Well it's like that on purpose. Personally I hate it when people grenade spam bases, especially when you've just spawned. The beacon prevents such tactics being as useful. You can still grenade spam 'till your heart's content in all the other areas of the map, just not the bases! I'm trying to add a bit of diversity to the gameplay, unfortunately whenever I do that people tend not to like it because it's "different", but that's kinda the point, to mix up gameplay in new and innovative ways! Thank you for actually playing the map though and giving me some gameplay feedback, I appreciate it! Yep, all fixed!
This is an awesome map. It plays really well and I love the detail in it. I also love the "beacon". Very creative. Nice work Buddha! I am glad to have tested this map with you Buddha. Lemme know if you need help again.
hey love the beacon thing very original. aesthetically pleasing. sure game play rocks too i wish i could dwl but hd is full
pretty cool map. i like how you used the map's natural lighting to make the flag glow. pretty cool idea. i might even use it.
Er, I didn't use the map's lighting to make the flag glow, I created a "beacon". I could've placed it wherever I liked. It's a mancannon underneath the map placed a particular distance away from the ground and has some minor gravity distorting effects. Give it some extra energy and it may do even more!
I don't think I'm quite ready to let this die yet after only being up for 3 days. It was relegated all the way to 3rd page! I'd still really like to receive some gameplay feedback so I know where I can improve upon, what with this being my first major outing into the competitive map arena with a "normal" map and all. All constructive criticizm is welcome!
10/5 although it is something that does not horribly effect gameplay (as this map seems to have been close to perfected before release) in the tunnels while i was playing KOTH and the hill was inside the tunnels, somebody i was playing with was throwing grenades through a crack in-between 2 open single boxes.... i died but i still won. is that something purposefully placed like the cracks in the barriers of "the pit"? or just an unnoticed crack.... other then this extremely minor error, the maps astounds me not that you can create beacons, (i can do that) but that you can figure out HOW to make a mancannon lift a person like you can. 10/5 from this junior member.
wow, looks really good... nice geomerging and interlocking... how did you put flags and gravlifts in the ground? anyways, id appreciate if you add me online so we could play on corruption... my GT is TKS x MoNsTeR x
Nice!, though I still haven't figured out how to "activate" the beacons. I like the geomerging, all in all 5/5 =] Edit: nvr mind I just like read the top of the post lol how obvious. =]
Well, I've checked this map out. I must say it's a pretty awesome one and I would love to play CTF here (never would get people though :sad face. Anyways, to keep this short, I saw nothing wrong with this map. You really outdid yourself with this one. The grav lifts geomerged into the ground like that was epic. Having the shield doors placed like they are, are really helpful and pleases me that you used them well. Oh, and I noticed on one of the walls had a shield door at a horizontal angle and it made a *looks down at my pants* xD!!! I don't know if you did that on purpose, but I noticed it and lol'd. Maybe, if you send me a FR we could get some people together and play on this map. Because that'll be cool and I could come back and tell you what I thought of gameplay (write a longer post than this). =]
Thank you for an actual review, much appreciated! I'm glad you liked the overall shield door positioning, I wasn't sure how some people would react to the amount I placed on the map considering its size, they're mainly there to help prevent spawn camping and make for some interesting tactics in CTF. It also makes the tunnels more deadly! And obviously two of them also provide some extra cover up top (they're actually my favourite bits of cover on the top half) I you hit me up with an FR and be sure to send me a message so that I know it's you and not just any old randomer then I'll probably accept it and I'll see if I can get a game going. The good thing is that it only needs 4 people to have a nice full game on this map, not too hard to gather that many people together. P.S. I did not intentially design the horizontal shield doors to make it so that you can look at your own pants but that's a funny discovery.
