Hey, I was messing around on cortana, on campaign and found the 14th skull. Yes YOu probably have found this before, but if you havnt here it is. _______________________________________________________________ If you dont believe me, the video of it is on my brothers fileshare ( zdrummer9999) btw zdrummer9999 helped
Oh yea, I have seen this in a video, I tried twice and failed. Thanks for giving this, I MIGHT now be able to find it...YEY.
If you hold it to the end of the level you start the next level with a spartan laser. I am not sure why but my guess is since you have to be carrying the same weapons you ended Cortana with here is a problem since you can't start out with a skull, so instead you get a spartan laser (interesting but not too amazing).
Its a nice little thing if you really want a laser in the next level, but it isn't really worth it since a skull's melee isn't wonderfully powerful against the flood.
Well lasers to work really well with the flood also, because when they all jump on top of each other in a area, it makes a big explosion of guts and stuff lol
Man dude everyone has found that skull this is a waste of a post I'm not trying to be mean but we all know were it was its in the same room as that terminal but its on the top of the room not the bottom.
ive found this but i didnt realise u sarted the next level with it i tricked my freind into thinking theres another secerate skull on he level by droping it in a hole and i was like omg theres a new skull aswell and he cudnt get it cuz it was too deep
cortana is my least favorite campaign missions. the only good thing about it is that theres so many hidden things in it. i thnk ive heard of it but never seen it i gotta check this out.
Hey, I didn't know about this till now. I guess it'll be something cool to get next time I play...wait...Cortana. OH HELL NO!
Alright, and how was this not a waste of a post? I personally haven't found this, but I don't really look around the levels too much, at least I haven't since I found all the skulls and terminals.