You was always able to be evil in Fable. Or are you just saying that when you get the game, you're going to go to the dark side?
Yeh, this game is going to be the greatest rpg of all time. I've already preordered the limited edition for gamestop (they suck becuase they still haven't sent me my free pub games code and it's been a week) and it includes master chief armor!!!!! heres a pic.
The Chief definitely needs more Lute action in general. I'm glad to see that they've kept the beautiful and cartoony visual style of the first fable (which was, to my mind, the most beautiful original xbox game by a long, long way. Barrow Fields was like a little slice of heaven). I just hope that they get rid of/decrease focus on the very restricting path system employed in the world map. It really made the world feel even smaller than it was, which was pretty damn small. If they could make 2 feel more free roam then I think it would really excel, even though I understand that its the Fable style to have preset walkable areas and its unfair to expect an Oblivion style world.
My friend told me that you don't have a sword and its just a gun? Is this true? Because i personally loved the sword in the original .. and the whole good and bad thing is brilliant and the graphics are still great on the original fable .. Can't wait!
Yeah, i mean it wouldn't be fable if they took the swords out. I believe i would use the melee weapons more than guns. I hope they still kept the bow and arrows in the game, instead of just having cross bows and guns. The b ow and arrows made me feel like a bad@$$.
I might get it. IDK I am mostly into FPS games and RTS games. If someone can convince me that it really is awesome, then I will get it.
Dude, trust me. Fable 2 is going to be game everyone will have to have. And if you don't like fable you can always get FarCry 2, comes out the same day as Fable 2.
I was really looking forward to the game but then my friend discouraged me, so I'm not going to get it. For me, that's a deal-breaker; and despite how positively I think of the game, my friend thinks it's going to suck.
Why does he think the game sucks? What kind of gamer is he? Is he one of those people who only like playing games like call of duty 4 and madden NFL?
If you ask me, I don't see what the big deal is. Also 1 sucked. And just to ME, I don't think its the greatest of '08. But thats me.
Fable 2 is going to be amazing. I played and was not massively impressed by the first one but the second one looks like such a bigger game which is really what i wanted it to be. Love the whole good/evil thing. No game has really captured it quite like Fable has.
So you're admittedly a tool? Why don't you get your own opinions about games before going to your friends for advice?
I felt like saying the same thing when i read his post, but instead i asked him some questions on why his friend didn;t like the game...Fable 2 is going to ROCK! Don't let 1 person discourage you from buying a game just because "he" thinks it sucks...
No, you misunderstand. I'm saving up for an iPod touch, but my friend is the RPG gamer (he no-lifed Oblivion IV: Elder Scrolls). I didn't really want to put back my hard-earned savings by $60 just for a game no one I knew would play (I'm a multi-player [co-op] type of gamer). Trust me, I've done my research, and I think the new ways of gaming Fable II is going to introduce are amazing, but I'm looking more towards the iPod Touch right now.
What are you talking about? Everbody with an actual mind is going to play Fable II. P.S. I've already made 300k with the pub games and unlocked all the extra items already. Now I just wait to go and spend it and buy everything in the world.
Did you get it without cheating or did you use the glitch? What are the extra items anyway? Edit: Oh yeah, I also heard that they are making a website for Fable 2 and that you will be able to play games and get money and items for the game with it, like the pub games.