Corruption by Buddhacrane Firstly ill get out of the way what most people have already said. From a technical standpoint this map is quite something. I can see why this would have taken a long time to do. The geo-merging is all of extremely good quality and the beacons are real technical achievements that you have managed to incorporate nicely into the level. Im not the worlds best forger however so i might just be easily impressed by objects underneath and outside the map... In looking around the map i found a single box that could have potentially been straighter but to be honest its not massively out and even though it looks like it would lead to a nasty bump when walking over you hardly notice it. The lip will however still trap grenades. The cones/pallet and fence wall combo used twice on the map looks really nice. As do the rest of the soft objects placed. The map certainly does not feel barren and too clinical which many maps often fall into the trap of doing. The layout of the map is really nice to play on. The underground tunnel network and tunnel down one side of the map divert players all over the map stopping it from becoming a tug of war contest over the top of the map. Flanking and using height and surprise to your advantage is certainly encouraged by the map layout. I have yet to see a map that uses shield doors as well as this one. The perfectly heighted shield doors that you can fire over and crouch behind are essentially just pieces of cover but because we can walk through them it really helps the flow of the map and makes for an interesting gameplay element. My main criticism of map layout is that in my opinion yellow side has a slight advantage because of the layout of top center. The two upright pillars placed diagonally to each other seem to favour yellow side in their location. Its not a massive problem but in a truely competitive game this might show. On a quick side note i was not able to escape the map and did not see anything that i thought might be escapable. For your first competitive map weapon placement and balance is fine. With the exception of the Rockets(180 respawn, 2 shots, so in no way overpowering), Active Camo(180 respawn), Power Drain(90 respawn)and Regenerator(120 respawn) everything appears to be diplicated. All the items mentioned above literally form a line down the middle of the map and are easily attainable by both teams. Almost forgot the Mauler, 120 respawn with no spare clips, found in bottom middle. Im glad there is no shotgun and the mauler has a long respawn because it would be too strong otherwise. As it is it is nicely balanced. Spawning is not too bad and you make good use of spawn areas. I think the map could use a few more spawn points to prevent players clustering after mass deaths. You have nine more objects until you hit the item limit and builder aids outside the map(and a random fusion coil?!) you could delete leaving you with potentially 19 more spawn points. This excludes the covenant surprise outside foundry windows. The best thing to do would be to double up spawns in key locations and add maybe 2-4 new spawn points on each side of the map just to spread people around and discourage any funneling. Really nice map and a technical showcase. Very good first competitive map. I look forward to seeing more! I SeNTiNeL I
Pretty Nice Map. Good Job man. I've played it with a couple buddies. You can tell you put a lot of time into it.
Thank you for the detailed review! I agree that the spawn points are few and far between. I tried creating groups of two together but unfortunately it gave me very odd results in FFA alot (people would actually spawn right next to each other >.<) I tried fiddling around with respawn areas to get the effect I wanted but to no avail. So in the end I settled with what I had, which created a relative balance between FFA slayer as well as team objective gameplay. Provided you play with no more than 6 people (as recommended) then the spawn points should not be a problem. You did also make an interesting comment regarding the rotational symmetry of the map. The pillars are positioned differently but as you look out from the base the pillar always starts on your right, with the furthest to the left. The reason I did it like this is to break up your line of sight down the map so that it is never too open. Depending on where you stand on the rocket bridge will alter how well you can see each base, so you can never stand in one location on the rocket bridge and be able to see the whole of each base. I personally haven't noticed any bias when playing yet, but then I am a competitive noob! Lol, yes that single open box. I had nightmares about that box! I literally spent one entire day trying to geo-merge that one freakin' box (most people don't spend that amount of time on their whole map, I spend it on one god damn box that STILL looks retarded). Unfortunately the precise location that box had to be to interlock smoothly with the floor is a geo-merge hotspot and absolutely doesn't want to geo-merge flat at the precise height I needed it too. Frustration abounds. Heck I have a competition for all of you, try and geo merge that box flat with the rest of the map and you get a cookie! I'm glad you liked the overall layout, aesthetics, cover and weapon placement though, it was the first time I had to concentrate on such things and thankfully it seems to have worked well. Lots of testing to adjust weapon placement and spawn times helped of course! Glad you spotted the "covenant invasion" outside There is actually a way out of the map, it's a secret though! The hint is: You will never be able to get out of it in any of the recommended gametypes. Oh and the random fusion coil was to be part of a special gametype I had planned for the map but I may no longer continue with. So thank you very much for the detailed forge-through and I hope you get the chance to have a few customs on it! Then you can take back all the things you liked about it from the forge-through
hard to find something wrong with 99% perfection id have to agree the only errors are the slight annoying/impossible geomerged boxes (which dont really affect gameplay) non-recommended gametype? what u mean like infection where there is lower gravity as zombies??? hmmm ill figure it out later... but lol one whole day on ONE single open box?!?!?!?! well at least i can be grateful that you did not rip out your hair and quite forge so that forgehub still has a chance to see all of your amazing maps... speaking of the single open box... have you ever considered placing a deployable grav lift on it with maybe 180s respawn? that would really spice up the gameplay when players do not have to make the long walk to get to the rocket bridge..... although that would leave the second level (man cannon only) area accesible for noobs who cant figure out the secret.....just a thought tho im not one to think things though crazy thouroughly like you did with your pillars-cant-see-thru-the-center-of-the-map thing... but i still like the thought of the grav lift...
Once we play an actual game, I'll be sure to post a more longer detailed one. ~I'll be sure to send you a FR next time I'm on. P.S. Lulz, still cool. Oh, and your "secret" is a very nice thing. I don't even know how or why it does that... but that is freaking amazing and is truly one of the most ingenious things I've seen in forge.