So I am making a foundry map and put 2 bridges and a wall corner to not place at start and 180 respawn time. So when I end the game then start it up again my bridges and wall corner are there but i cannot touch them or pick them up. This is getting very annoying, ive tryed starting new rounds, new games, waiting 180 secs for them to load but nothing. and when i play a game on the map they aren't there but when i start forge they are and theyre unmovable. Please help.
It does that to show a preview, also if you want it to respawn faster next round, turn it to INSTANT RESPAWN and turn INSTANT REPAWN off. Then it spawn. The end. Hard to explain haha.
This isn't something with a Forge issue everyone has, it's something with your, I don't know connection maybe? Just start a new round and wait till the the Corner Walls respawn, then you can 'touch' them.
ive waited much longer than 180 seconds and they still dont become touchable, and ive tryed setting them to instant and starting new round and nothing, maybe i shud just restart my xbox
ive tryed local, u think u could join my party and try fixing it, im online now and my GT is the same on here?
Sorry I can't my sister and my mom won't let me go on the xbox for a few weeks because of school and it SUCKS.
Well if they aren't on spawn at start during the first round of a game, you can't touch them. So you have to start a new round. And if they really don't spawn in 3 minutes, try force spawning them. Create another of the same object and change the minimum to the # placed on map. Then you can edit its spawn time.