that he Attackers/Defenders in Sandtrap have been switched around in Sandtarp. It will take more skill to guard the flag nowbecause it is somewhat in the open there. Pit Stop: Blocking off the upper part of the base is somewhat good and pointless. I mean, even if someone does camp up there (HLG) a few grenades always get them out. Epilogue: No shield doors will have much better gameplay. It makes the shotgun, Grav Hammer less nubbish. IDK if they will even have those in there now but if they do, people wont have to rely on the shield door/shotgun combo. Boundless: Probably the most hated map in Halo history probably has a better face now that the shield doors have been removed. Instead of grenade spamming in the tunels, players will be forced to go up and carbine everyone they see.
ya i read this and thought omg sweet but then i remembered i hate epitah so i'll hate epilogue and snowbound is okay so boundless will be average. i love the Pit so pitless will be bad for snipers but eh its okay got 109 kills to 200 and lost cuz mah teammate sucks only 3 kills for him lol lost to someone with 119 kills and 81 kills
I agree. I am not to crazy about Pitstop. My only real concern would be the spawn points. That room was a great place for players to regenerate there health and it was great cover for all players who spawned around there. Plus, where is the flag going to be? If its in the tower on the sword side of the map it will be an absolute diaster! Most of the map won't evan be used exept when one player dicides to go over thare for rockets and invisability. I am also dissapointed the rooms will be gone becauseit was an excellent sniping spot where you could see most of your side. The only changes that I like are Epliogh and Boundless. That should be fun. Shield doors are only good when they are being kept to keep grenades out. When they are made to create camping it creates terrible gameplay.
oh and i doubt them removing the boundries from snowbound because is u get a ghost then you can probably make it behind a rock were the turrets cant shoot you.
I agree with everything Xanon said. I mean, really, who cares about The Pit room? The only problem I found with that was in forge there are no respawn points but for some reason people still respawned up there. I'm sure they fixed it up, though. And yes, Sandtrap was just a big noobfest before. Here was the mindset: Hey! let's drive the elephant the whole damn game so that I piss my teammates off!