Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tex, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. wertise

    wertise Ancient
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    I know this may seem like I'm noobish (which I am) but don't hate me. I just need help with this respawn/spawn/starting spawn/ spawn area thing.

    Basically I just want to know how to make SPECIFIC players spawn and respawn and SPECIFIC Spawn points.

    Yes I suck for wasting your time with this.

    But just a simple summary or a link to something that can help me will be GREATLY appreciated.

    Also if this is the wrong Sub Forum for this topic I'm sorry too I just made an account a few days ago so I'm not familiar with the forum.

    Jpec07 likes this.
  2. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Hello and welcome to ForgeHub! (that being the only canned part of this reply)

    I honestly don't think there is a way to manipulate spawn areas and spawn points to be able to do that without teams enabled. The way I can imagine doing it would be to forge the map so that each spawn point (of ten) has a different team associated to it, and then in the pregame to make everyone go on their own team (with certain teams being necessary in the grand scheme). If you engineer it right, you can probably get something close to what you're talking about. Without teams, though, I'm pretty sure it's impossible (someone else correct me if I'm wrong).

    On a side note, though, I would make it so that you have at least two spawn points associated to a team (with spawn order adequately in place) so that spawn camping cannot be done (or at least would be very difficult).

    If you go through with it, please let me know how it turns out. Oh, and you needn't worry about misposting. You're in the clear. ^_^
  3. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    I have two questions that, when answered, will greatly assist me in the making of my new map.

    1. I can interlock very smoothly when two double boxes are on the same level. However, all I have is one ring of double boxes, and that is not an efficient way of keeping people in my map. It needs to be higher. Unfortunately, I do not know how to interlock smoothly or evenly enough to add another ring of double boxes on top of this. If anyone knows a technique I could use, it would really help.

    2. For my map, I also need to geomerge into Foundry's wall. Unfortunately, all I know is the door method which is only good for floors (at least to my knowledge), and do not understand the more complex way. So could someone please explain more simply how to geomerge into walls?
  4. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    I've always wanted to know, how do good Forgers make, say, a bridge
    the exact same height as a single box in order to make a perfect bridge that doesn't "bump" you into the air.
  5. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    Depending on what you are talking about they either geo-merge or interlock
  6. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Unless it is an area of the map that people will walk on, I wouldn't worry about it. But you could either build up some support inside the lower box until you get it at the right hight to be interlocked Fence walls work well, as do normal walls. Stack them next to the box you have already to see how many you need to get it to the height you want. Then start new round as you would and move them to where you need them to be. Make sure you have your bracing that holds the second box in line with the lower one, placed on the side of the boxes that people see for the smoothest looking interlocks.

    Same as your first question. Build up some support to the height you need it to be and then use the door trick from there.
  7. sandervkva

    sandervkva Ancient
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    I made a min/max switch with fusion coils but it didn't turn out the way I liked...
    I had fusion coil A spawn at start with runtime minimum set to 1. Then i had fusion coil B & C not spawn at start so if A is destroyed B or C will spawn. I then placed a truck on top of C so that B will always spawn after A is destroyed.

    When B is spawned it rolls down a hill and falls to the ground, exploding. after 10 seconds into the round, both fusion coil A & B will be blocked by immovable objects. Also a man cannon will spawn and push the truck away and let fusion coil C be free to spawn. However the forge engine will prefer to spawn fusion coil B instead, INSIDE an immovable object, how do I stop B from spawning and let C spawn instead?

    I hope I made myself as clearly as possible...

    Thanks in advance
  8. BloodyRiot

    BloodyRiot Ancient
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    So I have a little problem, and I don't know how I've made it this far without figuring this out.

    When I Forge, I sometimes create closed off areas. I go in, edit the whole map, remove all the spawn points from outside the closed area to make sure people spawn inside the action area. However, when I go to play a game, on the first spawn I always spawn outside the closed off area. Well I found out today on the Bungie.net forums that I also had to remove the Starting Points in all the game types as well as the spawn points across all game types. I did so, and the map I am currently working on worked fine, I spawned inside the closed area.
    Except when I started a Multi Flag match just to test things out. Somehow in that match, I would still spawn outside the closed area, except this time where there were no spawn or starting points in the Forge. So I go back into Forge and make sure all the Spawn and Start points are inside the Closed off area, in ALL gametypes, and yet I am still spawning outside the closed off area (but it's not a first time spawn like it was with the starting points outside, it's an auxiliary spawn). If anyone knows how to fix this, let me know. Thanks.
  9. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Hello and welcome to ForgeHub! ^_^

    You have to do more than just remove the starting points - place at least one per team per gametype that you want to have supported. Generally speaking, unless you tell the game exactly where you want it to spawn you, it'll spawn you wherever it feels like it (on Foundry, this means the corners of the map).

