Yh As I have never made a animated signature I used youtube guidance i used this video:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-9_HwRcd1A&feature=related yh thank you Astronum for putting it on Photobucket as i do not have a profile
yay credit given to me. anyway i already said it was a great sig for a first, and tutorials can be a load of good, even though sometimes there not so good, as long as you rember what stufff hapened in that tuorial you'll be fine :happy:
I've sooo seen that sig on this forum before! But without the writing. Did you make that or take it and made it more animated?
No! The Marathon wearing spartan i rectrieved off of Google Image search and the animation and background i made Unless you can prove it i am 100% correct \ / . . ^ mg:
could be that the image is popular, but then that is awfully alike 0_o but then josh's isnt as good as that anyway but this indeed a mystery, if you cn find the image on google then its obious that they both found it, plus my friend here uses gimp, and i think that one of the effects is to make something look like its in the water, still...
I definably remembered it and I just found it in this thread made in January http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/1575-ripple-effect-signatures.html
its pretty dang rude if you ask me. he's done an animation which isnt rain OMG! lol, nice sig, but the size is dodgy and the text is as well. im not so sure about the resolution and quality because i dont work with GIFs
Lol !! In his sig you can see where he painted over the old name! The animated text you can see like paint in the background! OMFG ! What do you have to say to that? =]
you can EVEN see his name appear in it, look closely, while his name is choppily crappily flashing, you can see 1 frame with the other original dude's name!
Standard "Oh no they caught me better try to deflect" post. If you can post the link to the google search you found it on, then you won't get an infraction.
*Klink slowly cocks his gun and aims it right at his eye* "ima gonna count to three" i think he's ran away from FH, cos he hasnt posted since the deflection post
hey nice first attempt and its animated I like it. oh and just ask if you need any help and I'll be happy to ablige.