Emos and there new ideas these days... But yea keep posting stuff if you find anything i love to read the new updates about farcry 2.
I'm too excited for this game, I even have a site coming out for it! The map editor is just sick. Plain out sick.
I love how everyone laughs at that Star Trek reference. lol everyone applauds him right after he says animal droppings.
Clint Hocking Multiplayer Interview There are around 16 different collection systems will be available under each biome in the game. Some of the biomes include desert, savannah, jungle, The vehicle limit is 16. It was increased from 6, after the feedback from the community. You can not place water on different levels, because it destroys the reflection system. You can not make tunnels and caves using the terrain editor, but ofcouse you can using scenery. Weapon placement has been removed from the game because of the class based system. You pick which weapons you start with and then can place ammo dumps around the map in which you can either reload you supply with or shoot and detonate while someone else is reloading.
Thats fine I guess, but I hope it bends better with the real environment when you zoom out. Edit: I can't watch the video. :cry:
HALO WILL DIE. When this is out, everyone will play this that has herd of it. Really, I'm kinda bored of Halo.
Oh, I don't think I have WMP, lol. Edit: check out my new sigs, Lock and Core made them for me. What you guys think?
This is probably the most imporant thing i have heard regarding gameplay. I honestly think it is a good move by Far Cry, instead of trying to follow in Halo's path, which they usually could not keep up with, they are going to make the game similar to Call of Duty 4, of Battlefield Bad Company. The outcome of this, is that weapon placement will be irrelevent, and then weapon control in matches is also irrelevent. Matches will be more about bieng the superior player, and not bieng lucky and spawning near a power weapon. With maps playing more like Call of Duty 4, its my guess that the top maps will not be very big in size. Instead of previous Far Cry games, where you could make a map pretty fast and leave some parts of the map alone, with this game i think you are going to have to test each segment of the map repeatedly to create a truly enjoyable map. Like Call of Duty 4, untested areas of the map can be overpowering, and therefore abused. Every item placed should be checked for how it can be interracted with. Does it provide too much cover or too little? Can the player get above or below it and use it to his advantage?
Are they going to be releasing any more game variant's in far cry 2? I don't think 4 is enough, they need more.
I talked to an administrator on farcry2 and he thinks there is going to be waterfalls, because there are some in campaign and the said "everything in campaign is in the map editor".
but there's no mulitwater levels in the game, in the same area, ever (or at least, thats what I heard).
THere is there 2 waterfalls in campaign, there kinda hidden tho.And 2 administrators said there is going to be waterfalls.I dont see why not?