    Give that a shot and let us know how that turns out. It should fix it, but I may be mistaken.

    You also, welcome to ForgeHub!

    While I'm not really the person to talk to about switches, I do have two suggestions that you might consider. First (and I don't have forge in front of me and haven't touched it since school started), look for a setting for the fusion coils around spawn order, and play with that - it should get your coils to go the way you want them if it does exist and you can get it right. Secondly, try using a different static object to block the spawn. Like a door, or something.

    Let us know if these work out for you! ^_^
    #69 Jpec07, Sep 7, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008
  10. BloodyRiot

    BloodyRiot Ancient
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    Thanks for the reply(and the welcome), and I have put in the starting points inside the closed off area in the map and I still am having the spawn problems.
  11. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Did you do that for all the gametypes? Sorry if I'm being repetitive, but you need to do it for every gametype to make sure it'll work. Also note that if a spawn point is oriented wrong, or is in a place the game deems as "wrong," the game will look over it in favor of other spawn points (the default ones, if none of the artificial ones can be found to fit the description).

    Something else you might try is placing immovable objects over the default spawn points...
  12. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    I have a double wall I can not delete? I tried it all, changing min max in every area of the three in every combo possible. Also tried deleting all the double walls completely and every object completely? Also tried to save it many times in those combos and and even try putting it on my file share and DLing it again and trying all ways again. By combos I mean say... setting with-in the double wall menu (max allowed-16, on map-15, min on map or it will respawn-0) that kind of thing... ????????
  13. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    Im not sure if you said this in your post, it was sort of confusing, but did you try setting the min to the max then starting a new round?
  14. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    I think you'd have it not to spawn at the start of the round and started the game, when you do that, you cannot delete it.
  15. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    I know it was confusing sorry, but yes thats what i ment about the min max settings, tried it all in that area.

    I checked the last saved version of the map and it was set to not spawn at start and had a 30 second respawn time?
  16. Rubber Grunt

    Rubber Grunt Ancient
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    OK, everyone knows screenshots like Gargolye and Batman etc., with floating weapons in the air. How do you get these weapons to float like this? Is it something to do with teleporters and weapon holders, or am I just really stupid?
  17. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Floating weapons only works in Forge mode. Basically, you rest the objects you desire on another object long enough for them to come to rest. Delete that first object, and the objects will float there so long as they are not disturbed in any way. If the physics engine of the game transmits any force whatsoever to the objects at rest, it will realize that they are standing on air and gravity will do its thing. This means that you cannot touch them with objects, run towards them/through them, throw grenades at them, or swing a gravity hammer from anywhere on the map without them falling. So long as they are un-disturbed, though, they'll remain floating.

    Note, if you start a new round or try using the save and quit method, it will not work.
  18. E.R.SLiM

    E.R.SLiM Ancient
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    how do umove things under the level without them disapearing but will still be seen in the level? also ive seen a box merged into the ground evenly wiht the floor but only the top of the box was showing and i was able to walk on top of the box?
  19. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Firstly, hi and welcome to ForgeHub! I'm sorry it's taken people so long to get to your question.

    The answer is that these "dynamic objects" were merged with the map geometry. Truthfully, it's one of the more difficult things to do in Forge, and I haven't quite figured it out myself. You can learn about it here:

    Forging 101: Merging Movable Objects With Map Geometry

    Hope that answers your question. ^_^
    Ak Gumby likes this.
  20. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Hey, guys. I used to frequent this thread in an attempt to answer questions, but I now am in need of answers myself.

    What's the most accurate/most efficient method of using the Teleporter Lights aesthetically?? I've done it one in a map, but I had no real knowledge of the easiest way to do it, and it took me days to get it just right. Thanks.

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