Wow I'm just trying to help,don't come here flaming me because I actually give a damn about people.And thats like your 12th post good job on learning how to type.
this has been like forever since I looked at this, but I was just lookin' thorugh my subscribed crap that I never delete lol. Kinda just wanted to say that I like to use another box instead of a wall like you are showing, just because it's easier to get it to lay flat against the other box or whatever it is, sometimes walls don't go flat, or they might lean outwards a bit. Thoughts?
Lol go click User CP .Then on the left you will see something that says edit singature.Click that and wah lah.
Theres a better way, providing straight clean edges without ANY bumps.... You just, put a wall on the side of a bov or whatever even it equally on both sides of the side...go 2 walls in and you'll have pefect interlock. You can also graph it better, but just use common sense for that part...
Um well if you could provide pictures and a better tutorial I would add that or you could make your own thread....
I'll try messaging you with some pics and everything...btw i repped you its a nice guide sorry didn't mean to come off as mean though
O no problem and yeah if you sent me a PM of the tutorial wiht pics I'll add it in.And thanks for the rep =).