Border Patrol 2 - V3 Border Patrol 2 ***Please i do not mean to offend anyone with this map. I just create maps based on stuff that happens in the the world, and the particular theme i picked was illegal immigrants crossing the border. If you were offended in anyway, i am truly sorry.*** PLEASE DOWNLOAD V.I.P VARIANT FOR MAXIMUM FUN AND ITS HONOR-RULE FREE. Updated: (8/31/08-8:00p.m Est) This is a updated version. As you can see by the download count. I Fixed the go to point. # Of Players: 10-12 players Map: Rat's Nest Gametype: V.I.P Description: After the first border riot, the border guards had to upgrade the Border to a new state of the art fence. The border is even harder to cross now. With new weapons and equipment, the border guards will have an easier time stopping anyone trying to cross the border. If you're caught by the border guards, it can spell capture or even Death. Border hoppers has a wide variety of vehicles to choose from .The power drain is the classic weapon of the border guards. It screws up the border hoppers' vehicle's drive mechanism, and can cause them to get captured. Secret weapons are placed through out the border line. As a border guard, its also your job to locate these secret weapons to help you out along the border. Boobie traps are very useful. Blowing up a pile of these will kill any unexpected border hoppers. As a border hopper, if you are able to cross the border with success you will be rewarded with the plentiful opportunities America has for everyone... Screenshots: The Border The state of the art fence Captured Power Drain The Vehicles Boobie Traps Escaping to Glory! A secret weapon Wall of deployable shields Powerhouse Vehicles How to play: As the V.I.P team, players have to escort their V.I.P safely across the border. Strategy is everything in this. Allow players with powerhousing vehicles to clear a path for the V.I.P to come through. You can only score if the V.I.P is in a mongoose. If you are able to get your V.I.P across the border safely, you will get another chance to gain another point. As the offensive team, basically the defensive team, you will have to try to stop the V.I.P team from trying to get across the border. There are plenty of tools you can use at your disposal. Tools such as the power drain are very helpful, but be careful not to blow your only power drain, as its very useful at stoping vehicles in there tracks. There is a lot of strategy involved for the offence team. Setting up a wall of deplayable shields in front of the gate is very useful at stopping small vehicles such as mongooses and ghosts. The round ends when the V.I.P is killed. Either betrayal, suicide, or killed by opposing team. First team to 10 points wins! Download the HIGHLY RECOMMENDED gametype here: BP2 V.I.P V.2 Download the Map here: Border Patrol 2 V3 This map is 100% cheat proof. No one are going to be in a place where they shouldn't. Honor-Rule FREE! Please Rate, Comment, and of course, Download! Wanna See this map featured? Then recommend it here: Feature this Map!
I'm downloading this map, I love big vehicle carnage, 4.75/5, It looks fun, And I like your Idea, It's really cool. I was'nt offended in any way so I will download the VIP Variant.
Im confused, you said you would download, but the only thing you did was rate it. Are you spamming without actually trying to spam? Trying to avoid the wrath of the Forgehub Status Quo...? You did download the gametype, and rated it.
', Ok now I'm confused. Well the map looks pretty fun from the pics, now I just have to play it. Unfortunately, My xbox is broken, and I can't download more maps. But When my xbox is back I might download this . Oh and hitman was not spamming.
I did'nt actually rate it 5 stars, I downloaded the gemtype first, And then downloaded the map, But I did not rate it. It must have been someone else, Because it was not me.
Maybe a visitor (Someone who is'nt a member here at FH) Rated it 5 stars, Sorry but It was'nt me. I am 100% sure that I did'nt rate it, Maybe, Like I said, A guest here at FH must have wanted to download it and he/she must have rated it.
Do we really have to do an investigation on who rated? I mean, please. Overall I think it's a good idea for a map and I'm not offended by any means, but I'm not sure how fun of a game it would be. I'll rate 4/5.
Trust me, this is the only V.I.P game you'll ever need. Just get a party of 10-12 players and you will see what i mean.
I like border patrol games (I have seen some before). They are exciting and some times heartbreaking lol This is one of the better ones. I like how you Made the hill slanted and some boobie traps and put down a secret weapon. Good job! Could use some work on the neatness though with the barriers and all that crap
Why do the barriers need to be neat? And there isn't just 1 secret weapon there are plenty of them. Such as a rocket launcher, spartan lazer, and beam rifle!
someone did that to me, they rated my map without playing it cuz the # of dls was 1 for the map and 0 for the game varient
But this guy downloaded the gametype first, but he didn't rate the map. Its all confusing! i don't care about it anymore, whats done is done...
well ive seen a million of these on foundry and so and they were all well and good. but this one on ratsnest just seems to look better, probobly because its outside. i am however unsure about the difficulty that the guards will have,aka. the balance of the game
Trust me, the game is VERY balanced. Its not too hard for either side to do their jobs. Before it was hard for the V.I.P team to score, and the game always ended up with the teams having a negative score. But i fixed EVERYTHING. About 2 o' Clock this morning i was up fixing every possible problem i can find in the map and gametype. I spent almost 3 hours editing the map, due to cheating, i.e the the bridges with the teleporters, major cheating area. Now fix to perfection. This game is very balanced now due to my all-nighter editing and there is absolutely NO cheating now. Enjoy!
Um.. I don't know if you got your spawn points backwards or what but when I tried to play it I could not get in vehicles and it said I was defending when I was attacking...
If you was the V.I.P team and you were the v.i.p, then that means you can't drive the vehicles, you can only ride passenger. Were you playing by yourself or with a group? V.I.P Traits: Movement Vehicle- Passenger only General Player Traits: Movement Vehicle- Full Use
Wow, this is a really cool idea, and Rats Nest is a change of scenery. This will most likely give a lot of good forgers ideas. I also like how the vip has to be in a mongoose so he cant just rush across and pray he isnt raped.
The mongooses are the only vehicles that allow V.I.Ps to score while they are on it. You can't score if you on another vehicle like the warthog, and you definitely can't score if you are on foot...
Lol, i like this map. It sounds like its a lot of fun. I notice the map went from version to version 3. Did you make more adjustments to the map?