so a lot of games are coming out, GOW2, Far Cry2, GH4. But I've also seen a lot of games, that i think im gonna love, that arent getting a lot of attention. So, i was wonderin, what you guys think, what under-the-radar games would you buy?
Viking: Battle for Asgard is EXTREMELY underrated...its a cheap game (price wise) but its a lot of fun. People think it sucks because it's repetitive (they claim). To be honest, I HATED Assassin's Creed because it was too repetitive...and critics loved that game, this one, I love it, never really noticed the repetitiveness until someone asked me about it, which only amounts to being doing the same things 3 times for each of the three islands (i.e. infiltrating and recapturing once friendly territories). Its a great hack-and-slash game, much akin to another extremely underrated game on PS2 called Mark of Kri. Its free roaming, and the battles at the end of every island are epic, sometimes with over 300 enemies on screen at once.
Oh come one, everyone is talking about Left 4 Dead. I can't think of many under the radar that I want, but Rock Band 2, Far Cry 2, SWTFU are a few ones that I want though.
none of those are "under the radar", they're all publicized to death on G4 and G4's website...not to mention the rest of the internet
Dynasty warrior is a decent game for mindless killing, problem is enemeies are either too difficult or too easy.
Republic Commando was a great game, it was a lot better than every other Starwars game I've ever played. It had a great feel, epic music, and an okay storyline. Even a couple good jokes thrown in. You get a wrist-blade for melee. It didn't get much notice, I guess you had to have the right taste in games. It was very soldier-y, you commanded your squad to take up sniping and grenade positions, breach doors and heal. It rocked. Exept for those damn super-droid dispensers... Ugh.
I LOVE republic commando...AWESOME story...great characters (all unique despite them being clones), great overall good game, its kinda like Chronicles of Riddick in that its AWESOME and only a minorty have noticed it (although CoR picked up some steam and even had a remake coming)
Red Orchestra was amazing for those realism FPS lovers. It got a bit of bad media from people who don't like that much realism, but those views are skewed. Psychonauts. Anyone who's played it will tell you that it is one of the best games to come out of the industry in forever.
I'm really looking forward to Far Cry 2, Fallout 3, and LittleBigPlanet. One game however, is Borderlands (click here for more info), and it's not really getting much attention, because it's keeping away from the radar. This is wise, because a lot of games will immediately jump into the crowd and make promises they can't keep. Borderlands hasn't made a false release date, and they only reveal what's meant to be known in the game, not what's coming to it. What I'm most excited about is that it's an FPS with RPG elements that allows cooperative play. I think 4 players. My friend and I have made it clear we're going to get this game, no matter the outcome. I hope it lives up to itself, because I'd hate this great idea be ruined.
Hmm. Seeing a lot of games listed here that are more hyped than "under the radar" would suggest. Let's not do that, m'kay?
Under the radar is a were I buy games, good game like Mercenaries 1, Jet Set Radio, Time Splitters, other stuff. I really played the game no one played but now a days I end up buying the big name games more it is really the fact that I am to lazy to look around the game store and go for one title.
Saints Row 2 - A openworld game like GTA4 but is has much more activities, customization (You can pratically make any person, custom cars, gang, houses), a great story line, vehicles (Attack helicopter nuff said), weapons (Automatic Shotgun nuff said), in total of 5 awesome gangs, online co-op and MM, I can go on for days. Mirrors Edge - A great looking game that has you jumping from skyscraper to another and other obstacles.
A couple RPGs I have seen are Infinite Undiscovery, and The Last Remnant. Both are developed by Square Enix and shown at E3, however I had never heard about them before. Both of them look incredibly interesting.
Ace Combat X for the PSP. For a PSP game, that was fun. It didn't make sense, and it wasn't completely realistic, but it was fun, and that's all that matters, right?
Far Cry 2, Fable 2, and Halo Wars are probably the top 3 games i'm looking foreward to at the moment. Moved to gaming discussion.
Under the Radar games.. Not ultra-hyped blockbusters. Brute Force was a great game, along with Republic Commando. Vexx was cool, I never did finish it though..