Okay, so my last Vector Tracing G&A thread of the Joker made people poop themselves because of its awesomeness; I though I'd share yet another one of my Vector Traces... of Harvey Dent. Here is the original Picture I used: And here is what I did. All done by myself, no help by anyone else. I did not use an auto-trace program, I have done all of the lines and all of the colours. What do you think? D'you regret wearing those nice pants? Also, I still have a couple more that aren't finished yet. Here is the picture I'm using for my next tracing: It'll be a few days before that ^^^ one will be done. As I dont have Flash at home.
Yes and no. I've been doing them for my own amusment and partly for school as a part of research of methods and materials. I only need like 4 traces and I've done 7, with a couple unfinished. My teacher loves them. He's asked me to do one of our principal who's retiring at the end of the year.
lol do it. he'll give you + rep. but honestly these are brilliant. i'm sure they take a lot more time and skill than sig making (unless you're doing some serious stuff with PS)... so awesome job.
I know this sounds silly, but I would add a little red/pink to the burns, atm they just look like shading.
No it doesnt sound silly. That was the part I didnt feel was the best. Just like the edge of his suit, I was worried it'd look too much like camo.
Ohh damn, I have to change my jocks again. Seriously, the work you do on flash is pretty good. I have done it a bit myself and the colours can be a very annoying thing to get right.
have you ever made a tut for this? are there tuts on the internet? sorry for my ignorance.. anyways these are amazing by you.. great job
I dont like this one as much as your others, mainly because it looks like he just has a beard. But either way, I would never be able to do this. So good job, and Ill be waiting for the next.
Damn it linubidix! These were my nice pants too! MOM linu made me do it again with his sexy batman pictures!
Mwhahah I wasn't wearing pants to begin with! lawlz Anyways, That's ****ing sweet... I wish i could do that ... Just something that i noticed though.. Dent's fingernails look a lil dark (I don't have ATD, I swear!!) hahaha