Dragoncoals's sigsorz. I might do requests. I'm going to start using these whenever my warned status ends.
Not bad but it is just a bit bland the background is well blurred not to much, the links add to it. Not that bad also hope you are unwarned soon.
omfg He didn't blur anything. It wasn't made in ****in' photoshop or something. Anyway DQ, I find it quite organized, and like how the links are a part of the image.
I like the youtube stuff on bottom, and you did a pretty good job put the background picture is horrible,that one weird guy who i hate?I forgot his name.but overall pretty good job
Obama > You times a million And I tried to put all of the links that were in my old sig into this one.
Barrack O-****ing-bama; future President. (Hopefully) PS, I'm Australian and I guess I know more about American politics than some of the US's residents. I dont know much but I know McCain is not the way to go. I like DQ, its not supposed to be one of those jaw dropping sigs but a subtle one that shows who you are and what you beleive. I like it, use it whenever the Warned goes away.
When will the warned status go away DQ? It seems like it is taking a while. I likes your sig. American10, you know I think you are a great forger, but every time I see you, you make some anti-Bama statement. Ah who cares. But seriously good sig.
Same here. They're pretty much running a program over here. You'd be surprised how much we know about you guys. Anyway, vote Obama. Definitely, 100%. Even when Hillary was still in the running, I've always voted Obama.
The US election is pretty much on the news everyday. My dad lectured my Aunty(who lives in San Diego) for like half an hour on Barrack Obama and why he's right for the job.
It was a joke to get across how much we know of your country. It wasn't supposed to be taken cereally. Perhaps you guys should develop a program, seeing as Americans don't know **** about things over here in Australia. Next American who says anything about kangaroos I'm gonna find and rape to death. Only in zoos guys... Only in zoos. And it's ****ing cold over here. Freezing, if anything so shut the **** up about the temperature. There we go.
Lol, I got negative rep from American10 because I support Obama. Here's what it said: Oh god, talk about dumb.
Its not very good compared to some of the other members in the graphics and arts section. But, I like the links, and if its for what you believe in. Then what I think doesnt matter.