Actually, my map got 20.5/25. I still didn't beat Alphalexxy but just wanted a slight correction there.
Lolz I knew my map would be easy to get out of... But really? In the middle of the battle on that small of a map I doubt you would be able to get out.
top part with long things blocking: jump and im out outside, climb up the rafters, jump to windows, and ur out.... on the top right side, hit once, twice, crouch multiple times in quick succession, and ur out (took like 5 seconds) and Nan0teck, its corrected now!!!
Remember guys, these are not the OFFICIAL RESULTS. These are only SDRAKULICH's results. The other judges havnt submitted there scores. There will be an official thread soon.
Sdrakulich, you mis-judged my map, everything that you said was wrong with the map is based on misconceptions. A, as it clearly states in the post (but not the description, sorry) the whole map is used. B, I think you might have viewed my map in forge, so one of the best features of the map, delayed spawns, would not work. I encourage you to play it again, as delayed spawn only work in custom games.
Storm the Base now haz 7.5/5 for aesthetics? Holy crap... BTW, you need to correct his overall score too.
Bumpity bump bump. Really, if you are one of those assholes who volunteered, to judge this contest and still haven't, go **** yourselves.
Hehe MattD, for your future contests, lay the judging in the hands of the TG. We got enough people always looking for work and keeping busy that you'd have no problem with swift judging and awesome reviews. Just a future thought to keep in mind
If at all possible I'd like him to bring you on for this competition. Think about it, why can't you all come and rate the maps already posted? It would get done faster than sitting around waiting for people not doing their jobs.
dude, i already judged this, and for sure, was probably better than Matt expected..... lolololol dude, the judges volunteered, and since I am in the tester's guild, I think it's ok......just saying AS FOR THOSE OTHER JUDGES, GET THE **** GOING, CUZ UR THE ****ING SLOWEST JUDGES IN THE WORLD MATT, IN MY OPINION, YOU SHOULD HAND OVER THE OTHER JUDGING POSITIONS THAT HAVEN'T JUDGED YET, TO THE TESTER'S GUILD! Cheers, ----sdrakulich
My point, the non-TG judges didn't do anything and held this up. You judged. Thus, the TG would be preference. Also, at the time you signed up you weren't in the TG, but yes I know you now are, as I am a VP you know.
hey, if you need microsoft points to help motivate some peeps, i can "donate" a 4000 card. (send you code)...
Alright alright guys its ok. All of the judges have submitted, except for one who decided he couldnt do it without telling me. I have my results, they have their results, its all ready. You should expect the results up sometime tonight.
i think we should change the way we judge the creators should invite us or we should get together mine would have been done much sooner if i had a bigger party together it also would of allowed me more time to edit video and post screens
Ezekeil, you didn't need screens or anything. All I asked for was your ratings. Besides, I had already told everyone that the groups couldnt all get together. And personnally, I have RROD, so I can't play Xbox a lot as it rarely works.
- rep for you that is offensive some of us have lives jobs actual friends.... i know we dont need screens or video but i think it would make thing 10 times better as for playing together i know you have rrod send it back to gates What do the other judges think of adding screens/video and either playing together or having the creators invite us? we could get it done in a single session send me an fr if you think this a better way to this gt is the same as user name
Ezekeil, face the facts now... the contest is over. All the judges have submitted, I'm in the process of writing up the results thread. Why do you care so much about all this stuff anyway? I might not even pick you or any of the other judges again, just to start over with a clean slate.
fine great don't All i was doing was trying to make this whole thing more simple,play some good custom games and post a good video showing the maps to give YOUR competion a more interesting look so others would be intersted in it not just those who entered. No one who didn't enter is going to read a post without screens or video