What is your first image/picture/thought/stereotype as soon as you find out you're playing against/with a girl.
I usually don't try to stereotype against girls, but when I am playing one I always think to myself there is one person on the team that won't be a bother at all. I don't however choose to yell at them and flame the simply because they are a girl however.
I don't really stereo type, I treat them the same as everyone else. Equality is a good thing, they shouldn't be treated special just because they are a different gender. Play the game with em just as you would anyone else.
Meh...I just talk to them...play the game and party up...mainly cause girls don't teabag or any **** like that and its fun too play with mature people
I really don't care, but whenever i do here a girl, i do get surprise. Its kinda of a relieve though, all you here on XBL are guys, its good to her a girl every now and then.
Yea, I now a 9 year old girl and she has all achievments for Halo. Anyway I agree with Shihuru. But I don't treat them different.
My sister plays Halo... Don't ask, she's not available for all of you Pedobears. Who cares if they're female, they want to be treated equally, so treat them that way.
My GF playes sometimes, (25-2 (My Scores))WHY SHE KILLZ ME. She dosen't like matchmaking much though...
Ok, I really could care less if a girl is in my game. I react to it as much as if I get killed. Like "WTF" then whatever... The only time I actually care is if they have a really high voice. The same goes for guys too. Little kids just...eh...it's annoying.
Girls on H3 always think you're going to hit on them. It's funny. But yeah, like Norlinsky said, high voices ruin everything.
Even though I don't like Stereo-Typing, and we all know it's wrong, every time I know I'm playing a girl, I either imagine someone's little sister that they let play, or some Emo kid, for some reason... idk why..
i dont care if a girl is playing halo in my game, but if shes in the other team, the only change is im more likely to tea-bag her...
Why does everyone care so much? You play Halo, I play Halo, he plays Halo, she plays Halo. Does it matter?