Always wondered how to lower your weapon? This has been out for a while but I recently learned that there are a lot of players who do not know about lowering your weapon in H3. It's simple, but there are limitations- you must either be playing Locally or through System Link. Yes, it's true. That means no more doing it on Xbox LIVE. The main reason for it's removal on LIVE is because of Red vs Blue. As many know, Bungie receives a percent of the famous Red vs Blue videos' profit. Red vs Blue is one of the few machinima-people (don't know the word for it) to record entirely through System Link and Local parties. To eliminate RvB's competition without crippling RvB, Bungie went ahead and removed lowering weapons from LIVE. This ruined many other machinima series, but did not affect RvB at all. But now, what you all want to know-To lower your weapon: Do NOT be on LIVE. Be in a custom game or forge (or campaign works too I think). Default Button Layout: Hold all down at same time (must all be held by the time you land your jump). A, RB. LB, LS(click), Down on D-Pad. Now for other layouts (you must 'convert' it): Jump, Reload, Switch Grenade Type, Crouch, and Down on D-Pad(should be the same for all layouts). NOTE: When done successfully your screen will appear as if you do not even have a weapon (below) As soon as you attempt to melee, shoot, or reload (successfully) your weapon will be raised and will appear on your HUD. Well I hope you've learned something and I hope you have fun with this.-Neal
Do you have a source for that claim? I have never heard that, and Bungie removed it on Live because someone would find a way to abuse it.
Yupp. Although it's nothing extreme, even 1% of profits is high. RvB makes tons of money in profits. Through advertisements, and merchandise (which includes T-shirts, DVDs, machinima handbooks, comics, .....). Abuse lowering your weapon? That's impossible. I should also add that ass soon as you attempt to attack, your weapon is raised.
No, you don't know that it is impossible, the combo could be used for something, you never know. Very few people actually use this since it is in local games only, but I am sure that if it was possible over live, someone would find something they could do in order to abuse it. As I said before, I would like to see the source of your claim please.
What? So you're saying people can somehow get an advantage from having their weapon pointed at the ground? That's probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Just google it. I have probably 9 sources.
Wow, alright man, think what you must. Bungie won't be changing it, and they've stated their reasons.
Bungie wouldn't come out and say "We did it so we can profit more despite what our loyal Halo community has said. And duh they can't change it now
Lol, I like your conspiracy theory. As for taking advantage of it.. can't remember, but there was a glitchish thing you can do with a battle rifle or something (I am pretty sure), But ya, can't remember.
I have NEVER heard of them removing it cause of Rooster Teeth, thats ridiculous. PS: I believe that this is the same Time Glitch as ForgeHub's own respected member:
Yeah, but you couldn't even supply any sources, whereas I could. And AntC sucks compared to Reconstruction.
There is some competition but nowhere near as much as there used to be. And Arby and Chief (in most people's opinions) is nowhere near as good as RvB.
Really, none of it was 'competition.' They were smaller things going on but people often became had their own machinima series that they were devoted to. So now the one that EVERYBODY knows is RvB