Basically what do you think about it, there is two sides here... Support it, your 100 % into it be leave bungie might change it, Do not support it. Your saying it's impossible, the coding of halo 3 can't be changed. What do you think?
I'm into coding and all and would love to have gun lower capacities. However, it might not work 1) Cause Bungie is busy with other stuff 2) Coding change could have odd effects with multiplayer But, you never know...
There is no coding to be changed, it is entirely possible for bungie to enable it over live. People said they would never change the broken melee system. People said bungie would never remake lock out when we already have guardian. Why does the community have so little faith in bungie. The weapon lowering is in the game, would surely be very easy to enable over xbl and is wanted by a large portion of the community. Don't be so pessimistic.
Although it is a rightful cause, i don't really like the way it's bieng done. Although if Bungie won't listen, i guess that's the only thing that can be done to get their attention.
Yeah i hope bungie will but i don't think they will bother changing it .. Even though they changed the beat down system .. We'll just have to wait and see i guess ..
well i think, contrary to popular belief, bungie does care about their fans a lot. i mean they have given us a lot of resources. but i mean if they have a reason for not allowing us to use it online, than maybe its a good reason. and for me, simply not playing halo isn't going to send a message. what's that supposed to say? they know what we want already. short of showing dedication to the cause, i don't know. i mean they already have us spending $50-60 for the game, so logically their making money (even if it's in a minute amount, but multiply that by all the people not playing) by us not playing the game. if we wanna take a stand for it... well i have no idea how to do it. I think its okay to be dedicated. I probably won't play that day, just cuz i'm busy. but if i free up i might play it. but only if there's a good custom game online XD
There is no way this is going to work, at all. Bungie might lose a couple thousand players for this, but if no one had told them about it, I don't think they would even have a clue. Plus, the coding is probably too hard to change anyway. It's possible, but probably the most practical way would be to have everyone buy a new edition of the disk, and who is going to want to do that?
It's just like any good protest- it's worth trying. No one ever knows what the outcome of a protest will be, but they do it to show how strong their morals are. I say its worth trying. If bungie sees the impact and the dedication towards this, I'm sure we could compromise. And srsly, it's just giving up one day of Halo.....
With any luck, they will change it in the september update so they don't lose players on september 25th. I personally beleive they will do it. They have become so involved in the community, how can they stand not to do it.
First off, I don't think that even if people don't play on 25th to protest, and then they don't change it, then they'll stop playing forever. It's like getting an ice cream sundae and then not getting a cherry on top, so then saying "forget about the whole sundae." Secondly, from a financial point of view, it doesn't matter if they lose players. I don't know anyone stupid enough to actually quit the game after they don't get that. It's just being a stuck-up brat. "Unless I get what I want then I'm not going to even bother." But like a child running away from home, they're not going to last long. And even if the few (closer to a few hundred) people don't come back, Bungie already got their $50-$60-$70 dollars off them, and no their not losing any money. Perhaps they won't buy "Halo 4" that's in production, but I doubt the several hundred dollars from those few gamers is going to matter because they'll still drag in several billion dollars. So there's no way that this is going to lose Bungie anything.
Forge hub really does have some pretty stupid members. The aim of Lower the Guns isn't to loose bungie money. It is not a hate campaign against bungie. Nobody expects a couple of hundred missing players to send bungie into a panic and force them to fix it. Nobody is going to give up halo altogether if they do not fix it. The point is to draw attention and show dedication to the cause. A video or group alone would create no interest. To have any chance of being successful the campaign needs attention. Would anyone still be talking about this if there were no strike planned? Would this thread have been created? It is not about punishing bungie, it is about showing them it is something the halo communities want.
ouch. hope that wasn't aimed at me. if so, you probably didn't understand my stand point or my posts. see i wasn't saying that any of those things were the aim or would greatly affect bungie. i was simply derailing theories as to why or why not it'd work.
Mallet makes an excellent point. I really can't see anybody that will stop playing Halo if they don't change it. It is a good cause but if it doesn't work, what is going to be the follow up? If there is no follow up the argument/cause is weak.
Well, I am not going to play, but I wasn't going to play halo anyway. I will be busy like most people, because school starts tomorrow. But if this is succesful, what if this leads to the double shot/BXR? Then it would take a lot less skill. I guess if its seriously impossible, then they should just put some option in Theatre mode that like toggles the loweriong weapon option, but only in theatre. For Example: You have a matchmaking game and there was this one part in which you were hiding and the guy approached you and fired shots like at the wall and stuff, and then you ran out and shot him. You could hit start and press toggle lowering on, and "Wa-lah!", you have just added emotion. But back to what the thread was originally posted about, if you support it. I, goldenknight508, support the Lower The Guns group. I think its a strong cause and shows how devoted bungies fans are, even if they complain 99.999% of the time.
I support lower the guns but not in matchmaking. Man i can just imagine some little kid running around the pitt, "Oh don't shoot i just want some ice cream" *no scope* " Waaaaaaah" Lower the guns would be very cool for machinima makers. and if you could use it in custom games many games such as cops and robbers, or any "realistic game" would be way cooler. But to tell you the truth i don't think they are going to change it. They probably could with a non-manditory update or even allow it to cost money, but bungie won't waste there time when they get nothing-little out of it.
IDK, I belive in it and I'm not playing 25th but IDK if it workzz. We will see in a few days. LOWER GUNs, LOVE PLAYERs! Join their group also peoplezzz.
I don't think it will work (as in change Bungie's minds, maybe something else will.) but its worth trying.