@American10 Are some of those pictures from FC:IP, or other games? And where would you suggest looking for FC:IP. I don't really think gamestop would have something like that.
Ask some homies up in the graphic and arts section, they'll hit you up with sweet graphics, dog. (lol, that was fun.)
Hey coolant give me some renders and tell me what you want in it and my friend will do it real guick, hes really good. Also can you show me a video or something about the camera thing?Also any information that there is about online map publishing.
IDK, I think it is a good render to use, but I didn't see many in that thread that were spectacular. Not that I am a good photoshopper lol.
I made a few changes to my sig, and i also found a couple new details, There are 60+ injury animations, including pulling out shrapnel from body parts, re-locating wrists, elbows and shoulders, putting out fire, injecting syringes and applying bandages. What i also didnt know before, which is pretty cool, is that when adding a texture, you can set the strength of it. The purpose of this is that you can overlap layers together. This means that ulitimately the quality of your ground textures is completely down to you, something we don't normally get in a game these days. Also, if you look at the object lists in the lower left in that first editor vid they gave us there is a 'windows and doors' tab at some point. I think this means custom walls, roofs, and floors! Plus im pretty certain you can place regular concrete slabs cause they said one guy made a construction site by piecing together girders. (im assuming the slabs were originally by themself too)
Wow looks frekin great to play. I will get my friend to buy or rent and see how it goes This is better than forge.
Well tell me where it is because i cant find it, just on the front page it says there is a camera tool.And you said nothing about online map sharing on the internet.
In the video, the camera tool is on the wheel thing in the editor, so its clearly something quite complex, if it just took a photo it would be a button instead. In another video they specificly included websites when they spoke about map sharing. You can publish 5 maps, if you play a map it automatically downloads. Theres also a private publish i think so only your friends can download. When you publish a map, i guess it goes onto their website where you can view the highest rated maps and search specifically for a map.